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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I just ate about 80% of a packet of these: I have work to do, and am taking procrastination to a whole new level...
  2. This looks awesome, although it'll lead to widespread misinformation about evolution.
  3. Nope, you said 1/x (1 + sqrt(x))^2, which following normal syntax would be interpreted as ((1 + sqrt(x))^2)/x. Just remember that's it's always better to have more brackets if there's any chance of ambiguity.
  4. If you're not actively using maths, it's really easy to forget particular techniques.
  5. Supply, sorry, forgot to write it normally. Fish, if question 1 is done with partial fractions, then do you mean 1/(x(1 + sqrt(x))^2)? If so, the answer is: ln(x) - 2ln(sqrt(x)+1) + 2/(sqrt(x)+1) + c If you mean ((1 + sqrt(x))^2)/x, the answer is: x + 4sqrt(x) + ln(x) + c
  6. Waking up and slowly realising that you've missed something vital.
  7. But then he started from the beginning again. Oh, and the cake was a lie.
  8. Yep, it's a reduced toneless unstressed vowel or schwa, represented by ə. In IPA, /ə/ usually represents the mid central vowel, but is used for any unstressed obscure vowel. In my accent (roughly RP) at least it is the o in hammock ['hæmək], and as for other vowels, it is indeed the a in umbrella [ʌm'brɛlə], the e in killer ['kilə®], the u in [səˈplaɪ], the i in pencil [ˈpɛnsəl], and even the y in sibyl [ˈsɪbəl]. As for the look/book thing, these are ['lʊk] and ['bʊk], and the sound in hammock is a reduced ʊ, but this is represented by a schwa. Anyway, on with the quiz. (and I ought to be working...)
  9. The main site is working fine for me at the moment; either it's back up or it's a problem on your end. [locked]
  10. A vowel is generally defined as any sound made by your mouth with no friction involved, and the type of vowel by the position of your tongue when you make the sound. (this is two dimensional, forwards/backwards and up/down) If you change the position of your tongue in the middle of the vowel then you get a dipthong or tripthong. The only way to accurately transcribe all the vowels is to use the international phonetic alphabet - there are around 20 in English, depending on the dialect you speak. In English, the letters you use to write a word are not the same as the vowels spoken, and indeed the letter y can sometimes indicate what would be spoken at a vowel. But of course in the question, fish is referring to what are considered to be orthographic vowels - a, i, e, o and u. Edit: This is a bit of a simplification, but I want to keep this post relatively short, and I don't fully understand it anyway. Hmm, I'd answer that maths question, but I have too much work that's actually related to my course...
  11. I don't need a dorm, I live less than an hour away... so I can hang around until trains die.
  12. Blarg, I should do some work... instead, I've just spent all day reading various books and trying to find people that I know in person and have articles on wikipedia. (found 2, fun game)
  13. Sounds awesome... anyhoo, it's Gyakuten Saiban, which I translate as "the courtroom of paradigm shifts."
  14. One at a time only, and I'm guessing Fish wants an indefinite integral.
  15. Thanks guys. Unfortunately I'm still awake, I have lectures and supervisons and stuff, but it's all good. Just back from a random picnic thing. More importantly, today is the first birthday of happy sandwich.
  16. Hmm, I reckon this was the best episode yet... it was great the way he just kicked Jenny out, but I reckon he should have done the same for Michael. Actually, he should really have fired the lot of them.
  17. Hmm, having a relatively productive night here, combining essay writing with strategic fueling breaks. One essay down, one to go (and already written the plan). I suppose after that I ought to do some chemistry or something.
  18. Well that one was brilliant - he made the mistake of crossing out a sentence initial "and" though, which is a relatively stupid predictive way of looking at grammatical usage. Aside from that pedantic point, the mailbox thingy was pretty awesome.
  19. You evil, evil man. :wink: Actually, I'd get really bored after about a month, and start doing something most people would consider work.
  20. I've known about it for a while, but didn't realise that it was out. Frankly, I'd be more surprised if it were good.
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