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Everything posted by Jon

  1. That's a pretty good website. I always assumed my calorie intake was supposed to be the usual 2500 for men but is in fact a lot higher, explains why I can lose weight fairly easily when I can stick to it I also had no idea that 60 mins of walking burns off 300 calories, a surprisingly high amount.
  2. The final ball wasn't the best today but everything else was pretty good. The scoreline flattered Sunderland, not much could be done about Larsson's free kick and apart from Cattermole's header; they didn't threaten at all. I'll take the victory and hopefully with a slightly easier fixture list ahead, we can build up some confidence.
  3. Heard this on the radio earlier for the first time in years. It always makes me immensely proud of my Scottish heritage whenever I hear it. It's also a popular song to end a party up here!
  4. Mine turned up at about 6:30, I've still never received a dispatch email or text.
  5. I'm glad you guys got yours, I didn't. The Vodafone eForums are loltastic at the moment, Vodafone just seem to be telling everyone different thing. Many of the staff said if you ordered before Wednesday at 6pm, you'd get one today. I ordered mine on the 7th and i've heard nothing, not even a dispatch email. What fucks me off is that the've taken their money yet didn't have the decency to tell whether it was going to come today. I've wasted the whole day waiting in for it and am not highly amused.
  6. Apps and Books yes, Music was only added today.
  7. iTunes in the cloud is nice. The ability to download past purchases is long overdue.
  8. I'm aware of how it works, I just meant I personally didn't have much use for it.
  9. I don't see the fuss with BBM. i've had a Blackberry for 2 years and never used BBM once. I don't see the point, having unlimited texts anyway.
  10. We were shit, all we ever do is put in brave performances. Whilst I never ever expected to win, everyone knows the quality of Spain and we showed them far too much respect, gave them far too much time on the ball and refused to put any kind of a tackle in. The only way to beat these sort of teams is too either be able to pass like them (not many can) or hurry them up and continually press them. Ironically, the few occasions we went forward we troubled them, was just too far and few between. This game was always going to be academic, the damage was done in previous matches and once again we fail miserably to make a major finals.
  11. Nice to meet you, do you know James Dyson?
  12. That would explain why my Blackberry refused to search google this morning. No matter, it'll be on the scrap heap come Friday.
  13. Caldwell isn't a centre half, he's too good for that. He's an unbelievable passer of the ball and sometimes that gets him in trouble because he doesn't just clear the ball. On a few occasions when he played at Celtic, he was played in the holding midfield role and he was brilliant at it. He could stop any incoming attacks and start counter attacks pretty quickly. He's still our best centre half and to be fair he has adapted more to the role as he's gotten more experienced. Charlie Adam is essential to the way we play, you saw that as soon as he came off on Saturday, the ball started going backwards a lot more often. Fletcher was poor but we know about his class and he normally always brings it when it's need most in the big games. I don't rate Morrison at all, he just doesn't seem to do anything but run aimlessly with the ball. I thought Mackail-Smith had an excellent game and he should be kept up front regardless of wether Miller is fit or not. Although Levein is madly in love with Miller, so if there's chance he could lay, he'll no doubt play.
  14. Aren't you Scottish? we get them for free (unless you're not in Scotland obviously lolz) I've never understood the need for electric razors. I've always found a wet shave gives you a better finish, although it may be down to my perverse love for the smell of shaving foam.
  15. I'd imagine it had a deep impact on Tim. From a lot of the material i've read, they were very good friends and Jobs from early on had him earmarked for a big future with the company. I don't think for a second Apple waited to announce his death but they obviously knew it was very imminent. Let's face it, if they had come out all rosy and filled with laughter, everyone would have slaughtered them for it when they found out Steve Jobs had died. It's easy to say he's obsessed with work but it's not exactly shelve stacking work is it. The everyday life he lived is a pipe dream for everyone else. What's to say he didn't enjoy life to the full towards the end? he's always been an insanely private man, I fail to see why he'd change that as he got closer to death.
  16. Hah, That's why I tend to prefer Ice Hockey. There's none of this rolling around on the grass (There is no Grass), they just use their fists to settle and argument
  17. A true legend. A very honourable man, who valued his privacy and family above everything, just one lesson many could learn from him. RIP Steve.
  18. I'm absolutely all in favour of technology, it works in every other sport (Rugby, Ice Hockey, American Football, Cricket, etc) and only serves to better the sport and stop so many wrong decisions. They keep pandering on about technology not being compatible with football and not tying in with the image of the beautiful game. Bullshit, football is absolutely no more a technical sport than any of the others and it needs to be implanted yesterday. As for the handball rule. In my view, the whole ball to hand/hand to ball argument is far too generic to cover all the bases. The Van der Vaart goal is a perfectly good example of that. Did he mean to control the ball with his hand? No, I don't think he did but he did gain a clear advantage from doing it. The ruling should be applied in the same way any other foul is judged. Whether it's deliberate or not is not going to answer all the questions that could be posed.
  19. My fitness has gone to pot over the last few months. Been dealing with lingering concussion symptoms that just won't go away. I can be fine for a few days, manage to get a few good runs and workouts in and then all of a sudden the headaches and dizziness come back. It's really not a nice feeling, it's almost like your seeing everything a frame slower than you should be. Unfortunately there's no quick fix. It will go away, there's just no timelines.
  20. I'll go white. Back when I had the 3G, I always remarked how little fingerprints showed up on the white version that I had in comparison to the black version that my sister owned.
  21. I've been due an upgrade for a couple of months, so this will do me. One question remains however. BLACK OR WHITE?
  22. Saw that one from the Mail last night. More trustworthy reporting from our finest prints.
  23. I did a 12km run for the first time last night since tearing my calf muscle. It was a bit of a struggle but I manage to power through. Gonna give it a bash again on Thursday and Saturday, get my fitness back up to where it was pre-injury.
  24. The more you read about the original trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, the more you wonder how the fuck they ever got found guilty in the first place. The supposed evidence they had didn't actually link any of them to the crime. It's all the more baffling when you consider that the guy who did commit the crime got his sentence reduced by 14 years because he said sorry. Just goes to show how screwed up the Italian Justice system is.
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