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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Great news! It was obvious that was going to happen.
  2. I'd rather Nintendo have the architecture that's right for them. If that means similar to the competition great, but if not, who honestly buys a Nintendo console to play COD or Madden really.
  3. Sony just announced when their September event is, a month beforehand. Makes sense that Nintendo will want to wait a couple of weeks to put a bit of distance, so any day now...
  4. Don't BUY antimatter! What a waste of money, just get some carbon, heridium and a few other things and craft it yourself.
  5. You think 14 months to wait for a new console sounds good? Wow. Give me 6 months from reveal to release any day. Congratulations you managed to top even this... when it comes to stupid posts. Three wildly successful consoles and one dud. Classic arrogant Nintendo.
  6. Yep, arrogant Nintendo. Let's all hate, agaaaain. They held back the Wii controller until very late on, and rightly so. Sony and Microsoft shamelessly copied them shortly after with laughable results. The motion sensing Sixaxis was a joke, likewise Move and Kinnect no one used till they finally ditched it. I know the industry can be a bit entitled at times, but I see no reason why 6 months from reveal to release isn't perfectly acceptable. Apple reveal and release within a month after all. 6 months sounds perfect for a games console. The Wii sold 100 million units, the DS 150 million and were both worldwide phenomenons. The 3DS has destroyed the Vita. The only dud is the Wii U. Yep, classic, arrogant Nintendo.
  7. Thank you. The last time I mentioned the two other consoles were full of shooters everyone jumped down my throat. It's perfectly fine to say the Wii U is full of platformers though obviously. My point in all this is very simple. I believe Nintendo make a wide range of games and genres, some of which you simply wouldn't find on store shelves on other platforms, (short of their eshops). They make fantastic games and having all their resources devoted to a single platform is very exciting. Instead of making two Mario Karts, they can make one Mario Kart and one F-Zero. Instead of 3D Land and 3D World they can make 3D World and an exploration Mario game. Etc. The depth of the content in their various genres should increase. I for one am excited.
  8. You're missing the point again. I'm talking about breadth of genres from Nintendo's own studios. You're talking about quantity of titles on an entire console.
  9. Charming. The only people trying to cause trouble are the ones trolling with snide gifs instead of reasoned conversation. And mods belittling people and their posts out of the blue. I never said it was. This entire conversation started because @Hero\-of\-Time put up a combined list of 3DS and Wii U first and second party titles and I was suggesting that combining them bodes well for Nintendo games on NX. Someone then moaned that Nintendo's games themselves aren't very diverse. I suggested they were, and argued that as a developer Nintendo offer the most varied types of games in the industry. That's all.
  10. EA say Andromeda is on track for Q1 2017 but I just don't believe it. There's no way it'll make that date. A ME:Trilogy Remaster (FINALLY!) to soften the blow of another delay announcement might be a good way to do things.
  11. You mean like... or snide gifs that people post instead of reasonable conversation? Shooter, openworld rpg shooter, shooter, openworld, shooter, shooter, openworld rpg, openworld shooter, shooter, rpg, openworld rpg, sports, openworld action, shooter, openworld action, shooter, openworld action, shooter. And people think Nintendo games lack diversity. *insert snarky gif here* I never said there was. I said that Nintendo create the most diverse set of games of any developer out there. It really isn't that controversial a thing to say. I've said from the beginning that what's saving the PS4's library are big third party titles and it's what's clearly missing from Nintendo's.
  12. This place man, Nintendo just can't do anything right can they. This thread and the Wii U one, it's just constant whinges and complaints about everything. Even positive comments cause uproar, genuinely good news gets shouted down and belittled, whilst vaguely negative comments on the PS4 thread get deleted. The NX reveal can't come soon enough, not that I think it will change much sadly. There's a huge breadth of games on their console, that's been proven, made all the more impressive because they come from a single developer. If any console is lacking variety I would say it's the competition, who are rescued by indie games and download titles. Retail releases though all I see on PS4 are shooters, openworld action games, sports and a few RPGs thrown in. They make up the bulk of retail releases. COD, Fallout, Overwatch, GTA, Doom, Destiny, Witcher, The Division, Battlefront, Bloodborne, Horizon, FIFA, Batman, Battleborn, MGS, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry....... thank god for indies.
  13. Comparing Nintendo to Disney is slightly more appropriate than comparing them to the entire film industry I suppose, even though Disney are about 5 times the size. When Nintendo create so many different types of games it's only natural some genres will remain thin on the ground in terms of quantity. They have lots of platformers, lots of RPGs, lots of puzzle games, that's what sells on a Nintendo console. Point me to a (single) developer that's made 5 different brawlers, or 5 different arcade space shooters like @Fierce_LiNk is suggesting. No Metroid, but we got Donkey Kong Country instead. No F-Zero but we got Wonderful 101 instead. No Zelda, except the one that looks incredible and was the biggest talking point at E3 by far.
  14. And they're all from different film studios. Nintendo is one developer. Sure it would be great if they created five different racers, five different brawlers and a dozen different arcade space shooters per generation, but that's just slightly unrealistic. Nintendo themselves create amazing games, in a variety of different genres, with more diversity than any other developer out there by far. The problem is and has always been in recent times, a lack of third party support.
  15. Does anyone know if using black holes will stop you from doing the Atlas path or are there still Atlas interfaces closer to the galaxy centre ? I'd like to mix both paths and do them at the same time if possible.
  16. Ouch Tough to disagree really, though I'm still really enjoying it.
  17. YEEESSSSSSSSSSS. I've been holding off playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 for two years now hoping for a remaster. I was just about to give in and play them on PC! Brilliant news, FINALLY.
  18. Nintendo have said March yes. The Eurogamer leak seemed to break the industry for a week or so. Well the industry and canand.
  19. Can I ask how long the Atlas quest took you? Would you consider that the main storyline of the game? I've got two Atlas stones at the moment, how far in would you say I am (without spoiling how many there are). I keep wondering if I can mix heading to centre with the Atlas storyline to sort of keep the interest going rather than finish it early.
  20. I can't believe how misleading that CG trailer was. This game isn't what I was expecting at all. Should have known never to trust a CG trailer, rookie mistake.
  21. Not once did I say that. You said that Nintendo software doesn't appeal to Western gamers. That isn't true. Why are you separating Nintendo fans with western gamers? They're part of the same group.
  22. I really didn't put those statistics up with the intention of having them picked apart. Of course they're just vague numbers and time scale comes into it. I only did it to disprove the theory that "Western gamers don't care about Nintendo games". The reality is they sell extremely well, far better than most big AAA games that aren't called COD, GTA and FIFA. I should have realised that daring to suggest Nintendo sells a lot of games would have caused such uproar on here. Silly me for being positive.
  23. Why don't you provide a comparison that's actually fair... if you're using SM3DL, SM3DW, MK7 and MK8 then the equivalent would be COD:AW and COD:IW and FIFA 16 and FIFA 17, games in the same series. Again, those are all from a multitude of developers. If we had been talking about the entire industry then I could have included Sonic Racing Transformed, Fast Racing Neo etc. For a single developer, I think the broad categories of games that Nintendo put out is admirable and merging their software output to cater for a single system is exciting. That's all.
  24. They're not made by the same developer. This entire conversation has been about Nintendo's first and second party software line-up and how combining their 3DS and Wii U output bodes well for NX. My point has always been that as a developer, Nintendo have a clear style, but they use it in a huge variety of genres.
  25. Oh dear. Even when proved wrong you still try and push your agenda. I'm using sales to prove that their titles appeal to western gamers. If they didn't, they wouldn't sell in the west. Simple really.
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