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Everything posted by Jon

  1. It's their league, i'm guessing they have some input into it.
  2. Aye, that definitely sounds a little dodgy. Take it back to Apple and get it sorted/replaced.
  3. Terrible scheduling today from the FA. I know they have to be fair but with both Manchester sides having played on Tuesday, they could have played the early kick off yesterday, therefore allowing me to watch Arsenal today
  4. I'm getting about 50 hours between full charges. That's with Facebook, Twitter, Messages and Music open all the time. As far as usage over that period, a decent amount of texts and maybe 5 hours of listening to music. I've got the screen on auto-brightness.
  5. I'm noticing a similar thing, even without much use i'm getting about a day and half of usage before it's panting like an OAP hill climbing.
  6. People surely realise what to expect from comedians, it's not exactly a new thing is it. On a side note, I detest Gervais. I find more laughter in a piece of bread.
  7. Just takes time, all the defenders are class on paper, just taking time to build that understanding. Coming together at a time when confidence was at an all time low didn't help things. I'm not getting carried away but our centre backs seem to be getting better and your lots getting worse (Ferdinand and Vidic)
  8. Plus the fact that most of the folk from Wigan prefer the odd shaped ball sports
  9. I loved how the club announced the attendance against Sunderland as over 60,000. Judging by the empty seats that were a plenty, that was some serious bringing of the truth going on there.
  10. With some very un-likeable players. Gary Caldwell being captain says it all really
  11. In France, it's a illegal if you're a trained first aider and don't assist at the scene of an accident. /off topic.
  12. Of course it has, and not just in China.
  13. Yeah, i suppose that's true. It's just sad that something like that has become 'normal' for people. It's easy to say that seeing that would fuck you up but if you've grown up with things like that happening around you, it would become norm. I suppose it's a sign that the majority of people in this thread are disgusted by it, shows how fortunate we are to be born where we have been.
  14. Hah, I googled N-europe earlier on my iPhone for the forums and that was the second thing that came up too.
  15. That was shameful, and as far as I could see there was no reason for it. Hopefully UEFA will throw the book at them. Perhaps the club will ask the fans to turn their backs to the game for the whole match and not just when they score.
  16. Of course it happens, it would naive to think it doesn't. Although i'd imagine those sort of things happen quite regularly on a daily basis in China, judging by the way people just nonchelontly just walk past. Can we really say the same thing about Western society?
  17. I enjoy it for what it is, not for what it isn't. More? Why not.
  18. That's unbelievable. I just can't imagine that happening in this country. I mean it's not help like in the form of someone asking directions but she's actually just been run over and is dying and people are just looking at her lying there and driving off. Even if it was my worst enemy I couldn't just ignore him lying there. The again it's China and nothing that happens in that country surprises me. Many people over the past few years have been inprisoned for trying to help people like that. The country has no ethics, so there's no point in trying to humanise it.
  19. It all goes to show how sophisticated the human body is, one week you feel like you're gonna die and the next week you're running further and feeling really good.
  20. Generic Birthday Message.
  21. I now feel so un-exclusive.
  22. I picked it up in HMV, their version apparently being an 'exclusive'. It's a tin case and has code for an 'exclusive costume for Batman: Arkham City'. Excuse the crappy picture.
  23. That's a pretty good website. I always assumed my calorie intake was supposed to be the usual 2500 for men but is in fact a lot higher, explains why I can lose weight fairly easily when I can stick to it I also had no idea that 60 mins of walking burns off 300 calories, a surprisingly high amount.
  24. The final ball wasn't the best today but everything else was pretty good. The scoreline flattered Sunderland, not much could be done about Larsson's free kick and apart from Cattermole's header; they didn't threaten at all. I'll take the victory and hopefully with a slightly easier fixture list ahead, we can build up some confidence.
  25. Heard this on the radio earlier for the first time in years. It always makes me immensely proud of my Scottish heritage whenever I hear it. It's also a popular song to end a party up here!
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