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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. A few people including me have had this problem - deleting the cookies associated with this site and trying again normally fixes it.
  2. How do you intend to approach non-higher education, which is frankly far more important? How about immigration? Research funding? Copyright law? Euthanasia? As it is, your manifesto is far too idealistic to actually get anywhere, especially given the inclusion of fairly unimportant things like scrapping the monarchy. Nonetheless, I do agree with many points, although by no means everything. And some points need a lot more fleshing out - while many people are against libel tourism, you can't just say you'll get rid of it without giving explicit proposals for a new libel system. (and it's first-past-the-post, plus there's a typo in health "will pay have insurance," assuming you're using this for anything)
  3. To be honest, you should use an external client for IRC rather than the browser embedded thing, which is bound to be worse.
  4. Happy birthday. May you have no loss of suction.
  5. Which is why you should make a thread about X, and then you can ask people if they're seeing it there.
  6. Rubik's cubes are often used as an introduction to group theory, so they're sometimes analysed mathematically. And I think you generally have to look at the mathematics if you want to come up with a new solving algorithm.
  7. Are you against self-prescribed drugs like paracetamol then? Anyway, hello. It is indeed amusing that this is four pages.
  8. I actually preferred the ending of the films ever so slightly to what happened in the middle of the manga, but otherwise they weren't nearly as good. And I've not seen that much of the anime, but it seems pretty identical to the manga.
  9. (I've not heard about this, but it's shinigami not shimigami - the verb "die" is shinu)
  10. Oh, apparently tonic water is massively high in calories (more so than coke), so gin and tonics are to be avoided. But then they're rubbish anyway.
  11. Maybe it is if you're on Kobol. (only it's not)
  12. I'm having my hair cut at an UNKNOWN place on Monday. Perhaps I should post before and after pictures.
  13. Happy Birthday Flinky!
  14. I think recent research has shown this to be a myth, but sadly I fail horribly in providing a link to said research. I might have read it in the New Scientist or something... I had a friend who tried to lose weight by drinking Magners Light... it must be disgusting though. Also in general cider doesn't give you as much of a beer belly - this must be jayseven's ploy.
  15. Well, up until Christmas I'd only seen season 1, but I got the complete boxset, and have since seen almost everything - just a few episodes of season 5 to go. Brilliant stuff, of course.
  16. Oh, well of course. But it seemed less knowingly so the second time round. Not "ironic" enough.
  17. I wouldn't let IQ scores worry you Oxigen, they don't really mean much in most contexts. Anyway, I actually found Scott Pilgrim to be a worse on a second viewing, although that may be because I read the originals in between - somehow it seemed more cheesy and less clever. But I'll be seeing it again this weekend, so it'll be interesting to see what I think third time around.
  18. Twice the fun... right?
  19. Personally I found Inception alright the first time round, but the second time I was literally so bored that I went to sleep. If books count here, then David Mitchell's Ghostwritten has to top my list, which I had to read three times to fully understand the meta-story.
  20. Sounds a bit applied to me.
  21. Pure for the win. I say that as an (extremely) applied mathematician, though.
  22. Skip me out for this round unless it's after next Friday, I'm very busy until then.
  23. Tragedy I think, but it's not entirely clear. Anyway... so much work...
  24. Happy birthday Mr. Person.
  25. I'm doing one at the moment, finished my degree in the summer. Haven't read any other versions, I have to say. I hear everyone is nicer in Troilus and Criseyde.
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