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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That's such a shame. He was great. Up there with Murray Gold in terms of TV soundtracks. He really outdid himself with the SGU stuff. The music is amazing. So subtle, yet so emotional
  2. Yeah, and those developers are anonymous and could just as easily be NeoGAF users deciding to troll. Why are you more inclined to believe a couple of anonymous sources rather than the dozen or so third parties who are gushing over it, some of whom haven't worked with Nintendo much, if at all. Oh, and I believe it was announced the screen runs at 480p On topic though, this looks interesting.
  3. I think Nintendo's financial situation and the fact they're selling the 3DS at a loss goes against the possibility of an imminent redesign
  4. Yes, and you also have to look at all the developers gushing about how powerful the Wii U is
  5. Considering interviews state that the development studio was created for this game, it certainly is curious
  6. Colour me intrigued
  7. Saw this on GoNintendo. From the office of the developers of it Not sure whether to laugh or sigh
  8. As would a Wii U Pokémon Ranger
  9. Just FYI, there will be no main series games on the Wii U. The developers have said the main games will remain handheld. As such, we are only likely to get Side-Games, like Stadium, PBR etc. or Spin-offs.
  10. Why would we be worried by it?
  11. I'm going to soon with the money my Nan left me
  12. So glad. Really intrigued about the last episode that aired. Hope they revisit that
  13. Does anyone???
  14. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
  15. I wouldn't for that. Seriously. Even my friends who like Dungeon games don't like the WiiWare ones
  16. :p The lack of narrative really damage the game. There was little progression and it was contrived
  17. It was a Mystery Dungeon game for a start :p
  18. You wouldn't say that if you had played them...
  19. Not too bad then. It'll actually be useful to me when I get my Japanese one if they make any of the Pokémon games in the future downloadable. Won't have to get stressed with delivery delays like I always do
  20. Let's hope they don't region lock out the stores by IP
  21. Near as I can tell, the 3DS still outsells all the others in most regions the majority of the time, but not by as large a margin
  22. Nintendo is expecting to start turning a profit on the 3DS in September. It seems their success in selling the 3DS is part of the reason they're turning a loss
  23. Osnap, I did miss that
  24. And LOL at 3DS bombing :p
  25. According to Nintendo's financial briefing, the 3DS broke 17,000,000, making their original target of 16,000,000 completely broken (considering they dropped it in January to 14,000,000) Their operating loss was less than people were expecting too
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