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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That would be horrific. That'd be turning Nintendo into DICE.
  2. Nintendo are a company who want their games perfect. You know this, as they have delayed games that they NEEDED to come out, just to make them be better. If Nintendo were to do a one for all thing, then some games will suffer. Nintendo doesn't want that.
  3. It is, and it is ridiculous. It should be at LEAST 2 of both consoles a week :/
  4. Configuring to the Wii U and making sure it doesn't gimp it in any way. It still requires effort, it can't be done in a batch.
  5. As I explained, Nintendo don't do a one emulator fits all thing. They have to fine tune it so each game runs exactly as it did on the original console. As such, it takes time and has to be tailored for each system for each game.
  6. What Nintendo should do is either lower the price of Virtual Console games by £1/£1.50, or offer an alternative (so you can do both)...a subscription akin to PS+ which gives you access to all Virtual Console games. Playstation Now isn't much of a better alternative seeing as, from what I read, each title will have a rental fee so you'll have to continue paying that for each game rather than a single price.
  7. That is a major factor. I know of a few people who were going to get Assassin's Creed 4 on Wii U, but aren't because no DLC (they like the story). Same deal with Batman and its lack of the multiplayer. I'm not saying that it'd have made the games sell brilliantly with it, but it's definitely a factor that needs to be considered.
  8. Absolutely not.
  9. Well, I can explain the latter. Each Virtual Console game is run on its own emulator which is fine tuned so the game works perfectly on the hardware. As such, for a game to be on the Wii U, it has to be recoded with the emulator recoded so they have to do some work to do it and I guess they still want to be paid for the work so it's not just a drain in their financials. I agree it shouldn't exist and that Virtual Console games should be cheaper (just by like £1...let's not get ridiculous and turn into the iOS argument "lolz it should be 99p"), but I can see why it does exist.
  10. The only way Nintendo will ever get third party support is if MS and Sony somehow drop out and nobody replaces them. That's the only way.
  11. So did Colonial Marines before release
  12. Yep, this week is Contra III The Alien Wars
  13. Holiday where NOE's HQ is. Expect it tomorrow.
  14. Nintendo sold 3 million Wii Us in the same time period in 2012 and people were calling it a failure at that point. Just saying :P Though that is good for Microsoft. I was expecting it to flounder.
  15. That sure worked out well for them.
  16. Haha, I'm somewhat the same. Finished the game and didn't find out until afterwards that you can use the Gamepad to flip switches.
  17. Ah, I was not aware. Interesting, though not like I'd ever do it.
  18. Not to my knowledge. My Japanese one will only sync with my Japanese Wii U
  19. http://www.amazon.co.uk/GC-Controller-Adapter-Wii/dp/B00BS520SG/ Treats it like a classic controller, but still
  20. Saw someone suggest this on Gallifrey Base as a 50th anniversary boxset. I would buy it in a heartbeat DISC ONE The Night Of The Doctor The Last Day The Day Of The Doctor + Behind the scenes + Doctor Who Explained + San Diego Comic-Con trailer + 50th anniversary trailer + Trailers & TV spots DISC TWO The Time Of The Doctor Farewell To Matt Smith + Behind the scenes + Tales From The TARDIS + Trailers & TV spots + Strax's Field Reports [complete collection] DISC THREE An Adventure In Space And Time William Hartnell: The Original + Making Of + Reconstructions DISC FOUR The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot The Science Of Doctor Who Me, You And Doctor Who The Ultimate Guide 12 Again + Video messages from The Afterparty
  21. Congrats buddy
  22. A bit annoyed that there doesn't appear to be a boxset for these two specials Instead, they're doing a boxset, only way to get Time of the Doctor, with all past Matt Smith Christmas episodes...which I already own.
  23. If Nintendo hadn't have sacrificed it, and went for power, they'd be in the same situation
  24. Like Sherlock said, and they repeated ad nauseum, it's like a magic trick. If they wish to unravel exactly how it was done, it'd ruin it.
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