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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Of course not. But next time don't say something like When that clearly isn't the case. Nintendo games have far more broad appeal. Sales wise Nintendo software does very well.
  2. Mario Kart 8 sold more than Bloodborne, Uncharted 4 and Driveclub COMBINED. Which do you think is more appealing to western audiences? Mario 3D World sold double what Uncharted 4 did, the PS4s flagship title. Software appeal is far from Nintendo's problem.
  3. Yes, that's usually how it works. Fan of game buys game.
  4. Yep, Splatoon selling 4 million and outselling Bloodborne and the Order combined has no appeal to western audiences whatsoever. No one cares about the 7+ million selling Mario Kart 8. A 2D platforming level creator selling 4 million copies, MEH, why bother? 5 million people bought 3D World by mistake because clearly it has no appeal to western gamers. Ditto the 5 million selling Smash Bros Wii U.
  5. I disagree. Splatoon, Xenoblade, Starfox, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin 3, Metroid Federation Force, Zelda and Mario 3D World are wildly different games, to name just a few. A multiplayer online shooter, an RPG, an arcade style space shooter, a cartoon horror game, a strategy game, a first person team based shooter, an adventure game and a 3D platformer. 3rd parties support Nintendo consoles with platformers and puzzle games because they sell well on Nintendo machines and are cheapter to make than a gritty FPS or openworld game.
  6. In terms of first and second party output, there's no issue, especially when you combine 3DS and Wii U software. Third party software is and has always been the issue, and that's where you find all the shooters and western RPGs/openworld games, and FIFA.
  7. Great, so we're agreed. They develop a huge number of genres, but they need third party support to plug a few gaps. Gritty shooter and openworld collect-a-thon being the most obvious.
  8. Nintendo develop the most diverse types of games in the industry, that list that H-O-T put up proves it. Most developers concentrate on two or three genres, not 24.
  9. Why on earth was it deleted??? I just assumed I hadn't hit the post button or something. What was wrong with claiming it's taken three updates to get a basic feature like folders.
  10. Should make the home page less of a mess
  11. Not surprised. Whenever a release date for a big game is announced I always add another 6 months on top of that, at least.
  12. Where do you guys find the best exosuit upgrades? In the various buildings? I'm finding quite a few +1 slot upgrades in drop pods scattered around the various planets.
  13. Ah ok, and how do you distinguise Upgrade A V1 with Upgrade B V1 ?
  14. Wii and Wii U have online too. The Xbox 360 was when Microsoft got online spot on, on their second attempt. Let's see if Nintendo can do it on their third, altough they're after a very different market.
  15. Sorry can you explain that again? I have to admit I've never even noticed V1, V2 or V3. All I've seen is tech that is either Sigma, Tau or Theta quality.
  16. In terms of serious online support, NX will be the third console. Microsoft took two consoles to get it right.
  17. The more scripted mission objectives this game has the more I enjoy it. Currently following a trail of about 6-8 star systems. I can't decide whether I like the way there seems to be a settlement every 5 minutes or not. On the one hand it's something to do but on the other, it makes the planet feel less real and lowers the specialness of finding building and aliens. Tricky balance I guess.
  18. Yeah the starship designs are lovely
  19. Here's what started it all. I suggested... and then included 24 genres. You then replied with a snarky demand for extra information just so you can scrutinise... You then said... Just to correct you, it isn't a MINIMUM of three games per genre, it's an average. Some will have 1, some will have 5. I then argue that the games HOT listed were first/second party exclusively and that asking Nintendo to release more than the above is asking too much. You then come up with another arsey response, whilst simultaneously adding nothing to the discussion And now we're back here... You did, see above. I never said you did. You initiated the hostility though, out of nowhere. Thank you for dividing 77 by 24. For the hundredth time, I think that on average 3 games per genre, in 24 genres, is a more than decent return in 5 years given we're talking about 90% first party games that Nintendo develop themselves. I really don't think it's a very controversial thing to suggest. All of this, because I DARED suggest that the collection of first/second party titles on Wii U and 3DS are a diverse range of games (with a couple of gaps).
  20. I demand a Captain Toad NX, make it happen Ninty. The portable aspect would be great for a game like that
  21. I don't think we're talking about the same game, I was talking about Captain Toad. It was described by Nintendo as a mini maze adventure a while back though now they seem to have it down as puzzle/platformer, which it is tbf.
  22. FFS, the discussion centred around Nintendo's first party offerings!! How combining their in house output from 3DS and Wii U would create a massive library of games for one system. I suggested that the list of core games that Hero-of-Time put up was very diverse, genre wise. Not rocket science. There are a couple of gaps admittedly, but if you want a realistic shooter or a gritty openworld grind fest you know to go elsewhere anyway.
  23. Your point focused on quantity and how at most 3 games per genre wasn't enough. My argument was that that list was exclusively first or second party titles, making it more than acceptable. Throw in third parties and indies as @Sheikah bizarrely suggested, and the list would be even more extensive. Your snark and flimsy reasoning and arguments are the real top notch contributions here. Nintendo's first and second party offerings are very diverse, far more so than the other two hardware manufacturers. The obvious problem is that their third party offerings don't measure up. That's the genre Nintendo gave it
  24. Wow this game is getting ripped to pieces by IGN's review in progress. It's a real shame, but I can understand their complaints.
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