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Everything posted by Jon

  1. It's people like this I would quite happily shoot in the balls, then pour acid down their throats, stick pins under the fingernails and then run them over with a plane.
  2. Audio Been listening to this John Mayer song a lot lately. For some reason is fills me with a strange sense of optimism. Which is a great achievement, i'm normally a cynical bar steward.
  3. I think a lot people forget that The Simpsons is still a normal US network TV show. Most of them go down the shitter after 2 seasons, never mind 20.
  4. With that record she'd probably struggle to get a super-license needed for F1.
  5. Superman vs Doomsday. I'd like it.
  6. This is where I have problems believing the kid is his. I mean i know Puberty can start at that age and it's different for everyone, but i'd doubt his cock could fill a creme egg let alone a 15 year old slag girl
  7. I meant hair dye, not actually cutting it yourself. Though if it's just a simple clippers job, the fairy snuff.
  8. I was gonna post it in there, but then I thought about how it was the most interesting part of my day. I've achieved a lot. I know...
  9. Exactly. I don't understand all these people who pay obscene amounts of money when you can get it off the shelve and do it yourself. It's not exactly difficult.
  10. What did you get done exactly?
  11. ...... I thought only women payed double figures for a haircut?
  12. People just realizing this now? Listen to Motson when England won 5-1 against the Germans. He had more shots than in any of the football being played.
  13. Looking to buy a new 32", been out of the tv game for a while now, what's good nowadays? Been looking at the new Pioneer Kuro LCDs, the reviews are pretty encouraging. Obviously not as good as the plasmas but very good for LCDs especially the black levels.
  14. I'm not too sure man. These would still keep you pretty busy (was before the spawn).
  15. She was recently up the duff, but I believe that only boosted her already generous assets. After a bit of research I see what you mean, perhaps she has put on a bit of beef. In the right places of course.
  16. Gotta love Bendtner, I'm very sorry to see Adebayor injured as we need him fit and to be playing in the league," he told the Daily Mirror. "But it does not really matter to me who is fit and available. "I should start every game, I should be playing every minute of every match and always be in the team." Arshavin shot to prominence with a series of sparkling displays for Russia at Euro 2008 and his signing earlier this month was seen as a major coup for Wenger. However, Bendtner admits he had no idea what all the fuss was about. "I've never seen Arshavin. I did not watch Euro 2008," said the Dane. "I've no idea what sort of player he is."
  17. That's the reason i've never gotten into them. I'm very anal when it comes to collections and if I'd ever miss an issue i'd have turned a similar shade to that Hulk fellow.
  18. Was flicking through channels and Ugly Betty was on. I never realized what a cracking rack Salma Hayek has.
  19. John Lewis is a good bet for TV's. They aren't the cheapest but they will match any price (check the massive thread over at AVForums) and they give you a 5 year guarantee for nothing.
  20. Yeah, it's my 4th highest played song on iTunes. It's a little cheesy, but I listened too it a lot when I was moving house.
  21. Gonna take a couple of months till I get it. I'm counting down the days.
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