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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. I should really get around to buying this. It's meant to be quite good.
  2. Yes please. Thank you.
  3. I found that to be an odd outcome too. As strange as it is to say, I think he'd find it far easier to walk into Chelsea's current starting 11. I'm not going to complain though. Always loved watching the guy at Everton and I'm sure he'll be a great alternative to either of the wings if things need to be changed and will of course provide great cover if there are injuries. The Darren Bent transfer I just find baffling though. I can only assume he was unhappy at Sunderland for some reason.
  4. I don't know why. But your eyebrows vanished. I liked your TMNT cover.
  5. But what about the endless multiplayer?
  6. The premier showing of Comedy Rainbow:The Movie opened to mild success.
  7. What you talking about? Tetris was only good when they stuck with the open-world concept.
  8. We'll get right on it.
  9. The Wii is as its codename suggested. A revolution. Why? Well it allowed me to play videogames with attractive girls who were previously too stupid to press more than one button. Rock on Nintendo.
  10. Charlie's Angels.
  11. How's a focus tester different from a normal one?
  12. I think a lot of people in their comments section doubted that it would not.
  13. No you are.
  14. It's understandable you'd want to work less at holiday times. I get that. My argument was more towards people who's 'business' it is to do things like this regularly. Who make a living based on overcharging people who cannot get the product for a cheaper price. It's theft by any other name. That is all. Over and out.
  15. Whose line is it anyway?
  16. Yeah, I'm not saying you don't have the right to own more than 1 copy of a console at launch and re-sell it. It's obviously completely your choice. I don't mean to come off as a complete bastard myself. It's just a drag that people who can already be a bit desperate on cash have to pay that little more because of someone else's greed. Sure they don't have to buy it if it's too much. It's their call. Like you said. But then again others don't need to just see green whenever something new hits the market. It's all down to choice. Which brings me back to what I originally said. If someone is going to be greedy and only think of what profit they can make at the expense of someone they've never met, then yes, I would say that they were a complete bastard.
  17. But why should someone else have to pay extra for your sake? It can't be justified. Son.
  18. Yes it is the way. The way to becoming a complete bastard.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't ever recall Capcom showing images that didn't represent the final game graphically.
  20. That's...err... that's what I was talking about too. Yep.
  21. I get the feeling they've been slightly influenced by Modern Warfare 2 with the gameplay a bit.
  22. This is planned for Wii too??? Says who?
  23. You were saying?
  24. Epic Fail.
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