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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Was anyone else surprised they positioned the Pro as part of 'this generation'? It sounds to me that PlayStation were surprised by just how upgraded Microsoft is making Scorpio and they decided instead of trying to match it they would release a half arsed PS4 upgrade and go all guns blazing on PS5.
  2. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy. I certainly saw nothing tempting by the PS4 Pro. I just found it strange that that's all PlayStation had. It was just boring and poorly put together. But as you say, very pleased from a personal POV. Surprised the new PS4 isn't cheaper though.
  3. I can't quite get over how awful that presentation was. Very disappointing. Nice to see Mass Effect gameplay though, finally. Though it was basically just a few rocket jumps and interacting with a few buttons. Looked beautiful though.
  4. Wooooo Netflix app!! Just what we want to hear about. On the plus side, Mass Effect looks amazing. The applause is incredibly awkward though, one or two people clapping. Yeesh.
  5. Did they forget to switch HDR on in that Day's Gone demo?
  6. This is pretty painful so far. Is this the same team that made the E3 presentation ???
  7. No need, they can borrow the one marked 'PS Vita' from Sony
  8. That's not a valid comparison. Phones are upgraded every year. Consoles are upgraded every six or seven years. The equivalent to Playstation cutting their upgrade cycle in (over) half if it comes out later this year would be a 4-6 month upgrade cycle on phones. People aren't annoyed there's a new iPhone revealed today because they've always been released every year. Anyway, we've been asked to drop talking about PS Neo...
  9. Stop what? Discussing Playstation Neo in the Playstation Meeting thread? Sure, if you insist...
  10. Ok, now let's pretend that one year, out of the blue, Apple release a brand new and heavily upgraded iPhone, four months after their last one. THAT is the equivalent situation to PS Neo. People would be annoyed, and they wouldn't be 'idiotic' for it.
  11. The irony of calling half of gaf idiotic, and then coming out with this yourself. But no, mobile phones have always seen an annual release, at the very least, so it's very different.
  12. Really? Judging from gaf when it was first getting leaked there were plenty of annoyed fans, it seemed like half the thread was people angered by it.
  13. Still not hyped in the slightest for the Neo, still feels like a slap in the face. It'll be interesting to see Sony's messaging tonight and how they smooth over the negative feelings towards this thing that a big chunk of PS owners have.
  14. The topic Hero-of-Time and I were discussing was about having enough time to fix issues after an initial reveal and whether 6 months was enough. Nothing more, nothing less. Xbox DID fix their initial issues. No one is annoyed at Microsoft because of their no used games trading because they backtracked on that. Their console isn't a shambles after they did a 180 on the whole entertainment hub priority. Simple. It may not be selling as well as PS4 but their about turn and damage control was well done. They also won loads of positive buzz by bringing in backwards compatibility a year or two later, a win over Playstation. Sure it may not be used a huge amount, but it was positive messaging after a troubled initial reveal. And it's not up to you to tell me what I was talking about with someone else, thanks.
  15. Thank you. That was the topic we were discussing, fixing issues from the initial reveal, which Microsoft did. Obviously it wasn't enough.
  16. As of April the PS4 had 54% market share, Xbox One 28% and Wii U 18%
  17. I forgot about them backtracking away from Kinnect. I was actually thinking more about their flip flop around trading used games, and the whole 'entertainment hub' aspect of the console, at the expense of the gaming itself. Both of which were corrected pretty quickly, especially the former
  18. Xbox One's reveal was shambolic and they turned that around within the 6 months from reveal to release.
  19. That's certainly the main worry for me. It's a big shame it's not ready for Christmas but oh well
  20. All I'm saying is that given Xbox One did it in 6 months and PS4 did it in 5-9 months before, 6 months isn't so unusual, especially in this day and age of short reveal to release windows for new tech. Yes Nintendo don't just release the same console but beefed up like the others, but 6 months is plenty of time to explain and build hype. IMO.
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