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Everything posted by Andyliini

  1. I'm interested, but this would be a certain buy if it was coming to Wii U rather than 3DS. MSF: HyperDrive Edition was an absolute blast to play.
  2. I just beat the game with 100% completed. It took me just short of 11 hours to do it, so it didn't take that long. The areas are quite small, and altough there are some areas that are basically just straight lines, most of them have branching paths and some even open areas. Personally, I didn't see performance issues at all, the game run fluently all the way through, even when fighting multiple enemies at once. I had the 3D on the whole game, and it really adds to the atmosphere of the game, especially on the backgrounds. A good play it was, though the combat became very repetitive towards the end. The music was quite forgettable, but the game was fun to play as long as it lasted. It was short, there's no denying that one, but then again, it had more of a Castlevania feeling than Lords of Shadow (which is not a huge achievement, but nevertheless). If I remember correctly, Cox told in an interview once, that Lords of Shadow 2 will conclude the story of Dracula, so perhaps another team will tackle Castlevania after MercurySteam.
  3. This seems to be the map of the game. It has some size, I would say.
  4. I just read that release of Devil Survivor: Overclocked has been brought forward, to March 29th (which is odd, as it's not a working day). I only have a finnish source right now, but I'm looking into it. Might be false, too.
  5. So, Nintendo got in touch with this guy, and asked him to do Wii U developing? It seems like Nintendo is reaching out to 3rd party -developers, but it seems like the big guys in the market are only interested in raw power, which Nintendo does not seem to want to support as strongly. Quite a few of Indie-developers on the other hand have agreed on doing gamed for eShop. It's cool, but hardly a system-seller. As for the game, looks like a Mega Drive game, hopefully the final product will be a bit more polished than these shots (and it will be). Might be something to keep an eye out on.
  6. There are several games that have left me with a huge emotional mark. The top two of them are Final Fantasy IX and Majora's Mask. Both have amazing atmospehere, beautiful music, memorable characters and a world, which I have personally longed for. Yes, I have sometimes thought what would it be like to live the worlds of those games. Virtual Reality, where are you? Anyway, out of those two titles, Majora's Mask is my ultimate favorite. Best Zelda ever, best game ever.
  7. I didn't understand a word from that trailer, but I want this game.
  8. Actually, I already saw one comment like that in Balloon Fight Community.
  9. Now that F-Zero is 60Hz, i just people will finally shut up in MiiVerse. Reading the same messages over and over again became very tiresome and frustrating. It probably won't tough. People will just find another topic to bitch and moan about.
  10. 21st if I remember correctly.
  11. Typo in the title, the Direct will take place on 14th of February.
  12. I've been planning on downloading Nano Assault Neo, but I hear it's a bit one the short side in lenght. Is it worth the 10€ price tag?
  13. 1. The eShop will update on Thursdays. There might be weeks where there are no updates, though. 2. The Wii U eShop only has one game, but there will be more on the way. You can also go to the original Wii Shopping Channel via Wii U's Wii Mode, and buy them there. Of course, those games cannot be played on the GamePad. 3. GameCube games do not run on Wii U.
  14. Here's mine: Sold/Traded: N/A Physical releases: Nintendo Land New Super Mario Bros. U ZombiU eShop: Trine 2: Director's Cut Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition Virtual Console: Balloon Fight To-Buy-List: Lego City: Undercover The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Bayonetta 2 Only listed the games that are coming in not too distant future. There's more, of course later on.
  15. That list had some very interesting names, if it really meant those games are coming. It said Final Fantasy 3, which I doubt will be coming to Wii U, it could mean something else, like Lightning Returns (FFXIII-3). Then it had Soul Hackers. So far, there is a Shin Megami Tensei -game which has Soul Hackers subname, but that's a 3DS game. Could Nintendo be planning a 3DS Miiverse? I forget about the rest of the games on that list.
  16. It's been a while since this post was made, but does it qualify now, as Nintendo is (in Europe, at least) responsible for distributing and marketing the game?
  17. I'm interested in Fire Emblem games, but have only tried out the one that came to 3DS as ambassador title. Only played trough the tutorial, so I have very little experience on that one. But I'm afraid that the game is too complex for me to understand, according to what I have read from here. I'm not that much into Tactical RPG's as I never gor into Final Fantasy Tactics-games either. Then again, I have enjoyed Shining Force -games a little. Right now, I have no time to start exploring the world of Fire Emblem, but I'll keep an eye out for this one. I haven't played SMT-series either, but I have Persona 4 waiting for me on the shelf. I'll play it, when I have time.
  18. It ends on February 7th, or so they said. I've been thinkin of downloading this, but I have already but down too much money on games lately. So difficult...
  19. Nintendo: The Conduit Multiplatform: Blue Dragon (strange enough, all the games are exclusive to their consoles, but the series is multiplatform) Cant think of more, altough Wii Fit did recieve a sequel-update-whatever.
  20. Hope for the best, fear for the worst. That's how I always go. Hopefully Iwata gives something that makes me drop my jaw.
  21. Now they are rumoring that Monolith Soft will be making a new EarthBound for Wii U.
  22. Even more amazing is that it's Namco of all who is publishing this in Europe, given that Namco has generally just forgotten about Europe in the past.
  23. May get this to show support for Megaman. And also, localisation for a niche title like this leaves Square-Enix no valid excuse not to localize Bravely Default.
  24. Yeah, I tried it, but didn't like the game at all. Still have in my shelf, maybe I'll take on it one day. While it worked a bit different way, I felt like it was more of the same. But that's not the idea of this topic. You have your opinions, and I have mine. Let's not argue. :awesome:
  25. Metal Gear Not a bad series, but pretty stagnant. People often say that Zelda is repetitive, Mario is repetitive, this and this game is repetitive, but Metal Gear gets a free pass, although most of the time, the series uses the same story elements, same gameplay, etc. Personally, it's hetting boring. Kingdom Hearts Granted, I have only played the original Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories. When I first played the series, I got burned out during the first game. I gave it a new chance a year ago, and finished the first game, but got burned out right after the beginning of CoM. Decided that this is not my cup of tea. I don't think there are many other series that I'm truly bored of.
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