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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Given all the hype about Last of Us I may need to check it out, even though zombies are a bit of a turn off. Funny you should mention Watch Dogs, I'm actually tempted to start with it. I've never really played an open world game (GTA doesn't interest me in the slightest). I know it didn't get the best reviews, neither did the Order, but I'm not expecting to find either game amazing as such, I'm more curious about the mechanics and presentation, coming from a mostly-Nintendo gamer. Rogue Legacy looks great, def keen to try that. Plenty of PSN games there to sink my teeth into thanks. I'll reserve judgement on Creed until the review for Syndicate comes out, hopefully they've learned their lesson from Unity. The pirate theme in Black Flag doesn't really do it for me (even though I loved it in Wind Waker). Racing game wise I looked at Drive Club but think that Need for Speed would suit me better, it looks really interesting, especially as I'm primarily a single player kind of gamer. I like the FMV stuff in N4S. Will see what reviews say. They should just bring Wip3Out back. There's a few games on Xbox I really want to play: Ori (I'm primarily a platformer/Metroidvania kind of gamer), and Below mostly. Oh and Recore looks interesting, and Cuphead obv. Argh so many games!
  2. Thanks all for the suggestions. Not really a fan of spooky or zombie games so Alien and Last of Us are out, ditto first person shooters and I really don't think the Witcher is my kind of game. I think I would be quite into third person action games with light RPG/shooting elements. I fell in love with Mass Effect 3 on Wii U. So things like Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Order 1886, Creed, maybe Batman seem like good fits. Otherwise I'm very keen to play things like Journey, Resogun, Transistor, Tearaway, Trials and then No Man's Sky, Rime, The Witness, Firewatch, Adrift when they're released. Unless it's a problem from a story POV I'd be keen to start with Syndicate and jump on board the new gen bandwagon. I can always go back and play older games but if I'm getting a PS4 I want something that'll show it off to its full. Thanks will look into Infamous. Mordor seems a little mindless to me so probably not my kind of game even though it's obviously very popular.
  3. I'm trying to figure out what would be the best game to start my PS4/non-Nintendo education with. I'm planning on getting Uncharted Collection (never played any of them), Tomb Raider DE, Order: 1886, Tearaway Unfolded (played and loved the Vita game), Watch Dogs, AC: Syndicate and maaaaybe Arkham Knight, and then smaller titles like Transistor, Resogun and Journey. I was thinking start with a game like the Order then go on to Uncharted but I don't want the step down in presentation to be distracting, which I assume it would be. Any suggestions? I want to start with a bang so the indies and Tearaway, while I'm sure are fantastic games, are out.
  4. This would be worth the price even if it only had this game...
  5. I wish there were more bitesize 10ish hour RPGs. It's what puts me off the genre, I know I'll need to devote 100 hours (including lots of grinding) to it.
  6. I can't imagine these high prices will last. Let's see what Nintendo UK sell them for.
  7. I think the Lorule connection is a bit of a stretch, it could just be decoration, it didn't resemble the upside down triforce that much. I reckon it'll just be forest, temple, fortress, ice, volcano and sky dungeons.
  8. You wouldn't like to see games like Star Fox or Mario Galaxy be given a big AAA budget? I think the reason why everyone's so hyped about No Man's Sky is because it's something different that's being given the same sort of spotlight other AAA games are getting. I take your point though, maybe the reason why AAAs are so samey is because as you say, they're the types of genres that need a bigger budget.
  9. It would be nice to see a big budget AAA game that isn't a shooter or third person action game though. But I suppose that would be too risky, needs to be an accessible, safe genre, sadly.
  10. The media have given this game an 80 on metacritic, back when it was pretty barebones, now that there's a lot more content than at launch 8 months ago, it should be even higher. The realism and depth this game has is astounding.
  11. Ok stretching the definition a tad!
  12. I wouldn't expect it on PS4 any time soon, Xbox are heavily invested in it atm. No Man's Sky is a very different game. It's more arcadey and basic. Elite Dangerous is more of a realistic simulator with what seems like 10x more depth.
  13. Great to see someone else finally say it, Phil Spencer no less. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-one-games-need-to-be-more-diverse-says-senior/1100-6429473/ The AAA landscape does seem over-run with shooters and third person action games.
  14. Are you sure they come with all 100 cards in them and it's not just an empty album you fill up yourself?
  15. I can't imagine anything worse than playing a multiplayer Zelda game and voice chatting with strangers I don't know. The game doesn't have voice chat, that's what the instruction icons on the bottom are for. Anywho... The artwork is really nice, I'm still very curious how single player will work out.
  16. Planetary landings expansion coming by the end of the year! So hyped, looks and sounds great. https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/247https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/247
  17. I only watch IGN Let's Plays. They've convinced me to get plenty of games including Trials Fusion and Darkest Dungeon. I find most other Let's Players too annoying to watch.
  18. I suspect this will be a GOTY contender on IGN by the end of the year. It won't win of course but they're ridiculously excited about it over there and Nintendo certainly aren't half arsing it.
  19. I find RPGs too intimidating to even attempt.
  20. Just completed World 5, this game is pretty special tbf. Every other level just makes you smile from beginning to end. As someone who's only previous Yoshi game was New Island, this feels like such a huge leap from that game. I've decided to ignore the "finish with 30/30 hearts", and just 100% the other three collectables. It's the only way my sanity will survive in one piece.
  21. I'm sure NX is a unified architecture/OS as well, I just think even though the 3DS badly needs replacing from a hardware point of view, they really need to get a new console out ASAP and try and milk as much as they can from this gen as possible. I think home console autumn 2016, handheld the following year. The 3DS has a 50 million install base out there, would be silly to give that up so quickly and their E3 showing was so light on new Wii U games it must mean a new console will be sooner rather than later.
  22. Yeah the soundtrack is top quality, what a monumental step up audio wise from Mario Kart Wii. Mount Wario is easily my favourite (both course and music) but some of the more synthesised ones like Sweet Sweet Canyon are great too.
  23. Zelda at launch and then a big Mario game 6 months or so later would be a pretty safe bet I'd say.
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