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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Wow, that's a big update! Great stuff, the DLC looks really fun too
  2. I played Metroid on the NES 30 or so years ago, but haven't touched any of the others since, and I'm playing and loving this. It gives you a recap of the story at the beginning.
  3. I find switching to Latest Tweets helps keep your timeline on track. If you switch the normal version it'll show a million things you don't care about.
  4. Reading gamers opinions on social media is always a depressing affair. Apart from anyone here obv.
  5. Ooof that second boss fight took a few attempts! Very tough, until you realise that countering is the only way to go with the bigger ones. The game is tons of fun but it's much more linear than I was expecting, at least early on. Though to be fair a lot of Metroid-likes are like that these days, devs worried about gamers getting frustrated and moving on. Only Hollow Knight bucks that trend from what I've experienced.
  6. And yet, you're the only one on this board complaining about the number. And also, you don't know how much they're charging extra, we could go from £1.50 per month to £1.80 a month. Netflix is a standalone product. NSO isn't. Ok, we're done here I think
  7. I don't even know why we're comparing them in the first place. One is the entire all in one product, the other is multiple bits of added functionality onto pre-existing hardware and software. Comparing Game Pass with Netflix sure, I could see that. Oh please. They sell several million, on an install-base of nearly 100 million, sure. Who's to say they couldn't sell even more without Plus. But anyway, it's only 3 games a month. Maybe Sony realised that giving away more than 3 would eat into their software sales? Basically the point I'm trying to make. Sure, you can pick literally the highest profile Nintendo game ever, but how about something smaller like WarioWare or Advance Wars Remake? If someone is getting their fill of 50-100 N64 games. At the end of the day, there is a reason why they do what they do. Many industry insiders around the Switch launch talked about how Nintendo want their players playing new games, not old ones. It's just basic business sense.
  8. It's not a stretch to say that the vast majority of Netflix subscriptions aren't watching at 480p in 2021. You just said "PS4 games sell", to prove that Plus doesn't stop sales. You've no idea how much those free games (all, what, 2 or 3 of them a month?) impact on full software sales. Shouldn't you be saying that Sony should be giving us 50 free games a month, that would increase subscriber counts according to you wouldn't it?
  9. On Nintendo Switch Online. The negatives would outweigh the marginal increase. No one is waiting for Destruction Derby 64 or Pilotwings 64 to suddenly sign up. They know what they're doing. That's not how it works. Compare the package that 99.9% of subscribers of one service (Netflix) gets, with the same on NSO. Yes I am saying that. You give people 100 N64 games to get through and it eats away at the rest of their software sales. What does this mean? "sales of games on PS4"? What kind of argument is that without data to back it up?
  10. £50-60 software sales was so important to them. It should go without saying really. "Why buy WarioWare for £60 when I can buy Paper Mario on N64 for a tenner?" type thing. They know what they're doing.
  11. I'd prefer if the menu screen and UI looked nicer. It's an opinion. You like it, cool.
  12. You're comparing services, at least compare the standard subscriptions. Game Pass is literally Xbox's main product they are pushing. There's almost nothing else that matters to them. Game Pass IS the Xbox platform. The only way they can compete this gen is if they flood it with quality. Nintendo Switch is already wildly popular. And their new software sales are insane. NSO is for the occasional 20-40 year old nostalgia trip. They're completely different circumstances. Believe me it isn't as simple as "add more N64 games all at once" = "more subscribers". Even if that were true (I don't think it move the needle much) it would affect their dedicated Switch software sales, which is 100x more important to them.
  13. Come on, how many are subscribed to Netflix's 480p service? I don't think that's the case at all. Diminishing returns and all that. And if it were true, they'd do it, they're pretty smart. Lots of people on here claimed they should release BOTW and Mario Odyssey on the same day at launch because "that would sell more Switches", but it doesn't work like that.
  14. Isn't Netflix like £120+ a year? Feels weird to compare it to something that's £18 a year. If Netflix cost 1/7th the price and only had a dozen of their best, original streaming shows maybe it would be worth it to some people? Who knows. Anyway, they don't want people having hundreds of old games to play, they want people playing new, Switch software. Apart from Animal Crossing I never play online games. I happily pay £1.50 a month for all the NES/SNES games.
  15. The issue was clear in my original post. I think the UI is ugly and would be right at home on a 3DS screen (ie, gigantic sized fonts taking up the whole screen). If you prefer big UIs then great, it'll work for you.
  16. I'm not sure voice chat and messaging are enough for me to want to pay (over?) double the subscription fee like on the other platforms. But yeah, 9 games seems fine to me, especially as most of those are the biggest ones on the console. Releasing games gradually than all at once is just common sense from a business pov. Keeps engagement up.
  17. Ads have started appearing in Google Maps on iPhone now. You ask for public transport directions and the top result includes a taxi trip with some Uber competitor.
  18. I'll explain to you what it means. This is the UI that is supposed to look at home on a big 1080p tv. It would look right at home on the 3DS' 240p screen.
  19. Really loving this! The character movement, as usual with a Nintendo game, is pretty much perfect, feels so great to run around. The UI is pretty fugly though, it feels like a 3DS game in that regard. Did they just lock off backtracking from the first area after you beat the boss though? Seems a bit weird, I want to go back and get more upgrades!
  20. The Gamecube sold 20 million units, I'm sure they wanted it to last much longer, but reality set in. And product launches are planned months in advance, of course they were going to deny it prior to that. I'm not saying trust them 100% on their statements about longer lifespans but it's something to keep in mind at least.
  21. There goes my interest in the game. Lame, though to be expected tbh. It also somehow manages to make the shocking visuals, even worse.
  22. Just the universal button remapping the Switch has I think.
  23. Metroid’s triumphant return ruined.
  24. From everything I've read it's not harsh at all, the checkpoint system is apparently really generous. Not that I would know, f-in royal mail
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