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Everything posted by Andyliini

  1. The transfer from Wii to SD Card doesn't take too long, but from SD Card to Wii U does take a while. The reason is, the program doesn't transfer the Virtual Console games to the SD Card, instead, the Tfansfer program downloads the games you had in your Wii's System Memory. So, if you want the Transfer itself to take less time, delete all your games from Wii's System Memory and download the yourself at a later time. Hope that made sense.
  2. Amazon also does not ship to countries that have their own Amazon. I can order from any of them, for Finland has no Amazon.
  3. Yeah, I had 2 games, Castlevania and Zelda II that did not work on my LG TV on Wii. On Wii U, though, they work fine, so thats a major upside of the console. I just hope'd it would automatically detect the correct aspect ratio. Now every game is stretched to 16:9, and every time I play 4:3 game, I have to manually change it from the TV's setting. No big deal, as 4:3 games are a rarity nowadays, but still something I hope will be adressed later.
  4. Tax Refunds are coming next week, so I ordered this one today. Should arrive next week, so I have good time to play it when exams are mostly done in school.
  5. Say what you want, but I love the Octopus Dance. I always smile when I see myself in the background, tilting in the submarine.
  6. I haven't seen much in Finland, though the console is sold out with preorders everywhere I asked. I don't think it even needs that much advertising or buzz, as people are willing to buy it nevertheless.
  7. While online mode could be useful for some, I do not see it being used very much. As others have said, this game was meant to be played locally, and they really did this game for that. It would work online, but I'm not comlaining the lack of it. I'm soon moving to a bigger city myself, where many of my friends live, so we will probably have a blast with it. Maybe even better with beer.
  8. The review from VGCHartz gives a little more positive image from this game, altough still no that great. 7.5/10 The game is still short, but they mention that the side-quests can extend the game time up to 25 hours, which seems like solid length for a game. I probably won't buy it before I find a bargain on it. Mainly because I have so much other things to play.
  9. I believe any of those games could be fun, altough I don't find all of them interesting. To me, Nintendo Land does great what it was meant to do: demonstrate the console and the new controller to the audience. True, I haven't played the game, so I can't be sure, but thats how I feel. Personally, I'll take this over any racing-game, as I find them shallow. Also, wishing a game to flop, just because you personally do not like it... To me it feels the same as publicly wishing someone to die just because he's not the kind of person you would like him to be.
  10. Any info does this game need any patches etc before you can play it? Also: dontflop! Looks like a legit fun, which seems to be forbidden in this way-too-serious world of ours.
  11. Then again, IV had the most memorable villain of the trilogy, Psaro the Manslayer. Maybe it was because he was a constant part of the story, whereas Nimzo and Mortamor were only revealed towards the end of the game. I was surprosed, as the final battles were always pushed up a notch in difficulty in comparison to the enemies and bosses on the final lair. Only Nimzo was a bit on the easy side, Psaro and Mortamor really put up a difficult fight. Damn, now I really want to test out IX, but I don't know if I have time to play it. Hmm...
  12. Aaannd, I'm back. Just beat Dragon Quest V. Great adventure, probably one of the best and definietly most emotinal DQ story I have so far played. And that also marks the completition of this Zenithia Trilogy, and boy what a wild adventure that was. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the titles. While V had the best story, I think VI had the best gameplay, as in developing your characters. Much like taking Final Fantasy V, but removing the annoying parts of its development system. IV was probably the most forgettable, but that I can accept as it was originally a NES title. So there, one piece of video game history cleared. I still have Dragon Quest IX waiting in my shelf, but I think Iäll take a break from DQ for a while now. Maybe tackling some Pokemon next.
  13. This new trailer is awful. First it starts with voice acting, that is single-handedly the worst acting I've ever heard in a Castlevania game. Then it goes to show gameplay that doesn't inspire at all. Previous handheld-Castlevania's seemed to be much better in every aspect. I'm a Castlevania fan, and am planning on getting this, but it doesn't look good. Someone should think recasting Dracula, Robert Carlyle as Dracula is the worst in the series. Curse of Darkness and Dracula X Chronicles got the voice right, or at least more on spot. Which isn' even a challenge, mind you.
  14. Aww yeeaaah! This one made my day. I haven't ever played Dragon Quest VII, for it wasn't released in Europe, but now there's a slight chance I might. Hopefully Nintendo still sees profit in Dragon Quest franchise and continues to push and market it outside Japan. Here's something for this:
  15. They also have Missingo in the game? Does Nintendo or GameFreak hold rights on that one, as it was a bug originally?
  16. Et vaan osaa! To be honest, I enjoy some challenge, and rarely use the save states anymore. But with the Game & Watch Gallery -games I had to to get 5 start from some games. Though it was only after everything else had been unlocked already.
  17. So far, I'm only getting Nintendo Land, which comes with the Premium System. I'm also very interested in New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU and Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2. I may pick one of those up during the holidays, but nothing's certain right now.
  18. I didn't ask, you just answered. :P Anyway, I have the cookies ready, but postal service from Finland is quite slow, so I have to regretfully admit, that your demand was given in vain. I do apologize.
  19. Aaaannnddd... Dragon Quest VI is complete! Finished it last night, as I couldn't sleep and felt like now or never. I thorougthly enjoyed the game. The game was quite easy for most part, but the final boss gave a fair challenge, I had to grind a few hours to make him fall, and he wasn't a pushover even then. I know there is post-game content, but I have no time to deal with it right now. The post-game bosses in JRPG's tend to be hard as hell, and there are few other games I have to beat. I also found Dragon Quest V a while ago and gave it a little time. It feels.. different somehow. It has the same engine as IV and VI, but there's something that feels different about that game, but I just can't tell what it is. Hopefully, I'll figure it out as I play the game further. Also, The ending of DQVI was great, seems like there really is a timeline between these three Zenithia-games. I'm keen on finding out where V fits.
  20. CDon is known to overprice just about everything. Could be a placeholder, too.
  21. In PAL-version there is a bug with kinstone fusion with Meenie (or something like that). If you don't have the right kinstone with you the first time, he will not fuse with you again later. This was corrected in USA-release, but I'm not sure which one does the PAL 3DS have.
  22. 404 Not found. Why would they remove them anyway?
  23. I'm very interested in Dragon Quest X. I have been following GameDAQs Boards, and there's one fellow who imported the game, and is playing the game at the moment. He also shares his experiences online, which is great. As far as I know, you create two human characters (siblings) at the beginning, and the proceed to play the offline-proloque. After that, the siblings are separated, and their storis will be followed. Your main character enters the online mode, while the other sibling starts in offline mode, where he/she will be searching the way back home. It's been selling quite well in Japan, but I don't know how much more physical copies will be sold, as the discs are only needed to install the game. After installing, you don't need the discs anymore, as the game runs from USB-drive. Clearly this means that the profits will be made from subscribing players. I hope we'll get more info on the Wii U version soon, so we can start anticipating it's release over here. Hopefully they can do it within a year.
  24. I beg to disagree. After playing Skyward Sword and going back to Twilight Princess (GC version) I couldn't help but notice how stiff the sword-fighting was. Link didn't swing how I wanted him to, couldn't move as freely and just about everything. Of course, when I got used to it again, it felt better, but IMO, it's a big loss of freedom, if Zelda team goes back to 'safe' button controls for Wii U -Zelda. I hope Aonuma's promises will be kept, and we get more motion controls, even more precise than in Skyward Sword. Not that my opinions are facts, but still...
  25. Why would they ask about Castlevania, since it's already coming to 3DS? Or was it official back when this first came out? Also, Twin Snakes would not be next in line. Before that, 3DS should get remakes of Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear and Solid Snake. Maybe not.
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