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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Because the Wii U fans don't feel the need to go over there and troll the PS4 ones? Someone said it recently that the Wii U is ridiculed every so often on the Other Consoles boards, yet no one bats an eyelid. Perfectly fine over there, but not here. That sums the double standards and hypocritical nature of the board.
  2. I don't post to rile him or to troll him. I post to challenge his bull$hit and correct him when necessary. This is a man who said he promised himself he would never buy an indie game out of principle. Come on!
  3. Civil? Your original post said that this thread would get ugly and personal. This is typical of the double standards. One person (a mod I might add) calls a poster a retarded child, but when said poster defends himself in a topic you yourself gave us half a license to get things off our chest, he's threatened with a ban. It just doesn't make any sense.
  4. There are definite double standards on here and it's what winds me up the most. You shouldn't be called a retarded child just because you have the nerve to criticise the PS4's library of games on this (ironically) Nintendo board. I bring it up when it's relevant to the conversation and the Wii U gets it far worse by others anyway.
  5. That's putting his behaviour mildly
  6. I'm not saying they're no longer welcome here, but there's a huge amount of hypocrisy going on here. One set of gamers is allowed to shit over Nintendo, but when the opposite happens, all hell breaks loose. Sincerest apologies. My mistake I was getting you confused with @Eddage. I take back the fuck right off thing.
  7. Being told to f off is nothing compared to your abusive behaviour the other day.
  8. I apologise for the voice chat thing, to @kav82 especially. The above kind of posts were more in jest than anything else though. I did get frustrated that a thread about a new Ninty IP, something totally unique, was getting pummeled with pages upon pages of the same circular arguments about voice chat. No issue with people being disappointed and voicing (ahem) their displeasure, but when you got to the 19th page of the same things being said over and over, all whilst the game itself was being harshly ignored, I felt I had to speak up.
  9. It sounds to me like nerves are being struck whenever I ridicule the PS4's library of games (which has happened what, half a dozen times in the past year?). The Wii U gets shit on constantly, 447 pages of abuse to be exact. The fact is non-Nintendo fans hang around here to shit on Nintendo, so don't be surprised if some people post an alternate way of looking at things. I bring the PS4 up when the discussion opens up, as it did the other day.
  10. Well said that man. As others have mentioned, the place is quite toxic because you're mixing Nintendo fans with non Nintendo fans. The Wii U thread in particular has just become the most hateful thread I've seen in a while, filled with lapsed fans just shitting all over it. There's a clear divide and it's obvious in the names that crop up in the "Thanks" posts get and how they're grouped into the fans and the non-fans. The Other Consoles board isn't toxic because Nintendo fans don't go over there for the purposes of shitting all over the PS4 or XBO, unlike what happens here on the Nintendo board. That's why there are no arguments there. The other day someone mentioned that the Wii U occasionally gets brought up and laughed at on the Other Console threads. God help anyone who brings up the PS4 on the Nintendo board though. You get called a retarded schoolboy for your trouble. @Happenstance can fuck right off with that pathetic post the other day. We were in a general Wii U thread, where the gaming industry as a whole is brought up all the time, and the subject of Wii U games looking similar came up. I saw nothing wrong with bringing up the undeniable sameyness of the other side of the market. A few nerves were struck and this place exploded. As for my issues with Wii. The man is a living caricature of the the most entitled, immature gamer there can be. I appreciate the work he puts in posting links, videos and articles but the rest of the time I find the utter bull$hit he posts very very hard to ignore, and I'm keen to challenge his insular views.
  11. Did anyone happen to spot if there was a restock for Pac Man or Villager? Looking for a second one of those two and they're currently sold out
  12. This is probably a small thing but I noticed when using the tank/skell in a city in Xenoblade you could literally walk right through lampposts or other cars. It was massively off-putting and seemed very lazy.
  13. Good news about the same sex inclusion, and it seems Nintendo has learned their lesson from the whole Tomodachi Life disaster.
  14. D'oh, I assumed they'd have put it on there by now. Seems it's out soon enough at least.
  15. Something about the Princess being cursed to wear a hideous dress, so enlists three heroes to find better ones or some such bollocks like that. To be fair, it's more in-keeping with Zelda's medieval roots than bloody robots and trains.
  16. So I assume if you've ordered 1 on the Nintendo store months back, you can't now order a second of the same one? It's one per customer lifetime, not just 1 per order right?
  17. Yeah, great isn't it? Loads of restocks Managed to finally get a proper Little Mac. Not missing anyone now.
  18. Ok thanks, as long as I can play Journey for the time being that's fine.
  19. Is there any kind of Virtual Console on the PS4? I would like to play Wipeout 2097 on it and maybe one or two more PSone games
  20. I remember finding some of the puzzles in Starfox Adventures to be more clever than what Zelda has to offer.
  21. Yeah could do that, thanks but I think I'm happy to wait for the backwards compatibility on XBO. Or I could play it on PC, but the thought of using a mouse and keyboard is pretty off-putting. It sadly doesn't have controller support Then again it would be in 1080p with improved visuals, hmmmm.. Nah not expecting much from the remastered games, I'm planning on getting a PS4 anyway for 4 so may as well play them all on there. Thanks though
  22. Complaints from PS4 fans on gaf that this game is being sent out to die by Sony, for a second time. Barely any mention of it and no advertising at all. Massive shame, the Vita game was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I'll definitely pick this up when I get my PS4.
  23. Always good to hear more Mario 3D World love, completely agree on it being the perfect blend of 2D and 3D. And you still have Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong, Captain Toad, Kirby and Splatoon to play! I haven't started Kirby but the other four are excellent.
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