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Everything posted by Andyliini

  1. Personally, as much as I hoped the 2013 release date would have been true, I was always skeptical about that. Looking at the release schedule, I couldn't find a proper place for the game in there in late 2013. Sad, but true. Oh well, it's not like I don't have enough games for this year. Then again, words Square-Enix and Europe have never belonged to the same sentence anyway.
  2. Mobile is the future!
  3. Monster Hunter Frontier G. The online game for those who don't know. Info: - due out Dec. 11th - free download on Nintendo eShop - retail “Beginner’s Package” will be available for 6,090 yen - plays the same as 360/PC versions, but is hosted on different servers - monthly fee is 1,600 yen per month - there will be a free test period - includes Off-TV play - suppots Wii U Pro Controller, but not with the Wii Nunchuk - Wii U Beginner’s Pack will include the following weapons and armor: Adonis Lapis, Melgai Desolph, Noctabult, Berona Massa, Genea Regilng, Genea Dore, and Amiro Series Too bad I'm not into this series. Also, it feels like this one will be Japan only.
  4. You could try Again, which plays just like Hotel Dusk, but was published by Tecmo instead of Nintendo. It was not released in Europe, tough, and didn't get very high rates in reviews. I found it on Tradera a few weeks back, but haven't played it yet. Project X Zone takes too much time. I doubet we'll ever get a real sequel to Last Window, as the developer Cing went bankrupt in 2010.
  5. Hotel Dusk & Last Window?
  6. Wii passes 100 million consoles sold. Unofficial as of now, but must be very close to those numbers. Who would have thought of this when the console was fully presented for the first time in 2006.
  7. I think they had Kirby's Dreamland 2 dated for US 3DS eShop, but that's just me.
  8. I don't see that. No reason to release Mother 3 now, this close to Earthbound. I could see some other things happen, like adding more platforms for Virtual Console or even unifying both eShops under NNID. Not gonna get my hopes up, but Serebii was right with Earthbound, so I'll see.
  9. Bit off-topic but I'm surprised Little Inferno has so much sales. Never believed a game like that could sell so well. Reminds me of Fireplace DVD.
  10. I got it on Friday, but was away from home until late Sunday, so I could only try it for a while. And I died in the first stage, didn't know I was that bad. Or not just used to Luigi's jumping. Too bad that there's something fishy going on with my GamePad, it constantly cuts the connection between Wii U and the GamePad for 2-3 seconds, then reconnects. The repair center is also closed for 3 more weeks, so nothing I can really do about it now. Maybe I just have to play with a WiiMote for a while then.
  11. Can you post more screenshots from the game? Like bakcover, and how it looks inside etc. Just curious, mine was shipped today.
  12. No, not really. I couldn't even finish Super Mario Sunshine. Galaxy on the other hand, was great.
  13. Conker's bad Fur Day As a much hyped game, and by Rare, I went in with high expectations. Never have I been so disappointed. The worst things is that the game doesn't know what it's trying to be. Jack of all trades, master of none. When a 3D-platformer suddenly becomes a third person shooter without any explanation's given, it gives out impression that the director was high, and didn't have producer telling him to stop when he crossed the border. I also didn't like controls, felt clumsy. Camera was mostly OK, but the fact that you almost died from a drop equal to Donkey Kong made my blood boil. Especially, when you couldn't really lose in the game itself, just repeat the same thing over and over if you failed. Humor felt like hit and miss, too. Maybe it had too much toilet humor. Metal Gear Solid 4 This was after a eun trying to play the official canon of the series (skipped Peace Walker and Twin Snakes, tough). This was just boring to play. I tried for about an hour, but the game just felt stupid, and most of all, not fun. I still have it in my shelf, but I have no desire to play it again. Maybe I'll try some time. Or maybe I just should have done what my friend told me to: Take AK-47 and shoot everyone. Call of Duty: Black Ops II I'm not a hyge fan of First-person shooters, but playing them with WiiMote inspired me. World at War was a nice game on Wii, and I decided to try Blops2, as I found it cheap. I couldn't even finish the story mode, it was just awful to play. And as I don't play online, the game holds no value to me.
  14. Well, people asked for new IP's just trollin'...
  15. 87€? That's not too bad of a price at all! Sure, it's a lot of money, but what the heck, I just preordered them, too. Thankfully they also sen to Finland, and with free delivery, too. Thanks EU for making this possible!
  16. Well, Wii VC has been getting Beat 'em up -games from Neo Geo at a constant pace, so it doesn't really surprise me. What does, tough, is that they are using time and money to actually release these for the Wii, instead of Wii U. Might be the install base, altough I doubt this games sell very well.
  17. I'm surprised they even released Kirby game this week, as Pikmin 3 is coming also. That could go unseen, as Kirby is not as popular in Europe as he (she?) is in America.
  18. Namco might be interested, but I don't know about their financial situation. Besides, Namco isn't the first company to come to mind who would bring their games to Europe. As long as a company who has a good track record on releasing games in Europe, I'll be happy. Of course, the compnay should be good too, and be interested in Atlus's properties. I wouldn't want EA or Capcom on the helm. Even Konami is just a mere shadow of what it was in 90's.
  19. For me, it makes sense. Atlus has been doing games for (3)DS for a while now, and they seem to be doing well. Add in the SMTxFE game, and we have a full co-operations between Atlus and Nintendo. That could also be the reason for that campaign in Amerocas, where you get a 30$ voucher when you buy both Fire Emblem: Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV. Nintendo rarely does such deals with 3rd-party publishers.
  20. There was a secret Warp Pipe to the Statue of Liberty somewhere, but I forget where. Maybe it was in around that small colosseum-like building close to the museum?
  21. I just read, that there's an update available for this game. I don't know what it does, but reportedly it does not reduce the loading times.
  22. Wasn't the Web Browser outsourced? Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't almost all of Wii U's different apps ect. made by different teams? That could explain these differences. Have to admit, I have never used the WiiMote while using the Web Browser.
  23. If you ask me, they aren't nearly as good as their NES counterparts. But considering that GB-titles remixed elements from the NES games, I think they did a good job enough. Megaman IV and V are my favorites of the GB games, mainly because they both add things of their own, rather than remixing. I also played Xtreme games, but I remember nothing of those. Will be good times playing those ones again, if Capcom decides to bring them to Europe, that is... EDIT: What Dcubed said. Megaman II was actually done by different team than the rest of the games. So maybe that's why it's different. It also uses a strange sounds all over.
  24. I just can't help it. I still see that one as a brown cactuar with a condom as a hat. I can't unsee it anymore.
  25. Yeah. I have played it once, and it was not very good. If I remember correctly, it wasn't even developed or released by Capcom at the time. The more the merrier I think. If buying these games bring us even a little step closer to some day getting Megaman Legends 3, I'm ready to take it. Besides, most of these Virtual Console Megaman games are genuinely good. I'd get them anyway.
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