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Everything posted by EchoDesiato

  1. Censored version for Europe... But also an uncensored version!
  2. You don't actually believe Jill is dead, right? Anyway, looks shit hot.
  4. My fridge has decided to randomly turn itself off and on. Fun fun. Besides that my day has been uneventful. Went to classes, studied, explored the internet, and I beat Beyond Good and Evil (very late to the party). Great game. Tomorrow should be good, going to some thing to get to know the lower year students, and after that fun will be had with drinking.
  5. Will make for excellent reading material on the train.
  6. I love the Death Note manga, very thrilling stuff. You have to pay attention though if you want to keep up with everything that's going on. Can't comment on Bleach, I'm not really into Shounen fighting stuff.
  7. I'm not representative of N-E's humour. Quick, somebody, say something dastardly witty!
  8. This is my most anticipated game of the moment. Looks incredible.
  9. So how does one go about obtaining a beta key?
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if hackers found a way around this.
  11. Awesome. I'm in the middle of rereading the H2G2 series myself. You should definitely check out the fifth book, Mostly Harmless, too.
  12. Haha, damn. I was hoping there would be a mistake in there somewhere.:p
  13. Besides learning to get your Permis de Conduire, or what Shino suggested, no.
  14. I really liked the Bioshock demo. The sense of isolation reminded me of Half-Life and maybe even Metroid Prime. I'll be sure to get it, but not on the day of release. 24 October is too busy, I think I'll get Dead Space instead. Can't go wrong with RE4 In Space. I'll wait for the hype surrounding LBP to settle down a bit after its release before I decide whether I'm getting it or not. Somehow it just doesn't appeal to me.
  15. Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Fighting a giant squid in The Great Wave Off Kanagawa. FIGHTING A GIANT SQUID IN THE GREAT WAVE OFF KANAGAWA BITCHEEEES I'm very excited for this game.
  16. I find the taste of sugar in regular Coke too strong, but in Diet Coke too weak. Coke Zero is just perfect.
  17. Wow, you bought these games 2 days after Nintendo announced porting them to Wii. (At least I think Mario Tennis was mentioned to be ported as well.)
  18. I gathered that this is supposed to be a one beast of a handheld console. But does it actually have any good games?
  19. The Joker is the new The Crow?
  20. Yeah, seriously. It's been ages since the last episode. Get on it fansubbers!
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