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Everything posted by Andyliini

  1. As far as I know, Nintendo takes Wii Sports out of the main package, and replaces it with Mario Kart Wii.
  2. Some claim this is the official PAL-cover for this game. I don't think it has been officially show yet, though.
  3. Coming out this week. Maybe I really should preorder from gameseek...
  4. Don't know if this one's been posted yet, but Computer & Video Games has reviewed Street Fighter IV 3D. Sorry, can't post links yet. Post count, y'know.
  5. I've heard of the lag too, byt haven't experienced it myself. I have 42" Philips LCD, and there's no lag at all.
  6. I just can't be disappointed. I always loved the All-Stars versions, and now it seems like I'm getting My first SNES game back with some pretty cool extras. Seriously, I'm buying this game this December. I just can't let it pass by.
  7. These are the nominees I might buy if I can this year: Wii Party GoldenEye Donkey Kong Country Returns Epic Mickey Call of Duty: Black Ops 2011: Conduit 2 Skyward Sword
  8. Is this the reason why my Wii is now asking me to update? I had completely missed this one.
  9. Actually, High Voltage are very pleased with sales of The Conduit. It was, by far their best selling game ever, and it really seems they are going to push Conduit 2 hard. HVSTony said something like this on GFAQs board: "Lolz, The Conduit sold impressively for a company our size." Or something along those lines.
  10. Just watched that trailer. Didn't care about this game much, but I decided to watch this trailer anyway. Wow, I almost can't believe my eyes. That looks just awesome, I just simply have to play that game. Never even tried Xeno-series before. Maybe I should?
  11. Famitsu seems to have some pics of upcoming WiiWare title Castlevania Rebirth by Konami. This game does not resemble the old Castlevania Adventure, so it's most likely not a remake. Or maybe it is, but ropes have been replaced by traditional stairs. img207.imageshack.us/img207/5883/cva.jpg Can't link URL's yet...
  12. I have a quoestion recarding Wii's Internet connections. Is it possible to use 3G router to put Wii online? I can't afford a true broadband, but a mobile broadband is cheap enough. Now i just need to know is it possible to put Wii online with 3G router. Do I need a specific one, or do they work at all?
  13. I got this game few days ago, and I absolutely love it. I never have been into fighting games, and complicated combos, but this Castlevania just makes me want to play it more and more. The trick is, those complicated combos are not around in this one. It's all about finding a right spot to attack, and then strike strong. I found it very Castlevania-like, altough it's a fighting game. Castle mode is my favorite so far, great fan service. I hope this would sell 30 000 copies in Europe and Austarlia, so it would reach 100k worldwide sales, but I have the feeling, that this non-advertised title will just get lost from players.
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