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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Be really interesting to see how this compared to more modern Metroid-likes, Hollow Knight, Ori etc. Reviews seem to suggest it's just as good if not better. Wish my copy had been delivered today, any time now Ninty store....
  2. Brilliant reviews, really looking forward to it. My first Metroid game since Metroid on the NES
  3. ResetEra will be OUTRAGED, not by the choice of Sora, but by... 65 page thread incoming.
  4. I've made the anime swordsman joke plenty of times before but in this case Sora is absolutely the best choice to go out with. You really can't argue with them delivering literally the most requested character. Nice tie-back to Satoru Iwata too.
  5. I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game but I can still recognise that this is a huge and fitting final character that'll go down very well with a huge chunk of people.
  6. You can't have 3 GOTY mate. Yes I can, the G is plural.
  7. For me, it's hard to top putting the Switch in tabletop mode and playing an amazing console Zelda game on the train. I kept the grander experiences like divine beasts for tv mode, but just wandering around exploring was great handheld. That first year was magical, three personal GOTYs in 9 months, BOTW, Odyssey and Mario + Rabbids.
  8. I think it would but ok. And I would hope that the president of Nintendo of America has a bit more common sense than some random person off the street who wouldn't know to round up by 2 months instead of round down by nine.
  9. Sure, but common sense suggests instead of rounding down by 9 and a half months, you round up by 2 and a half.
  10. They're not late, they've literally said this gen will last a while. It's selling like crazy, why would they abandon it so early? Software sales is everything to them.
  11. It was 2 and a half months away from the 4 year anniversary, suggesting another 4ish years = mid-late 2024. But yeah, obviously it's not exact, but you combine that with the comment about wanting them saying on a separate occasion that the Switch will last longer than most console cycles and I think it's worth considering at least.
  12. iPhone 13 mini to replace my 1st gen iPhone SE that I've been using for 5 years. I might give it back though, it's really hard to use one-handed and is it just me who gets a mild headache looking at the OLED screen? I suppose I should try and get used to it
  13. True but they also didn't have to be that specific as they were in the above interviews. They could have just given a non answer like we hope to support to the Switch for a long while or something like that. Anyway, we'll see. 2023 is obv possible, 6 year lifespan, but it wouldn't surprise me to see it go 7 or 8 years. Or maybe there'll be overlap, who knows, but I don't think these rumours (if they're even genuine) are pointing to a new console, but an iterative upgrade.
  14. 9 months ago: "Nintendo Switch is "halfway through its life" - Doug Bowser 18 months ago: Switch Will Have A Longer Life Cycle Than Previous Consoles, Says Nintendo President Nothing to stop them releasing a new console, but keep supporting the Switch like they did with the 3DS of course, but I think the above is important to note. If you listened to people above then Bayonetta 3 is releasing on Switch 2, which obviously isn't the case.
  15. But given that Nintendo have said multiple times they want the Switch lifecycle to last longer than most console gens, an iterative update seems more likely, especially from the way these reports only talk about 4K as the new feature. They're not exactly going to say "yes we're making a new model".
  16. Sounds like an iterative update to the Switch
  17. The Book of Boba Fett release date!
  18. Everyone is different so maybe you would respond to doing that well but it definitely wouldn't have been for me, especially as someone new to anime. The storylines are very similar. Like I said that's my one negative really, the smaller ideas you came up with off the top of your head would be great, but the 9 stories here are all Jedi related because you give a studio 1 story to tell, they're going to go Jedi. No spacebattles either so you can imagine how I felt about that. Each episode also has a 5-10 minute behind the scenes feature in the Extras section, so that might increase your play time. I've honestly no idea. It was spoken from a position of complete ignorance. I know nothing about animation studios around the world apart from the big boys in the West obviously. My point was more because I can't say I love the anime aesthetic a lot of the time (even though a lot of the episodes here are beautiful). My comment was mostly inspired by this tweet:
  19. Enjoyed Visions a lot, some episodes obviously more than others. I'm glad I spread it out over a few days because a lot of the episodes have very similar storylines. That would be my only negative really. I guess when you give an anime studio carte blanche to tell a Star Wars story, they're all going to involve Jedi and lightsaber duels. In order of preference... The Ninth Jedi: Really loved this one, great concept. Would love to see more TO-B1: Very surreal but I had a great time with it. Beautiful The Duel: Another stunner. Amazing animation, action and character designs The Elder: Enjoyed the surreal, creepy vibe of this Tatooine Rhapsody: Enjoyed this more than I thought I would The Twins: Very out there! Cool action. Really terrible and stiff dialogue The Village Bride: People seem to really love this one. I was pretty meh on it. Akakiri: Weird and a bit all over the place. Lop & Ocho: Terrible. Actively hated it. Would love to see a season 2, but give it to some other animation studios around the world please. There's so much potential.
  20. Even putting aside the weird focus on text boxes, the whole trailer was really badly put together. Editing, sound effects etc As someone who isn't really a big fan of Pokemon I was confused why they ended it suddenly after a bag was being thrown.
  21. Platinum'd Ghost of Tsushima. I don't want to spend too long talking about it because I feel like I've lost two years of my life playing this game. Two quick things... 1. There's simply not enough gameplay variety, nowhere near enough. It's a perfect example of AAA devs creating a game based on a storyline or world, rather than centre it around the gameplay. Every mission is literally identical. It's laughable that more reviews didn't call this out. 2. It's also an example of why achievement systems aren't always a good thing. I'm a bit of a completionist, and unfortunately, I felt compelled to 100% this game after enjoying the first 10-15 hours. If this were on the Switch I wouldn't have done every single mission or went running after every single fox , I'd have just played the story, beaten it and moved on, and been left with a much better experience. So I think it's more complicated than just 'achievements = better'. The game was also really grim and depressing. I chose the less bloodthirsty ending because I'd had enough of killing in this game, even though the other option probably made more sense. After the Platinum popped I couldn't exit to main menu and quit the game fast enough. Cool world Sucker Punch, but I don't ever want to spend another second in it.
  22. Yeah looks stunning. I'll definitely pick it up once I finally, finally labour through finishing Ghost of Tsushima
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