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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. WOAH! Who is that damn FINE guy? Dude... if I was gay I'd totally put my balls in his mouth! Haha thanks for the overkind comments though
  2. Aw, thanks Don't agree but ta anyway
  3. I think people are forgetting that in Edge a FIVE is a completely average game. With nearly all other publications, both online and print, the score for a completely average game is nearer seven. A seven from Edge is still an above average game worth buying. Edge aren't fanboys at all. I've heard them been accused of being biased and fanboyish to ALL the different consoles, usually, ironically enough, by uber fanboys themselves. Get over it. Read the review. Take from it what you will. They've played it. You haven't. Bottom line, scores are not everything, merely one person's opinion.
  4. ARgh been crap scared about doing this but, hey, I'm bored... SCARY SERIOUS FACE! Find it impossible to smile in photos without looking like a complete weirdo. This was a month or so ago, my hair is nowhere near as emo now.
  5. I also have a fairly bleak look on 'uniqueness' I'm afraid. I think it's normal to think you're totally unique etc... but I think we're all nowhere near as different as we'd like to think and fundamentally very very similar. Which isn't a bad thing. I think there's almost too much pressure to BE unique, an image that's been force fed to us through the media since we were small. And when you realise that you're not that unique... it's kinda depressing. But yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with being completely average and that's what I consider myself to be!
  6. I hate them too Can we all have a big group hug now please?
  7. ^This. Obviously a hot guy didn't try to talk to me in the National Gallery but I also totally lose the ability to talk when any mildly hot girl comes up to me. There was a gorgeous looking girl at my (ex) work's end of summer staff party a month ago. Worked at a huge place so I'd never seen her before. She kept coming up to try and start conversation with me more than a few times during the night and my friends swore she was obviously into me. Each time she'd ask me something though I'd reply in a monosyllabic way, pause trying to think of something witty to say, failing and just going 'Oh okay, I better go find my friends, speak to you later!' I just cannot talk to hot women. Also going to die alone.
  8. I quite enjoyed this weeks, even though not much really happened.
  9. Last night was funny. Me, my dad and his partner got through 6 bottles of red between us... Fair to say we were a bit hungover this morning. Made a nice difference us all LOLing away together, usually it's just awkward conversation and silences. Today has been meh - wasted day though I did buy a couple of pumpkins to carve tomorrow. Tonight... Well I really need to get out but noone seems to want to do anything. It's getting really lonely at the moment not having a job or much to do in the days so I live for the weekend. Also all my mates live about an hours drive away so don't really see anyone other than my dad in the week. Half tempted to go out on my own, least that way I have to man up and talk to randoms. Though I'd probably need alcohol to fuel such confidence. With me living in the middle of nowhere that's not an option as I'd have to drive back home. Doh. Anyone live Cornwall way going out that doesn't mind a randomer tagging along?! That is how desperate I am to get out tonight! Sad times in both senses of the word.
  10. Anyone tried their hand at carving pumpkins? I did my first last year and had SO much fun so I'm hoping to do quite a few this year. Here's my pretty poor attempt last year... It's supposed to be MJ... because my flat mate wanted one and.... long story. Anyway, I just bought a shed load so I'll post some pics of the ones I do this year and I hope other peeps do too _____________________________________________________ One I did last night out of sheer boredom. It's supposed to be a pumpkin eating a pumpkin eating a cat :/ SO gonna use a template next time.
  11. Yeah I love the Freezepop DLC! Never heard of them until this but they're great! Anyone fancy trying out the facebook multiplayer? Got a feeling it'll work in the same lame way that the random online multiplayer works but fancy trying it anyway. Here I am! - facebook.com/jonnyborders
  12. Many Happying returns on your day of birth!
  13. Re the whispers, I thought it was meant to be those two people walking past the room? House just got freaked by it because, from his experience with the bedroom whispers, he's a bit paranoid that he might be 'ill' again.
  14. Ahh those videos are pretty cool. Got it pretty quick as I tortured myself with those magic eye books as a kid until I could do it. Talking about 3D anyone see this?...
  15. I saw a tweet on Twitter that sums it up perfectly... Also another from someone who was at the recording
  16. I temped in an office for a few months a couple of years ago and literally everyone there did unpaid overtime. Every single day they'd all get in half an hour early and leave almost an hour late, that's like what around 7 hours unpaid overtime a week?! So so ridiculous, they blame it on the workload and the pressure to get it done but if they just chillaxed about it then the management would soon buck up and either hire more staff or pay them the overtime. I must admit though there was a crowd mentality to it, I felt like a MASSIVE dick when I left right on time and everyone else was still working. Glad it wasn't a permanent job or I expect I'd have eventually joined in. Last night was okay. Drunk some wine and tried to get my Dad into Arrested Development. Told him the pilot was a 'little dodgy' and to keep with it but it didn't matter cause he bloody loved it From the way he was guffawing, he's gonna have a frigging heart attack at some of the later episodes when the show really finds its pace.
  17. Yeah I've got it too. Quite impressed by it really. Far better than Tap Tap. Unfortunately for my wallet, I can see me spending money on DLC for this. I don't get the online mode though? Noone I know on facebook has it so I pick open group, do a song and then am I meant to get some sort of 'message' back when others have done the song? It's not very clear and I've not had anything back. Yeah I sometimes have that double note problem too but it's only when they're together so I think it's a problem to do with fat thumbs or the button hit area rather than lag.
  18. Woah Halloween at Alton Towers sounds just epic. I saw it advertised in the summer and thought about going but then life got in the way and I had to move to the other end of the country. Quite disappointed I'm gonna miss it now. My day is going to involve... Hot Dog Ciabattas sarnies. Looking for a Job . Learning some more Objective C with the aim of eventually making an epix iPhone app. Going to the dentists. Settling down with dinner and the usual gallon of wine while watching masterchef. My current life is epicly boring.
  19. Most Merry of Happying Birthdays to the both of you.
  20. Yay! I want the magic mouse but £55 is a little pricey for me at the moment. Been missing easily scrolling around webpages ever since the trackball in my mighty went kaput.
  21. I woulda thought later than July seen as though the season 5 boxset has only just come out over here.
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