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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Remember people, 29th for St Jon
  2. I'll normally use whatever gel I have to hand, i generally just style it downwards. My hair is currently green at the moment, so I dont worry to much about style.
  3. BTW, Shenmue II on the box of X has by far the worst controls in gaming history, but 'spose if your a big fan you'll get over them (I did)
  4. Probably something by Mr Vai, Stairway isn't really the best for showing off. As for pedals, I use to just play through a Boss metal zone and Noise Supressor bu i've since got one of he orignal vintage Ibanez Tubescreamers which fucking rock.
  5. When i get a shot of a video cam, i'll make you sorry you were born boy
  6. Would be a cold day in hell before you outplayed me
  7. Now now children, we all know I'm far superior to the both of you anyway
  8. Being struck by lightning when I was 6, made me appreciate life a lot more and the people in it.
  9. That would be one way to describe her.
  10. One thing that I would like to stress about practice is that it doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent. So make sure what your practising is correct.
  11. The correct spelling would be prequel.
  12. I haven't had a dream in about 5 years.
  13. First bit of advice, YOU DO NOT NEED A TEACHER. Some of the best guys have learned themselves, the idea is to develop your own style and ideas, not copy someone else.
  14. I find it quite surreal looking back on when i was kid, how much I loved christmas. I always used to say I would never grow out of it, now its just another (expensive) day.
  15. Why must every singer/songwriter be compared to James Cucking Funt.
  16. I got an P990i, so Apple can take a run and jump.
  17. Afraid not.
  18. But the power of OSX will give you so much more than any other mere present could offer you.
  19. You have a question?
  20. Why the present every family wants, their son's undying love and affection.
  21. They are available for half the price at a certain other online shop.
  22. Probably nothing, I have everything i want.
  23. Its a lot more than a minor difference, first impressions are key and playing the Wii with shitty composite cables is not the way to go.
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