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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Nah man, we get the whips out at my work all the time.
  2. I bet it's just a facde, as soon as the guests are gone the whips and chains come back out.
  3. It actually works quite well. I've written lines of complete jiberish that the iPhone has managed to change into a coherent sentence. Although, sometimes it does miss out fairly easy words.
  4. You need to set up the tv for use with the remote. There's a code for every make of tv that needs to be entered. http://www.satelliteonline.co.uk/sky_remote_codes.htm
  5. Don't get me wrong, Blink aren't going to win the mercury music prize anytime soon. I just find it interesting what people class as musically good, when they have no idea how even play an instrument. I'm not trying to act as a fanboy for Blink here (I like them, but I'm under no illusions.)
  6. You like what you like and I like what i like, which is cool. Fair dues, Blink aren't for you but it does annoy me when people will slate a band when they don't really have any idea what goes in to making a song. Don't get me wrong, i couldn't write a song for shit but I know how music works and it just grinds my gears when people instantly dismiss something as crap.
  7. Do I have the album? No Have I heard the album? Yes What the fuck are you on about? The question wasn't aimed at you, don't you ever get bored of just flaming for the sake of it. Actually, scratch that mate. I wouldn't mind hearing some of your music OW. Being that Blink can't write a decent tune, i'd like to hear what you've come up with. What instruments do you play?
  8. Right on bro. They were probably my favourite band growing up for exactly the reason you stated. I'm also wondering how you equate having good musical taste with Cyndi Lauper
  9. My god it's feckin freezing. It was -12 when I got up this morning.
  10. One way i've found to get a bit of a female attention on a night out is to wear a hat. God knows why, but people seem to be naturally drawn to you if you've got a hat on.
  11. Looking at the length of your hair in that picture, you've got absolutely no need to be using straighteners. A little bit of gel/wax is all you need to style it.
  12. I take it both your mates own straighteners?
  13. Well it is compared to my previous flowing locks.
  14. A haircut. Got a number 3, great to have hardly any hair again.
  15. Baggy doesn't really work. You want to be covered but not at the expense of quick movement, so just wear some normal sport trousers and a jumper underneath. Remember to wear gloves, nothing stings more than paintball to fingers.
  16. At least you got a birthday thread. Have a good one aynways.
  17. His second album is Heavier Things, it's not bad but probably my least favourite. If you check it out, I'd recommend 'Daughters' and 'Clarity'. He also does a mean cover of Tom Petty's 'Free Fallin'. Audio
  18. You listened to any other John Mayer Coolness? Continuum is a big departure from his previous albums. there's a lot more blues on that album than any other, it's probably more pop orientated as well. That said 'Slow dancing in a burning room' is one of my all time favourite songs. Room for Squares (his first album) is probably my favourite, It's very easy listening stuff. You should also check out the stuff he did with the John Mayer Trio, more bluesy stuff on that.
  19. Christian Bale apologizes “It’s been a miserable week for me. I know I have a pottymouth, everybody knows that now. I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief, I was way out of order. I acted like a punk, I regret that and there is nodbody that has heard that tape that has been hit harder by it [than me]. I make no excuses for it, it is inexcusable and I hope that is absolutely clear.” “One thing that has really disturbed me throughout this is I’m not familiar or comfortable with this notion of being a movie star. I’m an actor and I’m don’t quite know how to handle [the movie star thing]. The thing that disturbs me so much is that I’ve heard a lot of people saying that I seem to think I’m better than anybody else. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I’m a lucky SOB. I never forget that and that is why I put so much into what I do and I care so much about it . Sometimes that enthusiasm just goes awry.” “I am embarrassed by it and I regret it. And I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, ‘Have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely?’” My respect for him as gone up a lot after that. Yeah, its the usual PR rescue move but it at least reads like it's something he came up with and not one of his people.
  20. I've made £20 the past few days from giving people a push up the hill in their cars. Who knew living on a slope could have such advantages.
  21. Av - 6/10 Sig - 9/10 - The world looks so pretty.
  22. Jon


    This was the view last night This is the view from bedroom window right now.
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