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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Awesome :) Glad you're having fun


    However, don't just go with old Pokémon...just check all the new ones out.

  2. I do various freelance work. Magazine work and web design work. Web design pays the best Nope. Way off. It's for my tests on messing with space-time
  3. Another thing is that I don't want to move from place to place to place. That's not who I am. I want to get a place and nest. I'm in it for the long haul
  4. I'm not complaining, I'm justifying :p
  5. My savings aren't from Pokémon things but my freelance work lol. Web design work really does pay! Look, my family really struggled in the early 90s and we almost lost the house and everything similar to that. I want to make sure that this will not be an issue as much as possible and once I move out, when I have to start dealing with Council Tax, Insurance, Utility Bills etc, it will become harder to save up and put me at greater risk. Plus, houses down here aren't cheap. My current savings would get me a meager dwelling
  6. You wish :p
  7. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to moving out. However, as I'm not restricted here, I'm in no hurry so I can stay here in order to save up so I don't end up struggling financially when I do move out.
  8. I would never do anything of the sort. It's no different to having house mates. It's common courtesy to inform them.
  9. With your post, you seem to insinuate that I'm subject to their rules and have no/limited freedom by living here. That's so far from the truth. I have no restrictions as to what I can do, when I can do it etc. So long as I don't set fire to the house, I'm good. I'm as independent as independent can be.
  10. Got interviewed by the Official Nintendo Magazine http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/34749/featureswhy-i-love-pokemon/ </ShamelessPlug>
  11. Horrific cry It's almost as bad as the idea of a Pokémon MMORPG
  12. I saw someone suggest Nintendo use the NFC for Pokémon and release a crapton of Pokémon figures like Skylanders I will cry if this happens.
  13. Pfft. Like anyone can resist setting fire to pringles cans
  14. Why would they? They're parents so they do what's best. Besides, I've pulled their arses out of the fire a couple of times
  15. Yep yep. All features of the DS can work on the 3DS. It's DSi Enhanced (WPA and camera stuff) and they work too.
  16. Can always get the other Pokémon in online trades
  17. Yeah all the features do Do note though, with White and White Forest, you only get a small number of those old Pokémon. You can increase the ones you get by communication locally with a person playing Black
  18. Hard to say. If you're going to communicate with players locally, then the version matters But basically, it depends on this If you like the white one, get Pokémon Black. If you like the black one, get Pokémon White. http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/exclusives.shtml <-- All version exclusives http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/versioncity.shtml <-- Changes in areas depending on game but gets a bit spoilery
  19. The problem with ACTA is that governments won't reveal details about it citing National Security. As such, rumours start. Rumours spread. People take rumours as fact. Everyone then feels they're fact.
  20. As much as I agree, Nintendo does also need to think of profits as, unlike Sony and MS, they don't have other departments to pick up the slack. As such, there's one thing. Mario games sell ridiculous amounts, the rest do not so, to calm the investors who are panicking due to the losses, they have to do this.
  21. Yeah, I have a spotless credit rating and a significant deposit (I have six figure savings but want to double what I have before I go out and get a house so not all of my savings go to the deposit) so I should be fine. I can't go into the bank without them wanting to discuss mortgages with me
  22. Planning on moving out in the next couple of years. Don't want to rent as I feel that's wasted money. My plan is to buy a house and have some friends rent some rooms in it and use that to pay the mortgage, but without that I still make more than enough to make decent payments. I have a few that said they might, though one is on a maybe because he's thinking of uni here (he lives elsewhere atm) but may go elsewhere and others are getting serious with their significant others Going to have one problem though. I'm self employed and single and that will no doubt count against me Part of me thinks I should save up until I have enough for the house without a mortgage, but that'd end up with me staying at home until I'm like 34 which is unacceptable lol
  23. You totally should. If you go with Black or White, you'll essentially be starting again. With these games, they ignore all the old Pokémon and characters until you've finished the game, treating it as a reboot of sorts. They intend for you to get the same feeling as when playing Red/Blue with everything being new
  24. My nan managed to get out of the pneumonia and is now stable again. Good news right? It would appear not. As she can't swallow there's three options and they paint a horrible ethical question Option 1; She gets fed through a tube that goes through her nose. Whenever she has had this, she's always removing it as she hates it. As such, several options were given including what essentially is a metal muzzle or white "boxing" gloves that prevent her from being able to remove it. Option 2: A tube gets placed directly into her stomach. This impedes her movement moreso and can cause lots of oxygen issues and stomach acid getting pushed up. She's not fond of this option. Option 3: Known as the comfort option. She's given drink and very high calorific yoghurt. However, if any of the drink/food managed to make it into lungs, which is fairly likely, then she will get a form of pneumonia of which is not recoverable and would kill her. So we're essentially choosing between her being alive but stuck to a bed, possibly with a muzzle stuck to her face for 1 or 2 years or however long she continues on, or we make her as comfortable as possible with a high risk that complications may arise Some choice
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