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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Today: Revision of biochemistry and evolutionary genetics. Went to Wagamama briefly in the evening... Now I'm back to more revision.
  2. To be honest, I don't really like the idea of it... but I can see that that's hypocritical, irrational, and selfish, so I signed up a while back.
  3. I like wine, spirits, and Bailey's. I don't care what you say, Bailey's is awesome.
  4. Hmm, I could steal a lift from my homies in the Herts massive...
  5. Being back at university is most excellent.
  6. I remember showing it to my friend, who played through the opening and concluded "They've tried to come up with original first person controls, and have utterly failed." Actually, I think the controls are wonderful... but then I never did get along with dual analogue controls.
  7. And with royals, we can also look at the spreading of haemophila. (thought to have arisen from a chance mutation that made Queen Victoria a carrier) Note that this may well have nothing to do with inbreeding.
  8. I think we're all related however you look it. (unless you're think all people were brought into being or something) What's important is degree of relatedness.
  9. Animal rights activists are often full of hypocrisy without this - they sometimes deal with what they believe is mistreatment of animals by trying to kill people, and occasionally even by killing animals that are being tested on. Does this mean they think some animals are more important than others?
  10. I always assumed it was for health reasons... after all, that's why the taboo exists in the first place. However, many species seem to have no instincts protecting against incest, so maybe it's only a taboo that develops in more complex social structures. I'd class that as bad luck, even if it does have a genetic factor - after all, it would have been quite possible to have the same occur with unrelated parents.
  11. There is no reason for her to be any different to an average person, including in immune system.
  12. Basically, closely related individuals are likely to share the same faulty functioning genes, so in children these genes could pair up causing problems. (i.e. the progeny are likely to be homozygous for recessive maladaptive traits) There's quite a high change of this happening between siblings (or non-identical twins, which are simply siblings that are the same age as each other), but cousins (even first cousins) aren't nearly as closely related as siblings, so it's generally argued that marriages between cousins should be legal. This is, however, taboo in some cultures, most notably the US, so laws may reflect this. In the case of Egyptian kings, the royals only married other members of their family. This carried on for many generations, so any negative effects were greatly increased. The same sort of deficiencies would be observed today (given time) if people could only marry their cousins. There's an ethical point here. Siblings are not allowed to marry because the way their genes match up is likely to produce offspring that are disabled or similar. However, there are many legal couples who have genes that cause them only to produce disabled children. As far as I can see, the only difference between these relationships and similar relationships between siblings is social taboo... which may or may not be there for a reason.
  13. In Japan, marriage between first cousins is not only legal but commonplace.
  14. I dunno, I'm kind of deficient in C... Anyway, I went back to uni today, which is cool, because uni >>>>> home. A few things aren't so cool - I'm really tired, I have exams next week (so I have to revise), and I've been feeling a bit sick. Ah well, it's still overall good because I'm back.
  15. I know what you mean, they're all a bit samey. Apart from Planetarian, Key just seems to churn out the same games over and over again. Doesn't stop the anime adaptations being good though. :wink:
  16. The thing is, they've got to be dizygotic (fraternal), else they wouldn't be different genders, so they're only as alike as normal siblings. Cases of monozygotic (identical) twins are stranger... it of course requires the twins to be gay.
  17. I think it's happened with both men once before, and they're still together because there're no laws against that. (for obvious reasons) The cutting edge of narcissism indeed.
  18. The correct answer would be to write some random identities then put: "the rest is trivial."
  19. Go Had a good blitz game last night, but unfortunately the handicap was 4 or 5 stones wrong. Fun nevertheless. 7/10 :wink:
  20. It basically looked like the average thread on 4chan /b/.
  21. Rain is my favourite type of weather, the heavier the better.
  22. They split pure into C1 to C4 (core, for single maths), and FP1 to FP3. (further pure, for further maths) I think they also removed level 5 and 6 exams from the other subjects, so M and S only go up to 4. There're also a few standalone modules like DE (differential equations) and NM (numerical methods). ...unless they've changed it again since I did it.
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