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Everything posted by Fanelia

  1. Let us not overestimate E3's press comments. Of the 100 million or so ps2-owners, how many do you think have ever heard of E3? And how many of those have botherd to follow up on its press-releases. A bad E3 for, sony, certainly, but my guessing is nobody will ever know. People (all the ps2-owners) are simply going to line up for the ps3 because it's predecessor was great. It's the overwhelming PR-campaign Sony will launch soon that will remind people how important it is to own a ps3. And it will probably work.
  2. Depending on the European releasedate says I. If us continentals are going to get a 2007-buttfuck from them tiny yellow bastards, than I will import it from the USA, given that it will release there end 2006. Even though it may only differ a few months, the psychological distance of "2007" simply feels too long. So I will not simply game on releaseday, but on the releaseday of the friggin' continent that gets it first.
  3. Maybe the laws of physics simply don't apply in Hyrule. That would explain many other strange things such as warping, shooting arrows of light, a planet turning at demonic speed around it's axis so a day only takes a couple of minutes, hovering dark castles and such, not to mention the many creatures of which not a single trace is found in Darwin's "Origin of the species". Clearly these nintendococksuckers have never read half of a sciencebook.
  4. If my memory serves me well, the first thing we saw of Mario128 was a gamecube-demo, showing off many many mario's running around on a floating ball. It seems obvious that the Mario Galaxy planet-concept has been in development since then. Some four years ago. This has to be good.
  5. There should be laws against cruel and unusual torture, like this one. Laws, and punishment too.
  6. Neither does wii, once you reach the age of ten.
  7. I like it. It is minimalistic, yet strong and singulary personified.
  8. Some ultra-secret items would be nice. Nearly impossible to obtain, but real non the less. Perhaps through puzzle, or battle. As long as it is impossible. The kind that keep hardcore gamers go on for years, and maybe a handfull of lucky hoopleheads will succeed. My idea for such an item would be "the sombrero". When equiped, link wil remove his green cap, and replace it with the sombrero. Then link will instantly fall asleep against some tree that will appear deku-junior style, and a smooth mexican guitar will gently set a relax atmosfere. Then a question appears, for the player to answer. "Would you like to leave the rest of the game for Speedy Gonzales to solve? Yes / No" por que, link. por que.
  9. Super Street fighter 2 turbo. Online. That would be great.
  10. The only real important question a diehard Zeldafan should ask is whether Link will be sleeping or not when the game commences. I sure hope so. Unlike agent Bauer, who only rests when knocked unconscious or if temporarily dead, Link shall need all the rest he can get. 100+ hours of gameplay, after all being like four seasons of 24. Even Jack couldn't muster that.
  11. How about some tips on defeating the runner, when challenged by him in a tent, near a fixed bridge, and in the presence of four hooplehead-carpenters. He's always one second faster or so. And the strange thing is you never see him running, yet when arriving at the bridge to kokiri-city he's always there. This has led me to believe that the cocksucker has a twin-brother of some sort, and they are plotting against my sanity, one second at a time.
  12. As a matter of fact, blue is the only color you will see on every different color-version of the revolution, being the trademarkish' blue light that comes out of the disc-drive.
  13. And it's not like the Free Hand Controller was a surprise. Months before its unveiling speculations where towering sky-high about Nintendo's ownership of some company that researches the gyroscopicthings (is that a word? well, it is now...). I did notice my eyes being rather wide open when the controller looked like my 15 year old televison remot control. So maybe the third secret will be something we have long been discussing, only it will be designed in the form of the roflcopter. That would be great.
  14. Matt did know about the sequel to Windwaker being in realistic style and all... All were deceived by the answer "yes, we will use the same engine as in Windwaker" to the question "will the sequel be using the same graphical style?". Same engine doensn't mean same graphical style, and all fell for it. But Matt knew. He posted a realistic-style zelda pic in his blog or so, moments before Nintendo unveiled the game. My point being; he sometimes knows stuff. Then again, he does have two times "ass" in his name (lal) and that's pretty friggin' hilarious. Thank you for pointing this out.
  15. The Windwaker (+ the most treasured bonus disc including OoT and Masterquest) Zelda collectors edition (Zelda 1, Zelda 2, OoT and MM) Mario Sunshine Pikmin 2 Metroid Prime Tales Of Symphonia Eternal Darkness Starfox Adventures : Dinosaur Planet Soul Calibur 2 Star Wars Rogue Leader Metal Gear Solid: the twin snakes Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil REmake Resident Evil 4 A modest collection, but I take all comfort in the fact that I have greatly enjoyed (and still do) each and every one of them. And in less subjective terms, I don't think anyone can point out a single game and say "that's not a great game" and keep a straight face. The modest collection will soon, however, be less modest as I will purchase the best of all Mario spinoff's; Mario Golf Toadstool Tour. Yeah.
  16. What do you mean by "halting an attack"? As in blocking?
  17. I'm not so optimistic about the Free Hand Controller in Red Steel Terms. Sure thing, we'll be playing a FPS in ways never done before with the FHC, a true console innovation. But we will still be playing a FPS. Can someone tell me why I should care about a FPS? Maybe the controls are mighty different, holding the FHC, aiming at the screen, dodging behind knocked-over tables and Jack knows what. But, I will still be steering my character through rooms and killing enemies. Where is the innovation? Is this not exactly what we have been doing since Wolfenstein 3D? So maybe the controls are different, and I bet they will feel fresh, and fun and unexplored. But for how long? Aren't controls a mere interface, a language to communicate. And aren't we rather interested in the message itself, what's happening on the screen, rather than what's happening in our hands. One could design a device by wich one has to smash his head against a rubber ball, and jump through hoops to control an on screen character. But what difference does it make? Don't get me wrong now, I'm not sceptic about the possibilities of the FHC and revolution, but I am sceptic about the distance certain developers will go to explore the space. Red Steel brings nothing new, as far as has been shown. It is a FPS, and we will use the FHC for controls. But it might just as well have been a d-pad we would be using. Innovation lies not in mere controls. It lies within the game itself. That being said, I can't wait to play the bastard. I can imagine myself taking cover behind my couch, rolling around on the carpet. Oh yeah.
  18. Pikmin 2 has more types of pikmin for your controlling pleasure. The white and poisonous one in particular is a worthy addition the the colorful pallet. It looks bleak, underfed and keen of narcotics (red eyes and all); imperfect, unlike the rest of his kin. That's great.
  19. I read somewhere that "Nintendo Bluewave" was an option. Given the fact that the console does emit a blue light, and you will be waving your arms to control, it's not such a bad idea. However, the smartest move in my book would be to include "5" in the name, the revolution being the fifth console and all. That way "Playstation 3" and "Xbox 360" are lagging two points behind in marketing-numerical-psychology, if there is such a thing. Xbox waited cunningly for Playstation to be the first to name their console with "3", so they wouldn't make the mistake of calling their console "Xbox 2", so it became also a "3" of some sort. And what other reason for a blue-ish discdrive than pure product-recognition. "hi ya Norm, bought meself a console today, you know, the one with the blue light and all". And with the gamecube being a cube, the DS having dual screens, it wouldn't be the most alienating thing for a blue-light emitting console to have "blue" in its name. What are you saying Mulder?
  20. What a strange topic, being called "... your favourite characters" whilst not at all being about one's favourit character. Fiercefully misguiding says I. Anyway, my favourit sidelined character (that I would like to see more of) is the unfortunate Ingo from OoT. You all remember him, he is the hardworking ranch-employee that respects parallel precision between his eyebrows and mustach. When racing and losing against "Link the horsethief", however, poor Ingo loses his mind completely, as can be concluded from his characteristic weird behavior, nonsensical remarks and redish eyes. And all that because some skirtwearing fairy (pun intended) didn't feel like walking that day. So, in short terms, I like ingo because he went plain insane.
  21. I think it runs on cold fusion.
  22. Even more strange than the paperfolded aeroplane is the friggin giant moon with a foul grin that seems to be crashing into Termina. What is that all about! I kid, I kid...
  23. I have been out of the Zelda news-scene for a while, can anyone tell me if there is a releasedate, or concrete indication pointing towards a speculated releasedate? Ah, already 38 pages, filled with dreams and hopes. I am not that brave. I must sleep and sleep, and only wake up when the time has come to storm shopways, hard folding cash in the sweaty palms of my trembling hands... You get the picture. I just can't stand the waiting, so I prefer forgetting all about it for a series of months. But now, I would like to know how much longer I am obliged to "forget".
  24. Pikmin: Giving birth to my very first pikmin. The charme! Lookin' in this smallest of creatures' round glazy eyes, impersonating the very definition of loyalty and hard work. I'm rather surprised in being the first to mention this classic moment in Pikmin-history. I have long contemplated on having a pikmin tattoo on my chest that says "Leave no Pikmin behind!". But my mommy wouldn't let me. A damn shame.
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