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Everything posted by EchoDesiato

  1. The Large Hard-On Collider, lol. It'll create a black hole where giant erect penises will fly out that'll bone us to death. We're doomed, DOOMED!
  2. Everyone should check out Detroit Metal City. It'll be a series of 24 episodes of about 13 minutes each, but it's brilliant. I'm acquiring the second episode as we speak.
  3. My day has been spent playing Folklore and waiting to go rehearsal with my band, which eventually got cancelled. I just beat Folklore. Great game (with a few slight flaws). Loved the plot twist at the end.
  4. Me is belgium boy. Mine english not very good being, ja?
  5. Don LaFontaine, aka movie trailer man, has deceased. Everyone has definitely heard his voice before in numerous movie trailers, commercials, game trailers, ... I find this weird, I always associated trailers with his very deep grizzly voice. I hardly know what he looks like, but will never forget what he sounded like. He will be missed. I think I'll go watch the MGS4 trailer again...
  6. Despite the car brand, he couldn't dodge the house. ughh so terrible Oh damn, dwarf gourami did the joke waaaaay better than me.
  7. Like Jordan said. At the moment I have an awesome Death Note theme though. I got it off http://www.allps3themes.com/
  8. HDTV by Samsung. Full HD. The shitty phone pic doesn't do the amazing image quality any justice. Too bad my Wii looks horrible on this, I guess I'll need to get some component cables.
  9. Please be true please be true please be true...
  10. There should be a white guitar icon instead of a star on the PAL disc.
  11. I'm an indie kid apparently. I had no idea what to anwer to some questions (tv stations, newspapers...), too UK oriented.
  12. Can someone please explain to me why everyone is so excited about this game? I know it's a sidescrolling platformer with a big creation aspect. But is that really all there is to it? I don't get it. Don't get me wrong though, I'd LOVE to join in on the pants-creaming this game seems to cause.
  13. Nunchuck? Chuck the Nun?
  14. I have a PS3 so I don't mind. I'm really eager to get my hands on this game!
  15. Coca Cola Condoms - Taste the Coke side of life. Xbox 360 Condoms - Jump In.
  16. I can't find the demo anywhere on the PSN Store. Where is it?
  17. I did mine two days ago and passed. I was actually very relaxed, since I don't really care all that much about getting a driver's license, because I won't get to use a car often. So there wasn't that much weight on my shoulders.
  18. Looks great, but I hope the gameplay consists of more than just QTEs (like in the trailer).
  19. I think I said I'll eat my own cock if this ever comes out. I'm not worried.
  20. Hahaha. Why doesn't it surprise the footage is from a camera filming the tv which makes it very hard to see what's going on? For fuck's sake Nibris... And weren't they going to be at E3 or Leipzig this year?
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