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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Could destroy everything I've built on for the last 12 and a half years
  2. Nope. I have a policy against meeting up with online people, especially those in regards to the site.
  3. Meloetta's Aria Forme was the one revealed This is its Pirouette Forme, which it changes into when it uses a special move obtained only by event Meloetta No further 3DS games have been announced. Chances are we'll get another spin-off on the system by the end of the year
  4. Blasphemy. Talking about Pokémon has sort of worked for me. Maybe because my friends continually introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the world's biggest Pokémon site"
  5. Yeah, we're not getting any new B2W2 information until around April 14th according to one of the directors This announcement is completely separate. I'm thinking the official reveal of Meloetta's Pirouette Forme. Problem is, people don't pay attention to the wording, the wording of the teaser clearly states it's an announcement of a new project/feature/thing. As such, people are just assuming "B2W2 info". Then, those that don't, assume stupid things like RS Remakes or Gen VI games -_-
  6. Trying to decide whether or not to purchase this game. I hear good things but I'm unsure :s
  7. Castlepoint is still active as far as I know
  8. Well in main-series game release time, yeah...so much. Have to cover everything fast and accurately, compiling huge sections detailing everything In other times, there's news coming weekly, usually twice a week what with events, anime stuff etc
  9. You all know how much stuff I have to cover...the only time I have spare is the 5 hours I sleep each day during it.
  10. The site has been a major focus of my life for 12 and a half years. It will not cease to be the topmost priority until I am either done with it, or dead.
  11. I'm just saying, I'm not going to welch on my responsibilities in order to capitulate to a significant other.
  12. It's different. They wouldn't accept it if I asked them to skip work to see me constantly. Sure, the site isn't a job but the principle is the same. Being a Pokémon Master is a lonely life
  13. I can barely spare time to eat and use the facilities. I even miss sleep for two days for it This is why it's a struggle. I have to find not only a girl who meets my standards and is generally awesome, but one who can accept this
  14. Or a fuck buddy :p Seriously though, yeah they are on the horizon, but it's easier when they're not imminent
  15. What I don't like is how they're encouraging you on trading in your used games and not getting cash but getting reward points, yet you can't use the reward points
  16. To be fair, when B2W2 comes out, I'm shutting myself away from the real world for at least 2 weeks. Any girlfriend would have issues with that
  17. Coming this Autumn for 6 episodes including the Christmas Special and 8 episodes very early next year. I heard the run is going to be pretty much no gaps barring a small gap over Christmas which includes the special in the middle I think she could be good (and she is hot :p), and I have faith they'll make her different to Amy
  18. Trailer for first part of Season 7
  19. Part of me is hoping that, but I really don't want it to happen. I have so much work coming in June that I don't need someone complaining that I'm not seeing her enough during it and that I should stop and see her
  20. So, it's been a while since I bummed you guys out with my abject failure. Have been improving a lot. In social situations, I've become more outgoing, chatting to strangers and so on and on nights out I am getting further...just no dryspell breaking yet. That said, I've put all plans to find a g/f and/or break the dryspell on hold as I'm going to have a busy couple of months and I need to not be distracted. So yeah, you're all caught up now.
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