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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I also think that Mario 3D World is the best 3D Mario game Nintendo have produced, but I'm clearly in the minority on that. It may not be the most adventurous or innovative, but in terms of gameplay and polish, it was fantastic IMO.
  2. And pages and pages of "god Nintendo are so stupid, why doesn't this clearly local multiplayer game have online" etc isn't boring? Rummy was the one suggesting their games this gen weren't revolutionary. It's all a sadly predictable reaction from one article daring to be positive about the Wii U and Nintendo.
  3. Since when does every sequel need to be revolutionary and/or re-invent the wheel? If anything Nintendo are well ahead in that dept, regardless of occasional games this gen. I thought Pikmin 3 was fantastic and clearly the best in the series. Ditto, Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros, not bad for a supposed failed console.
  4. Silly me for trying to inject some positivity, not sure what I was thinking. To me Kav, the games they listed as some of the best of this generation, are amongst the greats. We obviously see things differently.
  5. Fantastic games could have been more fantastic, yep you're right. We've all heard the negatives about the Wii U and its library, many times.
  6. Jared is just too overbearing for me, especially on Game Scoop, where he now sadly seems to be a permanent fixture. He can't stop talking and dominating the conversation and I think his 'lovable weirdo' persona is a little bit faked. I find him incredibly annoying, to the point where I actually skip ahead on Scoop whenever he gets into his one of his ten minute monologues. Jose is no more a fanboy than other IGN-ers in their respective podcasts, but he's definitely not afraid to criticise Nintendo. I actually think he has far more insight and level headed thinking than Jared. My problem with Jose is his obsession with time keeping and wanting to move conversations along.
  7. I just wish IGN would stop shoe-horning Jared into every single video they make. I can't stand the man.
  8. Great news about RE:7. Ditto the release date leak, I was getting worried BOTW wasn't an NX launch game.
  9. Quite staggering how the NX has managed to build up crazy levels of hype and anticipation in the industry, even though Nintendo have barely said two words about it. Speaks to the power of the brand I guess.
  10. It had to be the white block you can drop down!
  11. What was the point of the "Other NX" thread again? I'd put down a pre-order for PSVR if, you know, there were actually any decent games whatsoever for it. I'm certainly not shelling out £350 for 10 minute "experiences" that'll get old after a few days. When VR has grown up, that's when I'll dive in. I know at least three mates who think the same, and they're all really excited for NX. Nintendo's first party big guns have been quiet for so long I can't wait to see what they've been cooking up the past couple of years. When they do eventually reveal the NX it should be pretty fantastic, fingers crossed.
  12. Well anyone who hasn't pre-ordered a PSVR already isn't getting one on release, the PS4 Pro is coming after the NX reveal and if people haven't bought an XBO yet, I doubt they'll choose that over an NX just because Nintendo are taking their time to show it. And speak for yourself, some of the games this gen have been my favourite Nintendo games ever. 3D World, MK8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Captain Toad...
  13. Until they do a huge reveal blow-out of information, games, hardware details and everyone completely forgets how long it took them to do so, and revels in the fact that it's only five months to release.
  14. There's such a thing as engendering goodwill in your userbase, something Sony had been doing so well at this generation until the neo leaks hit and the "Playstation Meeting" horror show. So yes I stand by my point, it's a half arsed 4K machine at a time when few people have 4K TVs, doesn't play UHD Blurays and who's HDR trump card will be available on both other PS4s = unecessary. If we're looking at it from a cold business point of view, it'll make Sony a bit richer so yes well done them, must be a good idea after all. Fair enough, 3-4 million sold would higher than expected. As I said, I'm pretty ignorant about sales figures hence why I didn't suggest a number to begin with, until repeatedly pushed to do so. I'll stick with my predition that it certainly won't "clean up" this Christmas, and won't do big numbers.
  15. Being a gamer in 2016 should give you all the cynicism you need. Release dates in the gaming industry are a joke these days, everything gets delayed on every platform. Fingers crossed the NX makes it for March.
  16. Good news that Emily Rogers is "100% convinced" NX is still coming in March, shows they're on schedule.
  17. I never said it was a waste of time on Sony's part. They'll obviously make a few quid from it, but as a product/strategy, I find it stupid.
  18. Nintendo should call all their Directs "meetings", it'll quash any criticism
  19. Oh please, it's not a U turn I just have no idea about console sales and figures. As Shorty says, it works both ways, why don't you provide a figure of what you think it will sell then? If I had to guess from a position of ignorance, I'd say maybe 3 or 4 million by the end of the year I guess? I just don't think it won't sell particularly well because, as anyone with two eyes would see, it's a very hard sell. What utter, utter nonsense and so typical of the ultra defensive on here. I love my PS4. Watchdogs, Tomb Raider, Tearaway, Rocket League, AC Syndicate, The Order, Trials, Journey... all fantastic games that I enjoyed very much. I'm critical of the PS4 Pro and the PS4 UI, that's about it. I still prefer Nintendo games, they stick in my mind a lot longer and place the emphasis on gameplay, but as a system, I think the PS4 is fantastic. Just because I don't bow down to everything Sony do like some on here. If Nintendo had done such a piss poor presentation as that Playstation Meeting they would have gotten slaughtered on here for it.
  20. So Nintendo is offering something new with the NX, unlike the PS4 and Xbox One which were just more of the same. Fine. So what? How much time do you need to explain a handheld that plugs into a tv? Times have changed since 1998, reveal to release for hardware tech happens much quicker than it once did, and given Nintendo's competitors have a habit of stealing their ideas most gens, it's not that hard to understand them wanting to keep this one close to their chest. 5 months from reveal to release, suits me fine. It's exciting that when we do find out about it, we won't have to wait long to get it. It's stupid, but really, who cares. People are making a mountain out of a molehill and I somehow doubt the Splatoon competitors are in any way upset. They're probably pretty chuffed actually.
  21. And I get the feeling that no matter how poorly it will do, you will hype it up as them "cleaning up" this Christmas. I've no idea how many units they'll sell at launch, but the fact that few people have 4K TVs and the terrible reaction from Playstation Meeting suggests it'll be very niche. It's just a luxury product that's just a bit pointless for the majority of people, certainly ones who already own a PS4 and only have a 1080p TV.
  22. It certainly won't sell big numbers, but will make Sony a few extra quid, which I'm sure was the aim while they prep PS5.
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