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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. haha i just rated ur avatar 8/10 for ur sig thuogh cause it matches ur avatar but is dull
  2. I'm just responding to this thread http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1385 since its been locked im just saying that the 15 character thing aint too bad i mean my previous forum i usta go to required at least 75 characters or it wouldnt even be counted as a post! that pissed me off so the 15 character thing is fine and if it bothers u just put spacs and then a period or smiley after 15 spaces:D that what i do:D
  3. that was pretty funny not hilarious but funny
  4. My most loved person is my gf caroline, and my most hated person is probably lol im not really sure
  5. HAHAHAHA thats hilarious but uhh yah thats not stupid ur dog is sending u a message "get a DS" lol
  6. The man in green link haha that was stupid but yah link
  7. k thanx yah i would be willing to pay up to $70 or 40 europe thingys
  8. yah thats what i have so it will work cool thanx i hope it will be a good party lol thanx again though
  9. well this question is very obvious but i dont know it cause ive never done it before... ok my party is coming up and im thinking of having a 4 way xbox party. so to connect all 4 i just need 4 Cat 5 cords and a router the router i have now (DI-624) has 4 plug in thingys so will that work for connecting the 4 xboxs? haha im such a tard but i really dont know lol thanx
  10. umm lol just a resized of the pic u provided
  11. this cheered me up today lol those are hella good and funny
  12. could somebody translate the prices for me i dont know conversions of money to well lol convert it to $ thanx
  13. nice one lol and for the other posts just the price of snacks for ur favorite place to go to eat
  14. How much does it cost u to just go to a restaurant and get a snack and a soda? it cost me around $6.50 for sum fries and a soda!! our prices here are pretty well pricey...
  15. in the original aoe i liked the uhh what were they called the Shang i think idk its been a while but if that is one of the civilizations thats the one i liked to use lol
  16. Im definatly getting it and since my b-day is right around the corner and it comes out October 18 so i will definatly get it oh i cant wait lol
  17. ive seen this sig all over lately and i like it so 9/10
  18. this is so cool i love watching the Rocky Movies I watched 1-5 all in one day once...
  19. yes it annoys the crap out of me since ive only had the hearphones for a few weeks
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