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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Second episode of Clannad was pretty funny, it seems they're going to do some of the minor arcs before they get onto after story proper. Unless they do "another world" like with the Tomoyo arc, I imagine we won't get the Kyou/Ryou arc or the Yukine arc. There are still a fair few they can do though. Anyway, was nice to see them cover more of the story with the girl in the "ended world" or however you translate it.
  2. Hmm, and now I awaken. Nice (and a little odd) not to have Saturday lectures this year. Last night was fairly awesome - we have these things called "bops" that perfectly balance cheese and win. And then had a long conversation over sherry about fiction, linguistic errors, law and phoenix wright.
  3. Er well yes, yes E does equal Mc^2. (it's slightly more complex than that when you delve more into special relativity, but anyhoo) Still don't really get it.
  4. 7.5/10 - Cool, could maybe do with some text, and you didn't specify a cake. Victoria sponge for me.
  5. But what did he do with all the brains in the first season? If you remember, they were always missing, and the police asked Hiro the same in episode 2. Of course I'm not expecting an answer, as Heroes is nowadays a heaving bed of contradictions and inconsistencies. It's still cool though.
  6. Had my first linguistics lecture today, and then the lecturer didn't turn up for the second, so we decided to leave. (yes, all 5 of us ) First was quite cool though.
  7. No, I decided that anyone stupid enough to still click the link after all that deserves to be rickrolled.
  8. Frankly, if people didn't text me, I'm not sure I'd ever get woken up. I was here nearly a week before I realised my alarm clock had broken.
  9. No problem - you might be interested in Unweaving the Rainbow by Dawkins, which explains how our understanding of spectra and rainbows has led to us being able to work out what stars are made of, and eventually develop quantum theory. Regarding your question: stuff refracts and reflects all over the place, but the more it does this the weaker the light gets, so generally the only rays you can see are those that reflect once, or when the light is strong, twice. Ungrammatical. Seriously though, linguistics is a descriptive subject, and so "grammatical correctness" is determined by the way the majority of educated speakers use the language, so while there are rules, especially when writing formal English, arguing about things like split infinitives and whether to use "which" or "that" before a restrictive relative clause is a bit silly really. This is especially so for split infinitives, which have never been ungrammatical in English - the idea comes from some bizarre idea that in Latin infinitives are one word, so you shouldn't put words inside any English infinitives. Anyway, I met my director of studies. I'll be having tiny lectures from now on, which is cool.
  10. Hmph, it's annoying that I always get insomnia for a week or so after going back to uni. I have a meeting with my director of studies in 5 and half hours... I can put commas where I like dammit - well, within reason. I tend to maximise them, and like Oxford commas and all that. I suppose the fragmented style they produced is really indicative of the fact that I was trying (and failing) to read a book at the same time....
  11. Not nitrogen molecules, rain droplets. But yes, it is going to be science, and if you really want to know, I'll have a go at explaining it as well as I can.
  12. Talking of costumes, I need to make a McDonald's employee costume by Friday. Blue cap with the logo stuck on I suppose - any other ideas?
  13. But then that wouldn't be a lie. If cake is C: the cake is a lie = ~C So if we accept this, the statement C has a truth value of f, meaning that "C" is a lie. Yay formal logic.
  14. Happy birthday Zero... I'm afraid I'm one of the group who doesn't go into the gaming boards and thus hasn't heard of you.
  15. Frankly you're probably more of a gamer than I am these days... Anyhoo welcome - provided you're not that much like ReZ, I'm sure you'll get by fine. Love you really ReZ. [noparse]:p[/noparse]
  16. Actually, both words are both verbs and nouns - will PM because I don't want to derail yet another thread with linguistics. See the questions thread.
  17. Excellent. Here are the Totoros in my living room thingy, along with some Dragon Quest slimes:
  18. Are those Totoro slippers? I must take pictures of the Totoro merchandise I acquired in Japan - will do so now.
  19. Had a look around, and it seems not, unfortunately, although there's already the sub mentioned earlier, but you'll probably want to wait for another. Hmm, it will presumably get subbed in time...
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