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Everything posted by Fanelia

  1. seriously. i love the mario golf games. all of them. but i totally suck at it. i remember on the n64 in singleplayer i could never even beat luigi. and he's your first opponent. great atmosphere though. having a look around, choosing a club, aiming, choosing another club, having another look around, and maybe after some qualitytime hit the friggin' ball. then it goes in the rough if i'm lucky, and some place worse if i'm not. great game.
  2. holy shit. they do! now it's even worse... edit: so obviously i stand corrected. i kinda like it now... i love my mother too.
  3. they should have sent this cat after ashley. although they should have researched a bit more in the tattoo department. seriously. they probably just drew some lines on his arm and said "cool, he's got tattoos, he's a bad ass motherfucker". what they didn't know was that it were pretty awfull tattoos.
  4. the dialogue in this game is aptly horrible.
  5. it's made out of plastic. that being said, i really wouldn't mind paying 300 euro more for a cutting edge powerfull wii. made out of gold instead of plastic. imagine that shit. it would weigh six kilo and get awfully hot all the time. kinda like a 360, only this one will have a "made of gold" excuse. and it would have "nintendo" written on it. priceless.
  6. it felt refreshing playing a game on nintendo that had such extensive voice-acting. and a job well done at that too. as for the visuals, some of the best the cube has to offer, and concidering this was a launch-window game, that's all the more impressive. the gameplay wasn't bad either. not extraordinairy, but still very decent at it's worst.
  7. actually they are all equally crap in their port-ishness (is that a word?). these games were never meant to be played on a gamecube and they shouldn't. for five euro you can get two shots of tequilla in a bar. money well spent.
  8. why does everybody want good sales? my dick doesn't grow an inch when my console of choice is winning a war. how about cheaper vc-games. or more hardcore wii games. or less ripping off on flawed hardware designs (ds - ds lite). why do we give a fuck about expanding the market? we are hardcore gamers. nintendo can earn what they want, but i prefer to be loved instead. never played dragonquest though. must be because i'm european without a ps2.
  9. yeah, they would have alle movies compressed on cartridges instead.
  10. hardly rare, as opposed to all the other games mentioned in this thread?
  11. offtopic: is it true that pubs close at 11 in england?
  12. yeah! like nintendo, if they really cared about their games they would never publish them! just keep everything for yourself, that's the only way to grow. you don't want some asshole telling you what he thinks about it, right?
  13. yeah, retro, that's what i said. you know, r-something. ouch
  14. everybody is so serious...
  15. that doesn't make any sense. when you put the wallet inside the other you take away it's capacity. try putting a box of one liter inside a box of five liter and then filling it up with six liter. seriously. the box of one liter simply becomes the box of five and you will still only have five. anouma is full of shit. which brings me to something else. why are nights shorter than days although the sun makes a perfect zenith ? how does that happen?
  16. the item-mistery was somewhat explained in the animated series. items shrunk to ridiculous size in their pockets, and when they took the shit back out it grew again, in plain vision, and even made some fine 8-bit growing noise. obvisouly the directors from the animated series really thougt things trough in the item department. too bad the series sucks balls. look at that right-handed prick. he's a fucking fraud.
  17. so what do you get? what is the basic "suit" for samus? which visors etc.
  18. in prime 3 you won't have to hunt down all your items and arms like in the previous two games. rare stated that they did that twice already and that you now start of with your suit intact.
  19. so here's a question. how the fuck is link getting that long-ass sword out of that scabbard. so imagine he stretches his arm out completely, then the sword will only be half out. so what's next? my guess, with ganon already completely gotting his shit together all thunder and lightning and what not, link is in for some whoopass. i mean look at ganon's face! he's thinking "shit bitch, you ain't never getting that sword out." ganon should get his proper game, all adventure and zelda-like. that would be great. and the final battle would be against link. so you can kick his fairy ass. and unlike the mute link, ganon would have all kinds of witts to say, all the time, without pretext. the voice-acting could be done by woody harrelson. he would be quoting james joyce and listen to wagner tapes on a walkman. the walkman would be an item that you get out of some happy forest temple that you later burn to the ground, and combined with the tape of wagner's ride of the valkyries, wich you could get by stealing from some unarmed merchant, it would be a great power-up. imagne that shit. great.
  20. this game needs online. seriously. if nintendo can't solve some tiny lag problem than they're a bunch of fucking queers. how difficult can it be, seriously? has anyone really thought about it very hard for a very long time, or does it go like "oh, damn, there's lag people, let's get out of the way!" fight the fucking thing. work the magic. get some 10 year old mathematical genius to shit some algorithms out of his ass. imagine in a hundred years how people will look at gaming histroy and say 'hell, those cave-fuckers from a hundred years ago had this thing called lag. and it ruined everything for them! hahaha, what a bunch of dickheads." well, i'm not feeling like a dickhead. so fuck lag and fuck all developers who can't manage that shit. 50 years ago assholes were walking on the moon, people. and now we have lag? what's up with that? ok, so the moon-people had lag too when they communicated with earth, but they were on the moon and all, with computers less powerfull than my digital wristwatch. what's our excuse?
  21. just because we haven't heard from major nintendo releases after the current stream doesn't mean they aren't in full progress. patience grasshopper.
  22. i'm already as fit as i can get. i mean, that fucking thing really won't make jack shit of a difference. perhaps if i have been in a coma for ten years or something... it really doesn't look like a physical challenge. and that's all it should be if it aims at keeping people fit. leaning sideways, stretching your leg out, and what not. what's up whit that? so i'm quite the serieus sporting type. few hours of muay thai a day. it's challenging both mental and physical. but that wiifit thing requires less effort than walking at a slow pace. as for games it might be interesting though. snowboard sims and what not. but serieus exercise? i think not. and even it it were diehard bruce lee training schemes, what asshole would want to sport in front of a fucking television. the essence of sport is body and nature. go jogging in the woods, or swimming in a lake, or boxing, get some contact competition, change of scene. get some fresh air for fuck sake! this is really lame. it's a great idea for those who really can't leave their living room, but in a genuine sporting attitude this shit is a joke. so what people are they really aiming at?
  23. the only let-down from the wiimote is the sound. the speaker-quality really screws the experience. fortunately you can turn it off, and all sounds will come from whatever setup you have installed.
  24. pikmin 3 has to look great in hd. imagine 300 on-screen pikmin all going about their business in plain sd. that sucks. am aai rite?
  25. "zelda promotional disc" for gamecube, consisting of ports of; -Ocarina of time -majora's mask -the legend of zelda -zelda 2 the disc also contains some sort of a zelda retrospective video, but i don't give a fuck, and last but not least, a 30 minute demo of windwaker. that's just plain nice. i even found a pic of the rare fucker; i'm selling it for one million dollar. make that one million euro. i also have windwaker limited edition, where you get masterquest on a second disc. i'm not sure that's so rare though. seems like the entire world's got that one.
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