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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Sounds interesting anyway. Apparently it's the first flagship Key game where there was no adult version... it's good that they're tending away from eroge, it give visual novels a bad reputation and is pretty pointless.
  2. I hope Mister Jister is still alive after that comment.
  3. Ah, birthdays at Legoland, those were the days. I think my friend had one of those, and then I copied him. Anyhoo, today was meh. Had a lecture, went round seeing various people about my ear infection and ended up with some antibiotics, did an essay, had an extra long supervision, then wrote up a practical.
  4. The 2006 Kanon is a remake, but it's generally considered to be way better. And I'd imagine the integration of 5 stories into one is done more effectively. Anyway, I haven't seen or read School Days, but at a guess I'd say Kanon isn't quite as heavy, but still pretty bad. I think the heaviest visual novel I've ever played is Planetarian... that made me burst into tears on two separate occasions. And I don't think any other work of fiction has ever caused me to cry... I've yet to speak to someone who's played it all in one go and hasn't cried.
  5. Dammit, I don't have the game with me to check. I remember where it was from - when you go to the rich part of Valua for the first time, just before Galcian chases you along the roof of the train.
  6. Hmm, mayhap I should watch it sometime... Other good shows based on visual novels are Kanon (the 2006 verson by Kyoani, not the 2002 version) and of course Higurashi no naku koro ni. Clannad is also based on a visual novel, but I have yet to see that. After seeing the first episode my friend described it as a cross between Haruhi and Kanon. Incidentally, Kyoani do all three shows.
  7. In RPGs: NPCs say utterly, utterly random things. For example, there is a woman in Skies of Arcadia who says "I have one teapot made of gold, and one made of silver." And a more general point related to jumping, especially in platformers. How the hell can people move around in the air while in the middle of a jump?
  8. Heh, "based on a visual novel" isn't always a phrase you should take lightly. :wink:
  9. Well then, you should be better equipped than most people who go there.
  10. The best advice is probably not to assume that anyone speaks English - get a phrasebook. Not that I've ever been to Japan... I'd like to go though.
  11. There are a couple of live action films, I'd say they're probably worth watching. The first film is much like the anime, whereas the second diverges a bit and has a completely different (and in my opinion, better) conclusion. Don't expect the acting to be good though. :wink:
  12. ...not if the human race is extinct.
  13. liek guyz, dis thred is srsly pointl3ss [pwnage] gg
  14. Did you think an American was Scottish, or did you think a Scot was American? Anyway... in the middle of doing an essay. Done all the research, all that remains is to actually write it. ...'tis a long day, but tomorrow'll be longer.
  15. I've had showers at 1am on multiple occasions before realising that I don't need to get up.
  16. I prefer Quentin Crisp's "If at first you don't succeed, then failure may be your style." And stop reminding me that I have nothing that'll run Portal!
  17. Well, my day started off pretty terribly, and got gradually better - my left ear filled with fluid that wasn't emptying, which started to press really hard on my ear drum, so I couldn't sleep. Eventaully (5am ish) it calmed down so I slept... until half noon, thank God for Sundays. Ears were all fine when I woke up, so I did some work, but probably not enough. Ah well.
  18. Hmm, I bought the first Tsukihime DVD on a whim, partly because on the pretty box to keep the series in that came with it. I've seen the first two episodes, and so far it's better than I'd heard. Still doesn't match up to the game though...
  19. ...hmm, I knew how to do that once upon a time. Something to do with simplifying it so that you're working out complex roots of unity I think.
  20. Beards are cool, therefore happy birthday.
  21. Pretty sure I've done both of those, I do the former all the time. And yes, the latter should be impossible.
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