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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. I voted but i forgot what i voted for i know i voted for Resident Evil and GTA and the pac-man guy but the rest i forgot lol
  2. i want one please lol i dont have gmail haha so ill take one
  3. lol i know what you mean the first time i went through Palmacosta was like the last place i went on Sylvarant and I did like the dungeons backwards so it was real hard but the 2nd and 3rd and 4th... etc were a lot easier
  4. i actually havent turned on my gamecube for a while... but the last game i played was Resident Evil 4
  5. I voted for it to change...
  6. lol first person to vote siginifcantly better than the competition
  7. Happy Birthday Platty even though its a bit late lol
  8. OK well here is yet another thread of my questions about computers. lol but i got two questions this time lol. 1. How do you use Macromedia Flash Player? And if you have to install something where? 2. And 2 Can Some tell me just basic things about CD/DVD drives? Like the order of fastesness and the difference between dvd-rw and dvd+rw lol. A nice list would be nice for me to look at. Also I bought this one off ebay and i would just like to know if its fast or not http://cgi.ebay.com/Dell-Inspiron-6000-700m-9200-9300-8X-DVD-RW-DVD-Burner_W0QQitemZ6807347803QQcategoryZ64474QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem it works pretty good for me but i just want to know if its good or not
  9. the 100th vote baby wahoo lol but i voted gamecube
  10. The top one is about 6/10 nice use of colors etc. the bottom one is probably 8.5/10 i like the smoke it makes it look nice
  11. Happy Birthday! my birthdays in a little over a month so i hope this thread is still around lol
  12. Heres my new one i like it a lot better lol
  13. that is pretty dang crazy to be made out of paper
  14. If you had an old account on C-E you would say the first thread that you looked at there but if you are new and only have an account here you say the first thread you saw here. The very first thread i looked at on C-E was Tales of Symphonia Official Thread in the Gamecube Discussion
  15. hilarious cant wait to show my sony buddies haha nice one
  16. heres mine it looks very simple to all yours guys mini cooper's rock
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