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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I too, like most of you, am so vain in regards to the appearance. Hair is one of the things I like about me (I still sometimes see myself as a fat person due to my messed up brain) and I take great care in it. Losing it would just destroy me
  2. We've got a new trailer!
  3. Seems it's working though. Several backers of SOPA and PIPA have withdrawn their support http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/sopa-blackout-sopa-and-pipa-lose-three-co-sponsors-in-congress.html
  4. I'm terrified of it. I keep thinking it's receeding but then see photos from when I used to have my hair really short and see it's pretty much the same. The moment I notice it's actually receeding, it's all gone
  5. You have all exaggerated my statement :/
  6. I'm not throwing a tantrum. I'm saying that cutting off access to visitors isn't a good thing.
  7. Don't need a threat when they're doing it. Before today it was a threat, now it's acting upon that threat. I accidentally said SOPA wasn't bad in my final paragraph. Permit me to shoot myself now. I meant the fight against SOPA.
  8. ter·ror·ism    [ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. Violence no, but the rest fits. Now I'm not saying anti-SOPA is bad, but blacking out the site for it is not the way. Do what Amazon etc. have done or have the notice load up on each page but you can then go through, but don't close it all
  9. Somehow, no idea whatsoever how, I have put on half a stone (7lbs) in the last week...
  10. In the truest definition of the word, it is :P
  11. First screenshot of Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
  12. That was my point. It's one of those misnomers around the internet. People always thought that you could have them for 24 hours or if you had a copy ofthe game when in actuality you can't have them at all
  13. Urban myth, just like the "You can have a ROM for 24 hour" crap. With the things I listed above, it falls under fair use policy, but SOPA would essentially disregard fair use policies which the internet relies on
  14. Just to clarify for those not in the know. Technically, under SOPA the following would be considered violations Posting game screenshots Posting game videos Posting TV show screencaps Posting movie screencaps Posting a video of yourself singing along to a song Plus, it gets even worse. If a user came on say here and posted one of the above, he wouldn't be responsible, @Ashley would. This entire thing is flawed.
  15. The main problem is that the person behind it, Lamar Smith, rejected almost all the ammendments proposed during the markup which would have made it more logical, and protect websites against ridiculous things. America claims to be innocent until proven guilty. However, if you get suspected of it, they will shut the site down to America until you are cleared.
  16. Exactly. I had a few people suggest I join in on the blacking out of my site (having game screenshots would make me vulnerable to SOPA), but I view it as a form of terrorism. I don't feel it's the right way. The way Google, Amazon etc. have gone about it is better
  17. The problem is that so many of the people deciding it have no idea how the Internet works and just listen to the media companies who are just saying "piracy is bad, we should kill it" They honestly think that they're doing the right thing and they believe those who are against it are just trying to support piracy.
  18. The reasoning for the shelving of SOPA was Obama's administration hinting that they'd veto it. They also hinted the same for PIPA
  19. And if they try, it'll just get vetoed...simple as We've won already. We just need to get rid of PIPA now which is pretty much identical to SOPA
  20. Part of me wants to go to Reading this year. I went up there on the Friday last year and it seemed awesome. I just can't take time off
  21. I've got it! Sherlock was inside a robot version of himself
  22. Or was it?
  23. Nope, I didn't. I could have easily, but that was part of my freezing up :/ Kissing is actually part of the dry spell. 5 years with no intimate contact of any kind. If I did kiss them, I'd consider my dry spell over Thanks for the advice though...I'm making gradual progress, just hope I don't have to wait months for my next night out.
  24. At the moment, I just want to kill this dry spell
  25. Well, I'm getting better. Managed to go up and dance with some girls last night (though my mates did throw me into it), but I didn't seal the deal and thus the dryspell continues. I tried to take it further, but I just couldn't do it. But it's no longer a matter of if it will end, but when
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