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Everything posted by Andyliini

  1. Conker's Bad Fur Day was one of the biggest gaming disappointments I have ever had. Not getting my hopes up.
  2. Maridia is a reason enough to hate Super Metroid. That place is just annoying from start to finish, from horrible underwater platforming to various dead ends with nothing in them. It is an enjoyable game, but Maridia does not give me any kind of enjoyment.
  3. There's a rumour flying around that Nintendo's plans for E3-presentations have been leaked. It looks like this: As the author says himself, this is a rumor, and it's possible that none of the above will happen. But if they do.... Looks juicy. Source
  4. Maybe something like this: June - Game & Wario July - Pikmin 3 & New Super Luigi U August- The Wonderful 101 September - 3D Mario October - The Wind Waker HD November - Mario Kart U December - I don't even know. Some 3rd party games are coming during that period too, like Batman: Arkham Origins, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut, Watch_Dogs, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Duck Tales Remastered etc. Should be good if it goes about that road.
  5. Yes, PAL version always had subtitles in either German or French. It's only in the beginning, tough. Later on, there won't be any need for subtitles. Besides, I'm used to watching movies and playing games with subtitles anyway. Doesn't bother me that much.
  6. There is a comparison video in YouTube. I watched it, and the difference was narely noticable. As was stated in the official description, it was reworked back then to play better, only the aspect ratio has been corrected now. Only bad thing is that there's always either French or German subtitles, tough they were quite rare, if I remember correctly.
  7. It seems Awakening really pushed Fire Emblem to be a mainstream game in America, but in Europe the series is still fairly unknown, as far as I know, Awakening hasn't broke 100k in Europe. Hopefully, more Europeans will "find" this series soon, as it feels great. I'm playing The Sacred Stones, as that was free game from Ambassador campaign, and therefore easy one to start with. I like the game very much, altough my I sometimes need to restart missions, as I don't want anyone to die. (Okay, I let Forde die, but he seemed to be pretty underpowered compared to other cavalry). I'm at chapter 12 now, let's see when I'll beat it. I'm eyeing Path of Radiance now, so that could be my next game. Or maybe not, as I don't own a GameCube.
  8. I'm with the two previous posters, complaining about some minor thing like that sounds like these people. That aside, I already have the game from Wii Shop Channel, and as much as I loved Zero Mission and Fusion, Super Metroid didn't feel nowhere near as good as those two titles. I even got frustrated at the game, mainly due to it's strange desicions with the controls. Especially Screw Attack.
  9. It's not the only Rex Fury costume, tough. There are at least two more hidden in the game, I just can't remember where they were. Thats completely new bug to me, haven't heard of that before.
  10. Strange. It should say that only Rex Fury can pull such things. It's not a glitch tough, just get yourself a Rex Fury -costume, and equip it. You should get one from the final spacedive in the last mission.
  11. Thanks. My brother has Arkham Asylum, so I'll just lend (steal) it from him.
  12. Question: Should I play Arkham Asylum before playing this one to understand the story better? I have this for Wii U, but haven't started playing it yet.
  13. For my next 3DS game, it's certainly Luigi's Mansion 2 or Awakening. Haven't decided yet.
  14. I have found a new love via 3DS eShop, or Virtual Console to be exact. I finally started playing Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on my 3DS. I don't know why I held it behind for such a long time, but it surely was worth the wait. I'm only at chapter 7, about 4 hours of gameplay behind, but love the game already. Now, I really think about trying out other Fire Emblem games, to see if they are as good as this one. And I think they are. Just not sure which one to try next. Well, perhaps I should beat this one first.
  15. Anyone else glad that the Wii U VC does not stretch the 4:3 on widescreen TV anymore? That was the only real bummer I had with Wii VC, that the games were stretched and looked terrible. Now, they look like they should.
  16. I too wan't to know how this game works on the 3DS. I'm on the fence on buying it, and I lover the Wii U -game, but if this is just more of the same in smaller scale, I probably won't bother and get Luigi's Mansion 2 instead.
  17. Majora's Mask trumps over everything else. Fact.
  18. Yes, Super Stars and ?-Blocks do show up on your radar as Clues.
  19. Now that looks like Castlevania: Mirror of Fate to me. And while it was an enjoyable game, it was very short. I have yet to play Arkham City on my Wii U, but if it's good, I'll consider this one. For 3DS of course.
  20. In Finland, I can find this everywhere,, even local SuperMarkets have them. I got it from a Online Store, tough. It was 50€, and I got in Thursday. Been a blast so faar.
  21. I got a system update on my 3DS this morning, it was nothing more than adding Luigi's Mansion 2 Puzzle to the Mii Plaza. Interesting though, it also said, that I can now receive Jiggies via SpotPass. Dunno what it means, but coud be interesting.
  22. I just read that the Harley Quinn's Revenge mission has some kind of bug that prevents you from replaying it once you have finished it. There doesn't seem to be any updates for the game, so I guess the only way is to play it safe, and 100% the mission on the first time?
  23. I actually just found AC3 on sale, but it was here in Finland. It was 20€ for the standard edition of the game. Too bad it's only available in here...
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