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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. What I'd really like is decent input systems for Korean and Russian (as opposed to just keyboard maps), and also some facilty for adding diacritics to letters like V, which even Charis SIL doesn't seem to manage that well. Damn missionaries... :wink:
  2. Have an opinionated birthday. :wink:
  3. Saw Watchmen finally... bleh, some bits were adapted well, others not so. I didn't like the changes to the story, and they seemed to be needlessly exaggerating any sex or violence, sometimes to absurd extents (the sex scene on Archie seemed especially badly done and misplaced). Still, it was mostly fun to watch, and good to see bits of the novel being reinacted well, although there was something of an over-reliance on slow motion to highlight key action scenes, which I suppose is par for the course with Snyder. The music seemed a bit crappy to me, with some odd choices and far too many well known songs. And while the credits were awesome, I felt they'd probably alienate anyone who hadn't read the novel - indeed, the people with me who hadn't thought the film was generally a bit confused, although they did like the style of the credits. 6/10 methinks.
  4. ReZ: 2/10, could do better, see me. Happy birthday dan-likes-trees!
  5. Maybe, but it's not quite as cut and dried a "different ending," so I think it was kind of necessary to include both. And it's not like they pulled it out of nowhere - it was seeded throughout both seasons, and game players knew what the final outcome would be simply from watching the very first OP.
  6. Something like that but a bit more complex. They pulled it off pretty well actually - in the game the endings were of course just on different playthroughs (well sort-of), which wasn't quite as good.
  7. The joke was bad but the fact you made yourself a banner to announce it, complete wit serious looking picture - that got a lol. ....you and your stupid green text, ReZ. I'm not even going to fix that. Unfortunately this isn't the first time he's used that banner. Edit: YAY embedded quoting! I knew we'd upgraded for a reason.
  8. Personally I think it looks awesome when long, but then I suppose I'm kind of biased. Maybe a little bit shorter is better, something like shoulder length.
  9. I think a thumbs up feature could work, something along the lines of the Facebook "X likes this" thing.
  10. *facepalm* Why did I add my dad on facebook?
  11. Erm, it's not possible to do unless the egg is a clone of the mother (or another individual), which is kind of weird and also illegal. If you don't want identical offspring, then you have to get the other half of the DNA from somewhere, and a different woman would be a pretty difficult source.
  12. Personally I think kids are awesome, but can't imagine wanting any for a long time yet. I can only think of two girls in my life that I've actually wanted to date.
  13. Oh yes, so of course Mandarin and English would creolize into English with Chinese swearwords. I suppose it's not too far off - in actual fact a pidgin would form with words from both languages and then a new language would form with its own complex grammar. And yeah, with regards to my essay, I'd imagine it'd be pretty damn isolating. Of course given time this would break up into many more dialects and languages.
  14. Lol, the Firefly approach to linguistic change is hilariously bad. :wink:
  15. Heroes is such utter rubbish now, I don't know why I wasted 45 minutes today watching the lastest episode...
  16. Yes, I must unfortunately concede defeat. I actually haven't had any of these things for ages - it's fairly scandalous if flake 99s are no longer 99p.
  17. Best picture I can find: The shell thing has marshmallow in it too, so all in all it's like a flake 99 ++ (assuming it has a flake, of course). Most definitely delightful whether or not you're partial to oysters themselves.
  18. Hmm, maye Nodnol twinned with Nilbog... It's true actually, flake 99s are pretty amazing. Although maybe not as good as oyster delights, if they do those still.
  19. Hmph, mayhap. We shall see. Alright then. Any particular reason, or just an arbitrary flake 99-y desire?
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