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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. For those of you with the English language games, a new WiFi event has been revealed. This WiFi event offers the special legendary Pokémon Mewtwo and will presumably have stats and moves that match the one in Japan last October. This Mewtwo had the special move Electro Ball as well as the standard Mewtwo moves of Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere and its signature move: Psystrike. This WiFi event runs from February 12th 2012 with no end date announced. This event has so far only been announced for the US, but the English games run off of the same WiFi servers so it's incredibly likely that the Mewtwo will be distributed then.
  2. Well my nan has stopped being able to swallow foods by herself and keeps removing the tube they inserted to feed her and refuses to have it put back in. They have her on morphine now but, it's going to happen soon
  3. Well it's what the developers said when they were asked about XBLA release
  4. Yeah, they announced it'd be a game for PSN and that they're trying to get it on XBLA but are having issues due to BBC content apparently not being allowed on it
  5. ACTA has already been signed in the US and various other countries. The over-reaction to it now going on the internet is ridiculous. Many of the things people had issues with about it got removed before signing. ACTA got signed in the US on October 1st, among other countries. If it was going to destroy the internet, it would have by now.
  6. I wouldn't say it's a kids show. I'd say it's a show accessible to kids. There's some pretty dark stuff in it at times, a lot of stuff that goes over kids heads too
  7. I am making progress! Although I'm still at the point where I'm even getting rejected within my dreams, but I won't let that bring me down
  8. I'll find someone. Mark my words. By the end of 2012 I'll at least have killed my dry spell, if not actually in a relationship.
  9. If I was gay, I wouldn't have any problems. I know numerous gay guys that want me. I'm not gay though so it adds to my depression that I only seem to attract guys.
  10. Yes, I watch Doctor Who and enjoy it. It's good television and can run any type of story easily. The acting is superb. The stories are great. The time travel is awesome and Karen Gillan is hot.
  11. I won most attractive male? Sweet Jesus. That actually means a lot considering I used to be 18 stone and have poor self esteem. Wow Saw the runner-up for most negative person coming Thanks everyone!
  12. Ended up in a club where I felt like I was one of the youngest...and I'm 25! FML And I seemed to bang my elbow on a traffic light and now it's swelling up FML
  13. Friend Zone sucks. KILL IT WITH FIRE Know how you feel buddy
  14. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/01/reid-shelves-protect-ip-act-in-response-to-recent-events.ars PIPA has also been shelved now
  15. There's a lot more to it apparently than just "copyright infringement" http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/01/why-the-feds-smashed-megaupload.ars
  16. Two more screenshots
  17. A friend just informed me of this. If true, surely that's illegal
  18. They claim it's unrelated but http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16642369
  19. One quote that made me facepalm epically, so much so that every single version of me in every single parallel universe that is ever to exist simultaneously facepalmed in an event which destroys the whole multiverse theory, was one of the reps during the markup essentially saying: "I'm no expert but I believe the industry leaders are lying"
  20. So here's an interesting question. If you guys were to go bald before say 40 (those who haven't), would you try to cover it with a wig/toupée?
  21. Yeah it's for the DS However, I think it is DSi Enhanced meaning that it might be region locked (from the box art, I can see the code TWL rather than NTR which indicates DSi Enhancement)
  22. Another Joe pic from last weekend...fairly inebriated and tired at this point
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