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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. What does this "Nintendo aren't relevant" thing that keeps getting trotted out even mean? Pokemon Go, the E3 queues for Zelda, Super Mario Run making a bigger online splash than the PS4 Pro on the same day. As for NX, I suggest you look again, there's a massive amount of hype and anticipation. If no one cared we wouldn't get a new "leak" every other day and Papa John's wouldn't get "NX?" tweets in reply to their monolithic pizza box image.
  2. Wow. I'm surprised that thread was given the ok to continue. Given all the grief I got for complaining about the PS4 Pro I was almost tempted to start a similar 'Other PS4 Pro' thread for the purpose of whinging about it and ban people from participating, but I didn't want to stoop to his level. Quite why someone would feel the need to start a negative thread for a Nintendo console that hasn't been revealed yet on a Ninty fan site is beyond me.... Far from unprovoked. When he's not posting snide remarks and snarky gifs to me he's telling me I'm not welcome in a "Negative NX" thread, whatever that is. He claims he welcomes opinions but he really doesn't. I could be wrong but it seems a lot of big nintendo fans have left/hardly post. I've gotten PMs from a couple suggesting as much. It's a big shame, there's barely much love left here. Yep I'm being bullied, by regulars and mods alike but I'm not too bothered. I fully admit in hindsight I bullied Wii so I can't really complain. Thanks for the support though, you and @Kaepora_Gaebora
  3. I'll never understand people who prioritise a console over the games themselves. I don't care about the hardware as long as the games are great. The games are great on Wii U, and far more preferable to me than the equivalents on PS4, so I couldn't care less if it's not as powerful. This obsession with power in the industry just leads to the same type of games being released over and over, just with more detail, better textures etc. Who cares! This, but don't let that stop another dig at Nintendo. PSN (when it works) has lots of users though, whoopee. Never mind that half those numbers probably only play COD and Fifa and nothing else.
  4. It has its place in history as a game changer. Sure no one plays it anymore, ten years on, but no one plays Mario 64 and no on doubts how much of a big deal that was.
  5. Do you think people will be talking about Rez Infinite in twenty years time the way they talk about Mario 64 and Wii Sports now?
  6. Great! And I suggested there would be shortcomings. But it does help having party chat enabled and lots of users? They were after all the two points you used to illustrate your point. The former has to do with a switch that Nintendo don't want to flick, for whatever reason, and the latter has nothing to do with power.
  7. You suggested how great things would be on PS4, stating two positives. I suggested a counter-argument, stating two negatives. Both points were as "grown-up" as each other. @Clownferret made the following point: He spoke of power, and how a boost in power wouldn't have made Mario Kart 8 any better. NOT the services, NOT the amount of users a console has. POWER was his point, a point which I agree with, having the graphical capabilities of the PS4 at its disposal would not have made Mario Kart 8 a better game. What point was he trying to make? That PS4 has some positives that would have benefited a Nintendo game? The point I was trying to make was that there are some negatives that would have hindered a Nintendo game. If he's going to say "look how many PSN users Playstation has", as if that really matters, then I think it's fair game to comment on how often PSN goes down. As I said above, @Clownferret's original point was about the graphical capabilities of the consoles, so no, I'm not even sure what point Ashley was trying to make with regard to that.
  8. Yep, and it would have brought it's own problems and
  9. The difference is WiiSports was actually fun; it was the killer app that took the world by storm and sold the concept perfectly. VR Worlds is a mishmash of forgettable experiences. The fact people are being charged £30+ for what is basically a tech demo is pretty ridiculous too. When VR finally gets a killer app, like a Mario 64 or Wii Sports etc that sells the concept I'll dive right in, but whilst the tech is incredible, so far the software is just too experimental and forgettable for me to pick one up.
  10. Now I can only speak from limited experience, reviews and what others are saying, but VR Worlds sounds like it's in no way of the same quality or addictive-ness as WiiSports. Neat little experiences for sure, the London Heist one especially, but they're basically pick up, play once, forget. I played the Ocean Descent and the Heist one at EGX, both were pretty cool, but I would never go back to either after a first playthrough. And those are apparently the two best games! I do think they're a good intro to VR though, and should have been packaged for free with the unit.
  11. The first Paint Star had 6 levels attached to it. Doing the maths it doesn't seem like there are enough levels remaining to match up with the number of big paint stars left. I hope the rest of them don't feel rushed, the pacing for the first was perfect.
  12. Yeah I remember that part. If they can secure top billing for the Christmas period that would be huge. It may even be the reason they're releasing in December, (not to mention right around the time people get iPhones for Christmas)
  13. New skins as IAP would be cool. Yes I'm pretty sure Apple have never done this notification sign-up thing for anything else.
  14. Just got the first big paint star. It's impossible to go two screens in this game without laughing or grinning inanely. It's also easily one of the prettiest games I've ever seen.
  15. I imagine Apple will promote this like crazy. A lot of people have been suggesting a price for the full game being closer to £6 if not more, which I'm quite surprised by. I would obviously be happy paying that much for it but I suspect it would make them more money if it was close to £0.79 (or whatever the cheapest price is on the App Store). If they want the casual market it has to be the latter IMO.
  16. Then just tell us how it is, like that ^, don't speak in riddles and act like a smug know-it-all.
  17. This. If nothing happens this week his credibility will be zero. Mostly because of the smug "I know something you don't know" attitude.
  18. The bright red background and white 'Nintendo' text really looks good. Serious nostalgia but it also works well in 2016. No wonder they're starting to change their branding back to this look.
  19. This game is just stunning and so much fun to play. Nintendo games are usually polished but this takes it to a new level. All the little touches and details add together to make a truly stunning world. Loving it, and I'm only three stages in!
  20. You can push boundaries with each console without being obsessed with power. The PS4 Pro is a typical example of horsepower being the driving force of the industry, and the reaction has been mostly negative, calling it pointless. As @King_V says better graphics are all well and good but if all each iteration of a previous title in a franchise has is better graphics with no new ideas and games are the same thing over and over then surely that's not healthy. At least PSVR and VR in general is giving us new ways to play and fresh ideas, which the industry seems to badly need IMO.
  21. I played Mass Effect 3 for the first time on Wii U, and not once did I think urgh I wish this looked more impressive. Devs know the scope of a console, Nintendo should be applauded and seen as inspiration to the industry by making games that look and play so good on more modest hardware. Gameplay comes first after all, or at least it should do IMO. Because it has games that look just as good if not better than the competition? That didn't stop PS4s from selling at launch. Knack ?? It may have been the case in the past but these days launch titles are rarely much good, people buy consoles expecting a good lifespan, rarely to play a must-have launch game. Look at PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, PSVR etc. If Zelda Breath of the Wild is a launch game the NX will at least have that killer game in its armoury.
  22. I don't understand why this matters? Wii U games look fantastic, isn't that enough? Why is the industry so obsessed with POWER. The games look stunning, that's the important thing isn't it?
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