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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Maybe you guys should just all pay more attention to dialectal variation.
  2. I think I remember that from physics GCSE...
  3. In addition, Randall Munroe of xkcd made the following chart to help people with perspective. And he linked to a slightly more scientific (but still simple) explanation here.
  4. I only wank to Guile's theme.
  5. Not really - it's basically secular along with being Shinto-Buddhist with pockets/bits of Christianity. But it's no more a religious country than, say, England is.
  6. I can't eat nuts much because my girlfriend is allergic to them, and I don't like them much anyway. Or dried fruit. But I had a free promotional code for this so I selected the few things I could eat. We shall see...
  7. Unreasonable I think, I agree with Ramar on this one. Anyway, I don't identify as a bloke, but I do like beer. The problem is that it's such a varied drink, and many people who dislike it have just got a bad impression of it based on all the shitty lager that is commonly sold. I like ales and and various belgian beers, and while I can drink Becks/Carlsberg/whatever, it's not like it's nice. There also exist beers that are so far from the prototype that they almost count as something else, including many lambic beers. If you ever have a chance to try Floris Honey, you really should, as it's sweet, delicious, and not remotely blokey. Of course if you don't like any of this stuff, then you just don't like beer, in which case fair enough. My favourite beers include: Delirium Nocturnum - strong, dark, and complex. Rochefort Trappistes 10 - even stronger, and generally amazing. Floris Honey - light, extremely sweet, refreshing and with a lovely rough mouthfeel. Black Dog - A really awesome dark English ale. Amazingly, sometimes sold in Wetherspoons. That's just off the top of my head. There are more ales I like but whose name I forget, as you tend to occasionally get them as guest ales in pubs.
  8. Dear God, look out the window!
  9. Assuming this is the positive thread: yay, I got nice marks on my first MPhil essays.
  10. I looked up this guy to see why he's not playable. And ReZ is friends with him, lol.
  11. I'll be watching this so long as it plays in my nearby arts cinema, which it probably will. Good points: Subbed not dubbed, looks like it sticks quite closely to the book, early reviews are positive. Bad points: It's not the most interesting Murakami to film, and I doubt it'll be as good as Tony Takitani which was pretty awesome. Also I think Midori is played by a model rather than experienced actor, and Naoko by the girl from Babel, who may or may not be a decent actor (apparently she is though).
  12. Cambridge = all these things in closer proximity than the average city, especially the slow-moving tourists and narrow roads. Still, I walk everywhere rather than cycle, which is the dominant form of transport here.
  13. Same here. Must have been here 7-8 years by now.
  14. To be fair, there are good ecological reasons for women to be more choosy and men to be more ardent, which massively affects things. And this isn't the wafty pseudo-sexist kind of explanation you get in evolutionary psychology, it's far too robust and cross-species for that. But of course that's not the same thing as how much sex you want at all.
  15. Yeah, on the one hand it seems reasonable, but if they're going to accept this, then they're being inconsistent if they don't also ban huge numbers of other variables used in calculting insurance. Which is kind of silly in the case of age and life insurance...
  16. This seems like a bit of a rubbish test. It focuses exclusively on MMORPGs, which I couldn't care less about, then asks the same transparent questions over and over. For what it's worth, I got explorer...
  17. You missed out Tier 1. Occupied by Germans and Russians?
  18. I have to say I didn't much like the book, although that may be in part because I was horribly spoiled, but it general I found everything a bit forced. I hear the film is terribly depressing, which probably means it's close to the original.
  19. I'm also of the cheating is fail opinion. Learning large amounts of meaningless things is actually fairly easy - you just have to attach meaning everything. Try a technique like the method of loci. That said, I'm very sceptical about the validity of exams as a method of assessment, especially academically. Although they seem to work pretty well for maths.
  20. I've never been particularly interested in watching sport, although I do sometimes watch snooker and Go (not really a sport ) on tv or wherever, but don't get particularly passionate about it. I enjoy actually doing some sports, although I'm more into non-team based things like climbing, sailing, and swimming. Although that may result from the fact that I have various leg problems so am not really supposed to run...
  21. You become a teenager when you realise you don't have any idea what you're doing, and you become an adult when you realise that nobody has any idea what they're doing.
  22. This is amazing, I watched it three times through before doing anything else. (I'm actually a dog person )
  23. The florists round the corner from me was selling single roses for £5! I don't understand how people actually buy them. I wrote my girlfriend a sonnet instead.
  24. Happy belated birthday!
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