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The Lillster

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Everything posted by The Lillster

  1. Happy Birthday Flameboy. *The Lillster wishes his birthday was in the Summer, instead of Winter.*
  2. What I'm doing to stop myself from completing the game to fast, is replaying levels I've already completed.
  3. Is it just me or does a flame come out of Yoshi's ass, when he eats one of those red pepper things?
  4. You need help mate.
  5. Just come out of a roughly 2 hour session with the game, of course it didn't seem like that long because I was enjoying the game so much. I recommend this game to anybody, you should at least give it a rental. The thing that makes the game so great, is that it's so different from all the other core games out there, not just different for the sake of it, but different in a good way. If I was to describe gaming as a three course meal, you would have your casual games as a starter, your serious games such as your Killzone's, Call of Duty's etc... as the main course and for a nice tasty dessert you'd have Super Mario Galaxy 2. I'm about 20 stars in and just about to start world 3, although I still need to complete some galaxies from the previous 2 worlds.
  6. I find it funny that Reggie calls himself the Regginator!
  7. I think the average game completion time is 20+ hours for 120 stars.
  8. I've played about 45 mins so far. I like it so far, but I need to give it a proper work out.
  9. No wonder Nintendo makes so many casual/anti core games if that's what happens. Hopefully the 3DS and Nintendo's next console have vastly superior security protocols.
  10. Fucking hell! A stuwii thread that hasn't been locked yet? Guinness World Records material right here!
  11. Box of Kleenex and plenty of lubrication is all I need for this years E3.
  12. Just thought I'd let you know, I've sent you a PM on the games design thing.
  13. Why didn't you buy the game after your GF leaves for Canada then?
  14. Prior to playing the game, did you spoil any of the game by watching videos etc...? Edit: Just got THE email from Tesco, saying my order has been despatched.
  15. I went with Tesco because it only cost £29.74
  16. Lego was my favourite thing as a kid. Thanks Danny.
  17. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a really nice day and year. I wish I was 19 again, I'm an old bastard now. What was that beer/lager advert, something like "...tastes so good the Danes want it back"? Well you remind me of that advert Danny Boy, dunno why?!?
  18. The Doctor tried to re-write time on the Waters of Mars episode and failed, so why does he keep trying?
  19. I still haven't had an email from Tesco. Hopefully Wednesday at the latest.
  20. So if this turns into something serious, not that it isn't already, does that mean WW3 or am I just being paranoid?
  21. I admit I did go OTT and I apologise, but I still think the game is incredibly average, but then again I'm not really fond of PS1 games.
  22. Crash Bandicoot has always been a pile of over-rated wank, even in the PS1 glory days. Sorry for offending anyone that likes the series, but I guarantee it's mostly nostalgia and a lack of playing good games back then. Watch out! Rick's about!
  23. Get some of the staff from EAD Tokyo to fill in. Most Rare games are rip-off's of most Nintendo games anyway.
  24. unfortunately no.
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