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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Should be grand. If we fail to coordinate I will order it anyway and pop it in the post to you. Disclaimer: Before purchasing, please take care to verify for yourself that the statue is indeed not counterfeit!
  2. You were had. The chocolate and 5-alive that came from that £2 provided more enjoyment than Super Metroid ever did!
  3. It's yours. Do you want to come collect it later? Let me know when you're available and I'll make sure to be on... as long as it isn't half two in the morning or some other @Sméagol o'clock. If you could just vouch for my island after your visit as I've cleared more flowers (still not all), that'd be great as it might stop @BowserBasher from ridiculing me. (Probs not. ) Blathers must think you're a right goody-two-shoes.
  4. The shorter the better for Metroid games as far as I'm concerned. The best are those that are so short they don't exist.
  5. Momo or bust! Truth. I used to watch Ren & Stimpy after 6pm on BBC 2 if I remember right.
  6. I'm good for those two, thanks! Redd here also, with: - basic painting (fake) - warrior statue (real) - wistful painting (fake) - academic painting (fake)
  7. Watching Ganon's Tower collapse and fold in on itself, I had time to think that I really should remember to replay OoT again within the next couple of years, certainly within the next five rather than the 2012-2021 gap between files you can see above. Similar to with A Link to the Past, I'm guilty of taking for granted just how great these games are. Yep, there's OoT topping another best games ever list. And the sky is up and water runs downhill, so what else is new? It can become so normalised that you lose sight of why OoT is so much fun to play in the first place. Even in the present day. Well, that was a few days ago when I first cleared that file. Thing is, when I went back into the game post-credits to take a snap of the file select screen for this post, I was flabbergasted to realise there was no complete save. Playing on 3DS, I hadn't saved very often throughout this run, opting to just close the clamshell when I was done and plug it in whenever the battery dropped into the red. What a nitwit. Thankfully, I had recorded a save after the Desert Colossus, but I still had to go back, get Nayru's Love, redo the Gerudo Training Grounds, hunt down the last Poes again (how finicky they can be!), and redo Ganon's Tower to get the pic you see here. That save is from just before delivering the final blow to Ganon. I wasn't planning to replay any of OoT immediately but things have a funny way of working out. It doesn't feel like I spent twenty-two and a half hours on this... I thought I was going about things fairly breezily! This length--or a smidge longer with some additional meaningful things to do between levels--is the sweet spot for Zelda, imo. I collected 75 gold skulltulas, so it looks like my time is fairly consistent with save slot 1 where I got all 100 (and saved further back than just before the final blow, I'd hazard). Other than that, I reckon I got everything else and all upgrades but I wouldn't be surprised if something was missed along the way. Most difficult heart pieces to remember during this run were in Gerudo Valley. I was doing the rounds as child Link checking for soil to plant my two remaining magic beans when I came across them. Some final observations: as adult Link, it is so satisfying to one-shot enemies that take multiple hits from child Link. there are some really nice pink-gold sunsets in this. Impressive. climbable surfaces with no stamina management! items needed for puzzles are available in grass, from enemies, or in pots in the rooms where you need them most, from inside the Great Deku Tree all the way to Ganon's Tower. It's like the game wants you to play it or something. pick uppable arrows would be nice (I mean if your shot misses... specifically thinking of the Poes here. ). d-pad for browsing shops would be cool too. But then I'm one of those weirdos whose thumb always gravitates to the d-pad so I could be in the minority with this one. I should try that next time. Even with a long time between plays, I'm pretty stuck in my ways when it comes to the order of doing things in OoT. Although there is no set point in the game to do a lot of the sidequests, I still find myself going after things in a similar order to how I discovered them the first time through on N64. For some reason, it just feels right to leave some child Link stuff to mop up during the first segment of the Desert Colossus. And I couldn't imagine collecting all the Poes earlier either as what would be the point of Hyrule Field without them tormenting me? I'm going to give the final word to the 3D effect. Here, I'd just pulled out the ocarina to play the song of storms to see if the rain would refill the dried out oasis when that bird swooped perfectly down into the freeze-frame. The tail and wing in the lower-right protruded from the screen so much, it was like you could touch them. Such a cool effect.
  8. Absolutely the worst invocation of Donkey Kong Country that I've seen in my life. If Rare really must be brought into this you's could at least use Dinosaur Planet.
  9. And thus the sandbox approach to Zelda was born. I've been looking through a lot of image results and can't quite find what I'm after, but I always thought of this as a precursor to the Hyrule Warriors games: Skyward Sword has a lot to answer for.
  10. Will there be slowdown when the game is autosaving?
  11. @bob was able to do it on the thread creation page. Four was the maximum and he figured other thread creators don't use tags are you're a bunch of boring old farts. Tune!
  12. Thanks for keeping me in mind! How soon do you expect her to return so I make a mental note to keep an eye for you or @Sméagol giving me a heads up. By the way, @Sméagol I got the bamboo stool DIY from the bottle that washes up, but I'm still after the other two if you come across em! In other news I got a flowery painting in the post from one of my islanders yesterday. It is a duplicate for me so if anyone needs it I'll be glad to pass it on!
  13. I was sure there was a subset of Pokémaniacs that have tried to impose on me that RWBY is simply the best generation of Pokémon. So, I've done a quick search to see what this game is and I'm not really any the wiser as apparently, RWBY: Arrowfell is a "canon Metroidvania." I was oblivious to the fact that a Metroidvania canon exists! At least I've heard of WayForward. Phew.
  14. Our Japanese counterparts are just as disinterested in the OLED Model. Question: Do you want the Nintendo Switch (OLED Model)? https://news.yahoo.co.jp/polls/other/42467/result It'll be interesting to see if that 61% grows as the poll goes on.
  15. I'd recommend checking this out on mute unless you want your ears assaulted as well as your eyes.
  16. There's a demo up for A Plague Tale if anyone fancies trying it on Switch. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/A-Plague-Tale-Innocence-Cloud-Version-2002534.html
  17. Thanks for humouring me with a check rather than an instant no this time.
  18. I enjoyed Mario 64 DS with the thumbstrap as well as the Metroid Prime: Hunters demo. I also liked that GBA carts fit perfectly with the shape of the machine compared to how they jutted out of the Lite. Having said that, when I packed the DS away and moved onto a DSi I never looked back.
  19. I had no problem with Nintendo selling me a box of cardboard to be folded up and played with. The OLED Switch is another kettle of fish entirely. No ta. @Dcubed is less a stopped clock and more a weathervane that changes with the wind.
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