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Everything posted by Fanelia

  1. Iwata stated that there woudln't be too much of a difference in graphs on-screen between revolution and the competition. But that same Iwata stated that there isn't too much of a difference between twilight princess and gear of war. So the man needs new glasses. Even thicker ones, made by some secret cave-Jap who has rather long eyebrows and posesses the scrolls of Japans most secret glass sharpin' techniques. So, I polled for the lightyears ahead. I shall expect no less from a company on whom I have spend enough money to feed some twelve African villages for a series of months.
  2. Weapons! period. are for wimps. Pride is only justified when you are woopin' some major inferno-ass with the bloody butterfly net (on max difficulty). Not that I can, but if... My character of choice must be Nightmare. I like his hair. He also reminds me of myself, so I felt rather obliged to aid this timid fellow in his queste for whatever pisses him of. I also noticed a slight disfigurement in his right hand - I broke my hand once when I hit a rather hard wall, AND I was pissed of at the time; see the connection? I have no hair though... And then there is the matter of his sword. A very long sword it is. I'm not going to touch that line though. Too much class. But let me state this; the man with the larger sword should win. Plain and simple.
  3. Rare isn't really the best example one could give when it comes to quantitive gameproducing, is it? They were only responsible for less than 1% of Nintendo's software yearsales (1rst, 2nd and 3rd party included). Not too impressive. Great games though... A shame.
  4. Nintendo On. I still believe!
  5. Not my cup of tea, them card-battling turn-based RPG's. Great visual design though. Dense atmosphere, and a weighty plot. I played it for a whole week or so, which is a very very long time for one of them no cup 'a tea of mine card-battling turn-based RPG's.
  6. RE4's main flaw, in my opinion, is the character of Leon. His stereotype stars 'n stripes heroic replies troughout the plot really managed to screw up my ambition to help this lad kick some East European ass. I mean, whenever one faces a few legions of brainwashed armed savages who sport the chainsaw on your neck, the only weapon to stay sain is cynicisme. Leon Kennedy has obviously never heard of some old skool cynic replies to maintain the moral. He is more of an overseas diplomat, speaking the presidents voice in the ongoing war against terrorisme, than in fact an assassin sent to save the hottest of D-cup'd president-daughters and clip whomever between them.
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