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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Higher res image of Keldeo
  2. I hear you guys My life in a nutshell :p Good luck @Ganepark32
  3. Online Co-Op
  4. Probably December Meloetta will be next year and Genesect the following. They always release these yearly. Arceus came almost 3 years after Diamond & Pearl.
  5. #647 Keldeo has just officially been revealed For those who don't know, Keldeo is the fourth in the "Muskedeers" which feature Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion. It's a Water/Fighting-type legendary and has a special event in Black & White where it gets its unique move. In legend, it was orphaned during the war between humans and Pok?mon and got raised by the other three. Japanese release this summer
  6. Welcome to old age, my friend :p
  7. Ah yes. The news I forgot to post here. On March 15th, registration opens up on the Global Link's Global Battle Union for the special 2012 International Challenge. This is a WiFi tournament, and the first of the tournaments to be accessible to everyone in the world at the same time The actual tournament is done from March 21st to March 26th. Once you've registered on the Global Battle Union, you'll have time to log a team into the Battle Box (check the PC in-game for that. You can store 6 Pok?mon in there.) and then it's accessed in the Battle Tournament bit before entering the game. The rules are Double Battles Level 50 or above (Pok?mon reduced to Level 50 but not brought up) No two same hold items Pick 4 of your 6 Pok?mon for each battle Following Pok?mon not allowed: Mewtwo Mew Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Jirachi Deoxys Dialga Palkia Giratina Phione Manaphy Darkrai Shaymin Arceus Victini Reshiram Zekrom Kyurem Moves not allowed Sky Drop Dark Void The ranking system works in a similar manner to the Mario Kart ranking system. You start off with 1500 points and, as you win, you get more points and lose, you lose points.
  8. It's snowing in Bournemouth
  9. Happy birthday you old fart :p
  10. I'm not getting a hooker ¬¬
  11. Haha. They did actually, but they'd only be able to get the sort of hooker that's filthy, has 10 kids and 215422 STDs.
  12. Great night tonight. Friend's birthday. Was on the jager and everything but my mate kept getting me doubles meaning it started repeating on me earlier so I had to leave at the ridiculous time of 2am That said, didn't really see anyone who perked my interest, but did have a conversation with friends who suggested getting a hooker ¬¬ Good Christ my life must be bad if it has come to that lol. I never would, though
  13. Bournemouth never gets snow
  14. That's pretty cool. In a similar thing, a video was made as a "trailer" for the 50th anniversary. Completely unofficial but BBC have included it in a few of their things because it's pretty well done
  15. Yeah, America and England share the same WiFi server so if they get an event, so do we. The rest of Europe gets screwed though. They didn't have the recent Victini one
  16. The three event legends aren't out yet
  17. You also have to question how they can enforce it if the laws aren't made public. This will probably help. Shoots down many of the false crap spreading around http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/01/internet-awash-in-inaccurate-anti-acta-arguments.ars
  18. Keep at it. It gets better from there :)

  19. You enter the code and visit the dream world. Then, when you next use Game Sync, it'll be sent to your game where you can encounter it in the Entree Forest where you can capture it in any ball including the special Entree Forest only Dream Ball Mine is in a Dive Ball
  20. Until May 1st But why put it off to later when you'll probably forget. Takes like 20 seconds to log in and enter the password and it'll be ready next time you sync
  21. Arceus event now live on the Global Link Password is: ARCEUSVOTE
  22. Until the start of May

  23. Incidentally, at 1pm, an event will open on the Global Link. If you hit the Promotions tab on it when logged in, you can get Arceus with the password ARCEUSVOTE

  24. Yeah, hits run in cycles really. At the moment it's quiet with a weekday average of 250,000 unique visitors a day. When new main-series games come out, it can top 1,000,000 unique visitors in a day.


    Hasn't been a new main game out in Japan for over a year and a half with one likely in September for release elsewhere around Easter next year so I won't see those hits again for a while.


    Serebii.net is the most popular, despite the second most popular having better Search Engine Optimisation and priority since it's a wiki

  25. Awesome. Glad you're using it :D

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