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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Logically, the name should be the alethiometer, but that doesn't fit with the other two titles as it is only a noun and no adjective, so I suppose the golden compass was some kind of a compromise. Personally, I think that although Northern Lights is a good title, Aurora Borealis would be better.
  2. I didn't really get one, but my sister got a square of white material. We think it's a hanky, but there's no way of telling. I suppose it's another year of "thank you very much for the gift"...
  3. Hmph... their quality declined as the series progressed, ultimately reaching a level of simply mere excellence.
  4. Happy 100th birthday Shino. And the others...
  5. It probably doesn't look right on a TV screen. Edit: hehe, 1337 posts.
  6. Quite nicely done, but I'm not really a big fan of (presumably) Veronica Mars quotes. Plus the text is a tiny bit pixelated in places. 6/10
  7. Disgaea? It works pretty well I think- I like the border and the text at an angle. 9/10.
  8. Finally, at the last possible moment, and after my dad cutting himself with a saw, the tree is done:
  9. Haha... I didn't realise people were posting that. So, what anime related goods are people getting for Christmas? I'm getting a load of death note manga, but that's about it.
  10. I'm happy for you that he's come back... I suppose you can all concentrate on having a good Christmas now.
  11. Christmas is only an adaptation of a pagan midwinter festival anyway... that doesn't mean you can't celebrate it- it's about being with your family and giving people things.
  12. I don't know the price, but: So it's probably not that expensive, just rare...
  13. Well, I think that deserves a fresh/10, as always... :wink:
  14. I seriously need to get hold of some sort of spruce. Christmas is so bloody rushed this year, but I'll post pic(s) when it all comes together. Spruce get! I'll post it decorated later... provided my mum doesn't complain that its aroma is hurting her eyes like last year...
  15. I think I genuinely am both. I'm definitely an optimist in most circumstances, yet I nevertheless believe that most people our out for themselves and don't give a damn about anyone else. This doesn't mean that things will turn out badly... it just means that ultimately, people will choose themselves over other. Anyway, optimists live longer. There are definitely people who I am nice to, yet act horrible in return. I call these people wankers.
  16. Mr. Teatime in the Hogfather (the TV adaptation) reminded of Johnny Depp's performance of Willy Wonka... Which is not good, as Mr. Teatime is an evil assassin.
  17. Unless you're eating authentic wasabi, which is very rare and expensive, you're just eating modified horse raddish anyway.
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