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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I'm with you. The actual reveal of the gameplay itself was such a disappointment after the excellent E3 gameplay "trailer". Also the combat looks ten years old or like something you'd see in Minecraft.
  2. What do you have to be smug about exactly? Pokemon Go is a phenomenon. The popularity of Red and Blue are nothing compared to this.
  3. For the record, I never compared it to 3D Mario games. I may give this game a try if it goes on sale, and see what someone who didn't grow up playing Banjo Kazooie thinks of it.
  4. I'm sure the characters will be memorable, the writing funny, the controls responsive and all that. I just don't think the game looks that fun. It feels like a relic from when 3D platformers were still in their infancy and could get away with basic gameplay like this. The New Super Mario Bros series at least has quality gameplay to fall back on, does this? It also doesn't have tutorials every 5 minutes like this seems to.
  5. Having watched the above I have to say I just don't get the appeal. I love platformers but I just don't see what's so fun or interesting about this. It looks like a shallow collect-a-thon. The whole thing just seems very dated to me and I suspect will rely pretty much excusively on nostalgia for good reviews. Obviously it's only a tech demo sandbox, but I was bored after about three minutes, so will probably give this game a miss.
  6. Sounds like a good idea
  7. These next nine days are going to pass very slowly. I wonder how long it will take to reach the centre of the galaxy on a typical playthrough. In Elite Dangerous which is modelled after the actual Milky Way it would take about 2000 hyperspace jumps which I hope to do sometime
  8. Revelling in people's disappointments. Classy. It's still brilliant fun and a worldwide phenomenon.
  9. Glasses-free 3D gaming on the go was a very cool innovation tbf and I'll occasionally use it, but in hindsight I would have just preferred a higher res screen. It's a cool selling point though and probably helped shift a few million units
  10. Very sad for Sean, he must be pulling his hair out. Definitely time to go blackout until release. This is the definition of a spoiler-free game to experience.
  11. There's no way they would go 540p. Maybe only for the handheld and the tv would output the game at 720/1080 but even then. I think either 720p handheld/1080p TV or 900p for both.
  12. I must have missed these 540p rumours, can anyone shed any light?
  13. Very exciting news, I was 100% sold on the NX rumours before but this takes it to another level. It's looking like seriously impressive tech with a very clever innovation behind it. Throw in doubled-up first party software and I'll be there day 1
  14. I thought it was really enjoyable and a big step up from Into Darkness (no planet sized plot holes for one). Visually it was pretty spectacular too and the crew interactions were great.
  15. Sure but then your thumbs would be at an awkward angle surely? Maybe I need to try one in person, but it doesn't look like the most comfortable device to use.
  16. Based on the fact that they don't have to split their first party offerings two ways and can focus entirely on one platform, which should mean double the number of games the Wii U had. As for Metroid, 1080, F Zero, Wave Race, Excite Truck.... I would love to see those, but Starfox is a bigger IP than most of those and it didn't even sell 1 million.
  17. A very strange time to release Rebel Galaxy, last month would have taken the shine away from NMS and this month it'll be buried by NMS. I suppose maybe people will think it'll convert those on the fence about NMS to pick it up maybe
  18. That looks so uncomfortable to use, there's nothing for your hands to grip on to!
  19. Third parties will come back to Nintendo when Nintendo hardware starts selling, as with the Wii. From the sound of this thing, it has a better chance of selling than a super powerful PS4/XBO clone, IMO.
  20. The Xbox controller that you can customise in various colours looks fantastic, it's such an obvious idea in hindsight I'm surprised it took any of the big three this long to offer it.
  21. I think releasing an expensive PS4/XBO type console and trying to compete with them would be tearing itself a new hole.
  22. I'm getting quite excited by the potential of this thing. Apparently the price will surprise us all (in a good way), I just hope they make the hardware look too cheap.
  23. Started playing this today, and as a massive Star Wars fan, I fell in love pretty quickly. Never played a Lego game before so the progression system, mini hubs and collectibles were very confusing at first (and still are to be fair), also the game does a terrible job of explaining things to you, which doesn't help. Regardless, absolutely loving it. Visually it's just beautiful, and the voice acting is superb. Really feels like I'm interacting with the film. Also the Tie Fighter assault on the Finaliser was more exciting than Peppy's mission in Starfox Zero IMO, though the Star Wars thing might be a big reason for that. Also it would be nice if the map had a legend, no idea what any of those symbols are. I guess I'll figure out the way the game is laid out eventually...
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