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Everything posted by Fanelia

  1. It would be quite the textbook stratagem. Two parties, a common enemy, join forces, expand and grow. A joint venture seems more realistic than a buy-out, though. After all, there is still Japanese pride to consider. I really wouldn't mind, as long as Nintendo stays Nintendo. Lending strengths to one another is smart.
  2. I don't think it will receive many perfect scores, cause many reviewers will be frustrated or so with the lack of voice-acting.
  3. viewtifull joe (after the first shark-boss) Eternal Darkness (in the cathedral, with the monk) metroid prime (need to get the ice-beam. echoes waiting after this one) RE4 (pro difficulty. Somewhere in the castle. Out of ammo, out of herbz, loads of ugly grunting cocksuckers heading my way. Pretty fucked young skywalker is) masterqueste OoT (heading in dodongo's cavern). Anywayz, first make some exams, score some points, then there will be time for cube once again.
  4. And the lost woods should keep you from going out through some crazy directional algorithm, like in Zelda 1, instead of keeping you out like in OoT. Imagine getting lost in the lost woods. And it would be really hard to get out. The special directional algorithm for leaving would also be created random in-game instead of pre-programmed, so there wouldn't be a tutorial for leaving, and you wouldn't be able to remember from a previous game, etc. That would be quite hardcore. Didn't they promise hardcore? Well I want inescapable lost woods!
  5. Perfect Dark was supposed to have the same thing. There was some scanner you could plug into the N64-controller, originally designed for pokemon trading cards of some sort. It's all a little vague. My point being; it's not the newest concept, but still a nice thing to see it work.
  6. yeah, looks nice and all, but what's up with the hat-ho in the back of the boat telling you that your fish ain't popular enough? There better be some option to shut her the fuck up, or I'll ice-arrow her ass to silence. Telling me to fish what fish..., I ain't waiting for a game three fucking years so I can get my fishing fucked up by some peddling hat-ho with an attitude. yeah.
  7. Well, so far I'm the only one with a giant ultra bright ultra rare Nintendo neon-light (the nintendo logo, that says "nintendo" in red with a line around). Goodie goodie. My penis remains intact.
  8. It's hard to get real people to win in a video game contest.
  9. In Africa (Tanzania to be precise) they have coke with ginger-flavor. I think it's ginger, not sure about the translation, but in Dutch it's "gember". My point being; only in Africa (Tanzania to be precise) is a coke worth the buy. It tastes like gold. You know, as a figure of speech.
  10. The "fairy" thing could have been a clue.
  11. Waverace was my first game. At launch day. I loved the water physics, the sensitive controls, and the graphics at the time really blew me away. Turok 3 must be the worst game I ever baught. Jezus H. Did anyone manage to play it for more than a few moments? It had like minutes-long loading times. I went back to the gameshop after half an hour or so, explained the situation of it being the worst game ever crafted, and they said I could pick another one.
  12. Playing OoT, after having collected the three spiritual stones and going to the castle, you meet Ganondorf on his horse. I was like "ooooh bossfight! Hence the game ends!". Right...
  13. Obviously Zelda, but less obvious yet evenly pertinent is the so far unnamed game where you get to orchestrate as Shigeru demonstrated, the Zelda-theme, at the E3-conference introduction. I'm quite the fan of classical music, and a conducting-simulation is priority number one à casa fanelia. I only hope one can choose music of his onw liking, and so the game won't be limited to whatever playlist Nintendo provides.
  14. So I have read through the thread, read all the news on Wii and watched the Ninty conference and everything. You could say I'm informed. I'm also pretty optimistic, quite the unrational Nintendo Fanboy, and more or likely the most blind-buying cocksucker ever to have said "I shall pay in hard folding cash, madam" at the bakery. Yet, if The Tiny Yellow Creatures aren't goint to add a friggin holding-handle to the thing like on the cube, then I'm not buying it. Seriously. The holding-handle on the cube, as goes for a holding handle on every other high-end-never-moved-from-a-certain-place-media-device, is by far the most brilliant thing ever sprouted out of a Tiny Yellow Creature's head. I propose a petition, signed by "a billion end-users" (Microsoftjokehahaha), to demand holding-handles on all forthcoming nintendo products. Including memorycards, VGA-cables, games (also on the disc itself!), strategyguides, and most importantly the consoles, etc. end sarcasm.
  15. You could always use it as a paper-press. It would be one cool paper-press. Think about it.
  16. I liked the ending of Tetris, the classic GB-version. When you score about 200 lines or more you get to see a rocket being launched, and some hoopleheads apparently feeling compellingly totemistic about it start dancing away. That's brilliant. And of course, OoT. Not that the ending was that great, but getting any ending after such a game is what it was all about. Well earned.
  17. Perhaps the laws of gravitation don't apply in a sketch. I is just jokin' aaight. So maybe the shield is alive. It wouldn't be too practical for the soldier when his equipment goes arbeit-union on his ass.
  18. My bathtub has legs aswell. Four. It's pretty not-alive though. On the subject; it looks like pretty large and too heavy a shield to keep it at proper height with one's own strenght. I have the same problem with my bathtub.
  19. Link stretshes his arms and yawns. Link rearranges his belt. Link taps the points of his shoes on the ground. Link show-swings his sword. (when sword is out) Link sneezes (when in non-dungeon underground, such as a grave) Link looks around. Link loosens up his shoulder of his shield-arm. (when sword is out). Link looks around, sitting on his horse. Link strokes/taps Epona, sitting on his horse. Link shivers in cold temperature. All things link does when the controller is left idle, yet the game on, in OoT. Depending on the surroundings link acts differently. I had lot's of fun discovering these amongst many things that link does when left idle. I hope they all return, and much more of them, in TP. It's in the details where a game excells. Please help complete the list, if any are left out.
  20. What's with the gaylords? No more refference to other nintendo franchise in a zelda game, please (see the friggin' bullet). I will never forgive mario for appearing in Ocarina. Makes me sad.
  21. Imagine buzzing lightsaber-sounds comming from the wiimote speaker. That's just great. I'm quite the Warsie so this is good news. edit: so obviously this has already been posted in other form. Way to go Fanny. Arent I the perceptive one.
  22. Point taken. No wonder the deku-tree died at somber tone. A tree after all feeds from the water in the surrounding soil. I would like to see how long you can manage the un-nutricious piss of a fucking fairy. Link "the chosen one" not without good reason. "send him on a suicide mission" the deku-tree must have thought, only to find that it was already too late. Perhaps that's what Mido was referring to with "you killed the deku-tree". The Great Mido was on to Link all along. Leaking into the kokiri forest waters... Shame double shame.
  23. During certain nocturnal developments that deprived me of getting my treasured shut-eye, the following question came to mind; When link needs to do "the number one" (you know, taking a friggin' piss (or a "wii" for those who still think it's funny)), how does he do it? Apparently first his friggin' pantyhose have to come down, unless there is some flap that can be unbuttoned, but presumably there is no flap, and the pantyhose go down. But then, does he stand and piss away, aiming at the beautifull sunset or maybe he finds himself a dekutree, OR, secondly, does he use dekuscrub-bush for cover and take a sit behind it, girly-style. See, it's the skirt thing that has got me all confused. All heroïc fighting, stuntesque horseriding and worldsaving aside, Link does sport a friggin skirt. A green one. Imagine yourself in a green skirt, and try to pose a serieus tone. It's impossible. But I'm losing track of the real problem at hand; does Link take his piss like a man, standing, or does he take the leak like a girl and have himself a gay yet comfortable sit. This question solely rests on the questionable yet common motives that have him wearing his skirt. And the golden earring, fo sho, him being not a pirate and all makes it rather suggestive, even borderline suspicious. Dennis Rodman wears skirts. Elthon John has earrings. Are we seeing a pattern? (edit; I wrote pEttern instead of pAttern at first. That's like oh my god, sooo funnny) Don't even get me started about the fallus-in-rest-shaped cap. Jezus H. What do you think? Six more months untill release, ladies 'n germs. We need all the contemplation we can get.
  24. Well, the speaker being one of the secrets, and the Connect24 technology being the other.
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