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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I disagree. That's also a little different from you saying...
  2. Selling 6 million powerful NX's just to make a point doesn't sound like a great strategy to me. It'd push Nintendo even more out of the picture in the industry's mind. Who's going to buy a super powerful Nintendo console then three years into this gen? Still waiting for an answer. Far better to sell a cheap £99 Wii U-like system that hardcore gamers can pick up as a second console to their PS4/XBO, maybe rope in a few casuals tempted by the low price AND get the usual Nintendo fanbase on board. And if you can also take those NX games on the go and carry on playing the same game on a new handheld, that would be a pretty good USP. I didn't twist your words. You've just reiterated the same point I was making. Of course people don't buy consoles and games for the prosperity of the company. The entire point of this recent discussion we were having was discussing what would be best for NINTENDO as a company, so they can get the most out of this gen.
  3. I think you mean drivel, dribble is what babies or basketball players do. Serebii's post was perfectly fine, just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have a right to tell him to stop quoting you.
  4. What a great way of looking at things. You don't care if Nintendo's next console is a failure as long as you get the kind of games you want. Thank god you aren't Iwata. Look, it's a very simple point. By all means let them try and compete with the competition in the next generation. Trying to compete now, three years in, would be suicide. I just want someone to tell me who is going to buy a £300 Nintendo box at this point in time? Barely anyone I suspect. They fucked up with the Wii U, there's no magical cure this late in the game. Let them sell 20+ million NX's and ride the rest of the gen out.
  5. A lot fewer actually. Casuals won't touch it, especially now that they can play 79 pence mobile gaming. Hardcore gamers already have a powerful box that gets third party games. That leaves just hardcore Nintendo fans, which is an even smaller market than the 10mil Wii U has sold. It just makes no sense. Releasing a super cheap 'second' console with a decent gimmick that casuals, hardcore AND Nintendo fans will buy makes so much more sense.
  6. I think you're reading too much into that term. Iwata only used in the context of an announcement about mobile gaming.
  7. That Link looks like he's from Mighty no.9
  8. Again, who is going to buy a £300 Nintendo box mid generation? Releasing that would be absolute madness at this point in time. It would sell worse than Wii U
  9. Awesome thanks very much for that. Even though it sounds a tad limited, coming from someone who plays Nintendo games 95% of the time, it'll be nice to be able to enjoy a nice cinematic adventure like these 4 games. Tomb Raider is another game/series I'm thinking about getting into, the one from two years ago and RotTR. Out of curiosity how different are they to the Uncharted games? From far they seem to play pretty similarly?
  10. Looking forward to playing the Uncharted games and 4 in particular looks incredible. What's the gameplay like though, I sometimes get the impression it's often just interactive cutscenes, mixed in with a bit of shooting, would that be fair?
  11. If they release Zelda for Wii U, it'll probably be outstanding. If they release a new Zelda for 3DS it will be held back by the desperately old tech. That's my point, the hardware is much more of a hindrance to games on 3DS than on Wii U. As for third parties, I think that's a lost cause from now on unless Nintendo strike gold like they did with Wii.
  12. Doesn't stop me from commenting that we've seen those types of games hundreds of times before. I don't need to have played one to notice that. (and I have played a bit of COD) It's not like saying that at all. I'm not playing COD because so many others do, I'm not playing COD because it's not my kind of game. I'm not a fan of steak, therefore I won't eat it. (well I'm a big fan of steak but you know what I mean)
  13. If only Black Ops 2 wasn't a generic iterative FPS we've seen a thousand times repackaged in lots of similar ways. Splatoon is something totally new and different and that makes it must have for me. Plus comparing the two is like comparing Mario Galaxy with Tomb Raider.
  14. I completely disagree. Generally speaking there's nothing wrong with the Wii U, it's just not selling. The 3DS on the other hand is hopelessly outdated tech and desperately needs a replacement. The screen resolution in particular is just painful in this day and age. Basically they both need replacing for different reasons.
  15. Just because they've always released a year after announcing doesn't mean they will in this case. I think the point is they want this out asap. Plus if the console is a super cheap Wii U-based machine, it shouldn't need too much time.
  16. I played Mass Effect 3 on Wii U having not played the first two games. It became one of my top 5 games of all time and I was absolutely gutted to have skipped ahead. Then those bastards at EA told everyone at E3 they're not releasing the one remastered collection everyone actually wants
  17. Nosey? I've just never understood people who sell their consoles and then buy them again at a later date. Makes no sense. Just keep the console and therefore, don't lose money!
  18. I think Nintendo is a lot more relevant nowadays than it was in the Gamecube era, mostly thanks to the big success of the Wii. But I agree it'll need a hook, I'm sure there'll be one.
  19. Exactly. No one will buy an expensive high powered Nintendo console mid generation, the thing will be buried before it even launches. Low price, more sales, bigger install base is what they're targeting I'm sure.
  20. Have you considered just keeping your consoles instead of selling them all the time? Surely you lose money each time? Apart from when they're gifted to you I suppose. I'm just curious why anyone would sell something they know they'll probably re-buy in the future.
  21. The picture album is a nice idea
  22. If only my Splatoon thread ban was only 48 hours [/jk][/notreally]
  23. Quantifying it as a way of illustrating your point is a paper thin defence. Calling someone a prat isn't as bad as suggesting someone can fuck off, but then again, you're the one preaching about the importance of being civil and me telling someone to fuck off was in error because I didn't read the OP properly. Anyway it's not a big deal, just another example of inconsistent modding, IMO. If I had called someone a prat I'm in no doubt I'd have had a warning.
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