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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. i'm really trying to get ZombiU done so I can start this. It sounds great and the film is one of my favorites.
  2. don't get me wrong, whilst i understand no voice chat online, excluding it from private rooms is plain stupid. I'm not defending that aspect whatsoever.
  3. you've all fallen into the "PS4 has sold more therefore it's better" trap AGAIN. Some of us were chatting about this whilst playing FIFA at the weekend, every console discussion invariably ends up as defending the PS4 because it's sold more and justifying how bad the Wii U is because it's sold less. Both consoles have plenty of faults but I've been amazed how patient PS4 owners are and how every bad thing about PS4 seems to somehow end up being a rant at Nintendo. Somebody posted the other day that the charging cable was too short , meaning you had to sit right in front of the tv and one was response was "well at least it's not the gamepad" Even when we were playing FIFA and the voice chat kept cutting out, every body was so chilled "oh PSN is down again, this happened the other day" yet the vitriol aimed at Nintendo is brutal.
  4. Nintendo don't put voice chat in games because they don't want kids/families being exposed to obscene language, it has nothing to do with technical capabilities or being out of touch. And as a gamer and a parent of a young gamer I can completely understand it. Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up and there is the great irony... Nintendo consoles aimed at kids piss of the adults who are too immature to play them.
  5. do it, it's a really great game. I got the Premium ZombiU bundle at launch and only started playing the game a couple of weeks ago and that was only because I wanted to play it as a a kind of warm up for Alien on PS4, but it is a very good game. I'm in my 26th survivor, so will go back through it again in a few months and try and keep it to single figures. losing all your items, especially at the wrong time can really fuck you up. Sometimes 6 bullets and a cricket bat are no match for a bunch of zombies, no matter how stealthy you are.
  6. I didn't realise Monday's were the official team day. Can I buy Fifa points to improve my player? He's sooooooo sssllllooowwwww
  7. i took it slow and it made a big difference. Killed the crowd by the petrol station with a flare and molotov. Now stuck in the nursey. Have been through once and ended up outside on the metal staircase. Went back in and can't find the keycard, then something very peculiar happened, I opened a bathroom cabinet in a dark room, and it kind of switched to 3rd person view and all i could do was look around but couldn't move or get out of that screen and in the end just turned the console off, which is a ballache as I don't know how far back i will have to go.
  8. Nintendo Land as a Wii Sports type demo game was great and should have been bundled with every console. It's certainly not a game I would go out and buy. However, if they (like Wii Sports Resort) released an updated/improved sequel with online and voice chat it could be a great game.
  9. i've got really stuck on this. I died right at the top of the Tower just as the helicopter was arriving, then died with my next character trying to retrieve my backback and now I'm stuck on my way to get petrol for the generator. Have died about six times with about half a dozen zombies coming at me and all i have now is a pistol with 6 bullets. Am i right in saying that my Zombie at the Tower will be gone now that I've died more than once. I had so much weaponry. I have not played it with headphones but imaging it would be terrifying.
  10. and fix PSN and stop making controllers that disintegrate.
  11. i'll log on shortly and create my pro
  12. i'm in which pretty much ruins any hope of success I'm afraid as it will be my first foray into Fifa since 13 on the Wii U about a year ago. I'm only friends with lostmario on ps4, is it easy to join a game?
  13. i had to consult the manual to find the power/eject buttons and the disc drive, one sleek machine.
  14. Count me in for some fifa tonight or tomorrow, yet to play the ps4.
  15. heads up to anybody looking for additional PS4 controllers. Gamestop currently have them for £36.99 with free postage, which in the current climate is a very cheap.
  16. As a new owner of a PS4 it's been a very underwhelming experience thus far. It's been a complete lottery getting online, freezes up a lot, controller disconnects and can't reconnect - all of which results in turning of the PS4 and rebooting. Extra controllers are crazily overpriced (although that seems to be a temporary issue whilst the shops are exploiting all the new owners) Cut scenes in COD AW look really good, but in game play doesn't look that much different. Hoping when I start playing Alien it will kick start my PS4 adventure in earnest, but until then and PSN gets sorted it's been the Wii U that we've been reverting to over Christmas.
  17. i have set up my user and linked it to my PSN account. Ferret Jnr has also set himself up as a user, but can't log in to my PSN. He wants to be able to play games as his own user rather than being logged in as me. How do i do this? Do i have to create another PSN account and if so does this mean i'd have to pay a separate £40 for PS+ I'm hoping I can just link them the same way as the Wii U
  18. coming last in the mario kart league. that's it thread closed, nobody can have a bigger gaming regret than that this year
  19. It hasn't effected me too much but it's still a shambles especially considering it's a paid service. As for those CNUTS at GAME. They have put the cost of all dualshocks up by £15 since Christmas. Exploitation at it's very worst, unbelievably there were still people buying them yesterday.
  20. Do Sony extend the PSN contracts for all this down time?
  21. It would be a travesty if tennis, golf, bowling, boxing, baseball, driving, shooting etc games were to revert to analogue controls completely. I would certainly not play another golf game that didn't use motion controls.
  22. £55 is starting to look like a bargain, GAME have just put the camo ds4 up to £69.00 the robbing bastards
  23. In fairness to @Serebii he's a Nintendo Fanboy on a Nintendo forum (I can't see the problem with that), who spends most of his time defending himself/his hobby against the actual biggest fanboy on this forum @Sheikah who does nothing but trash everything Nintendo does and is a cancer to every conversation that takes place, however he seems to constantly get away with it because his circle of friends seem to be the moderators.
  24. Read the last 10 pages. Is it any wonder? Imagine you've just bought a Wii U and find this "Nintendo" forum and all it does is slag off the Wii U non-stop.
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