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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Speaking of football. Just got back from 5-a-side and i'm soaked. it lashed it down for the 2 hours we were playing. Felt like I was wearing one of those skin tight tops. On the way home I had quite possibly the most random conversation i've ever had. We some how went from talking about the Chelsea game, to whether any of us split up our coloured glass and clear glass when recycling. So do you?...
  2. As I said, that is for the old instruments.
  3. Agreed. When she was performing at the Brits, I'm sure she had something up her nose.
  4. Rock Band 2 is finally coming to PS3 at the end of the month. Though to confuse everyone, Sony are releasing RB2 packs with the old instruments as well as the new ones, which no prices have yet been revealed for.
  5. Don't forget Explosions In The Sky Plz. Rite Bye.
  6. Apparently my room smells like a brewery, or so i've just been told. Can't smell anything myself though. How I do love a relaxing Sunday after a hectic night on the tiles. Just a day of chilling before the start of another working week.
  7. Fucking awesome night. Spent it yapping to this fine lady. After a while the time came 'to get one's coat'. So, i looked in my wallet for some erm armour and I was out Ran in the toilets to the machine, but by the time queue was over she was gone Oh well. Plenty more fish in the sea.
  8. The best i've ever seen was probably Bruce Springsteen. The guy is pure entertainment, always put's on a top show. Other notable shows were REM, Rolling Stones and OneRepublic.
  9. I'm much the same. Appreciate them, just can't stand Bellamy's singing.
  10. Oasis won best british band! Have they actually listened to their latest album?
  11. I believe the line is:- "Let me hear you say this shit is bananas, B A N A N A S"
  12. The Inter game was a pretty tight affair. Utd had the best of the first half and Inter the second. Thought the young full-back for Inter played really well against Ronaldo. The ref was definitely a bit bias towards Man Utd, everytime one of them went down they got a free kick.
  13. Nothing can defend the atrocity that is 'Hollaback Girl'. The rest of the album ain't too bad though. Is there another artist that evokes such respect from just the mere mention of his name than The Boss? I think not.
  14. All this gentlemen stuff doesn't wash with me. Luckily the only serious relationship I had, we split everything and she hated being treated like a little princess. One of the things I noticed before my parents split up was half the arguments were about who does what, I guess that's the same for a lot of married couples. If a girl expected me to fit the whole bill on a night out they wouldn't be hearing from me again. Don't they watch the news? There's a Recession happening.
  15. The Notebook So my sister made watch this. Before it started I had the typical guy reaction. It's a lame love story that's been done a million times over. Apart from the over cheesyness at the end, I though it was great. It also helps that Rachel McAdams is stunning.
  16. Try this one. Go to the bar, place an order and drink it. Repeat this until inebriated.
  17. The Girl Next Door i love me a little teen dramedy every now and again. Oh, and Elisha Cuthbert, great acting. She can move next door to me anytime.
  18. Good day. Finally finished off the DVD cabinet I've been building over the last couple of weeks. pretty happy with the final product.
  19. Anyone ever listen to James Taylor? I always remember his cassette being played in the car on family trips. Got his greatest hits , and all the memories are coming flooding back. Bloody great writer of songs he is.
  20. Broken - Audio Everything - Audio So I've started listening to Lifehouse again after hearing them on the radio at work. Went back and got all their albums and have been listening to them all day. It was back all those years ago when Hanging by a moment came out that I first got into music, because of this band. The above two are probably my favorite, although there are so many more.
  21. For some reason I read this thread title as 'Phil Collins Equals Bad Memories'.
  22. I take it you actually mean Michael Rosenbaum?
  23. My brother often likes taking the piss when phoning me at work. I'll go through my spiel on answering the phone and he'll impersonate some prick of a customer. It's often goes on for a long time.
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